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Böcker av Clement Ekundayo

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  • av Clement Ekundayo

    The word of God inside the Holy Bible is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. Therefore this book, fountain of prayer and word authority from the bible is out to empower the praying life of its readers.The book will contribute a lot when it comes to establishing prayer point from Genesis to Revelation.There will be manifestation of God's Glory thereafter in Jesus name.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the book of Golden Key to Happy Marriage and Duties of Christian Family is out to add value to the institution of Marriage. Couples would find it useful in the process of making their homes paradise on earth.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    God works in miraculous ways. He enabled the Israelites to cross the Red Sea on a dry ground. He pulled down the walls of Jericho without any bulldozer. Indeed, He is a God who makes way where there is no way. In the case of Africa's great evangelist and revivalist, Apostle Joseph Ayodele Babalola, the miraculous activity of God was clearly manifested. If Babalola had been a white missionary, the black people, nay, Africans would probably have regarded Holy Ghost power as exclusive preserve of the white men. Glory be unto God for bestowing on a proper black man extra- ordinary power of the Holy Spirit with which he was able to destroy the stronghold of devilish activities. BIRTH, EDUCATION AND WORKING CAREERJoseph Ayo Babalola was born Odo-Owa (Kwara State) on the 25th day of April 1904. His father was Late Pa David Rotimi, the first Baba Ijo (Lay President) of St. Peter's Anglican Church at Odo-Owa in the present day Kwara State. His mother was Madam Marta Talabi.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    FACTS TO KNOW ABOUT DREAMS 1. RECOGNISE THE FORCES BEHIND YOUR DREAM Recognise the forces behind your dream. Most good dreams emanate from God while bad dreams come from Satan and his kingdom of dark- ness. Any instruction from your dream which commands you to act against the word of God should be disregarded. It should rather been seen as satanic manipulation. 2. CORRECT DREAM INTERPRETATION IS A FUNCTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND WISDOM OF GOD Correct dream interpretation is a function of the Holy Spirit and wis- dom of God. God is God. God is no man. No man can replace God in giving out correct dream interpretation. Therefore, you must rely on the wisdom of God and Holy Spirit for such task. You can only receive a sketchy guide but you should note that same dreams may have same meaning or interpretation to people . 3. NEVER SUBJECT YOUR LIFE TO THE CONTROL OF DREAMS Never Subject your life to the control of dreams. Rather let the word of God controls your life. Embrace the Lord Jesus Christ. Be bold in the Lord. When you have any negative dreams emanating from demonic world, do not become panic. Rather have it in mind, that greater is He ( Jesus) that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world. (I John 4:4). Hence, see dream as a means of revelation and prayer.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    We should thank God for what he has done for us. You and I have access to spiritual weapons of war fare that are highly effective to assure our to- tal deliverance. We should make good use of them. Your enemy is at work to harm you, to destroy your progress. You must not fold your arms. You must rise up to face the challenges. The devil must be resisted. Such satanic agents must not be allowed to ruin your life. Resist the devil and he will flee away from you ( James 4:7) You must always be at alert. Never give the devil any foothold in your life. You need violent and aggressive prayer to free yourself from evil inheritance emanating from generational or genetic problem. You need to free yourself from household wickedness. These are en- emies inside your own family. Joseph's case is relevant here. His brothers sold him into slavery out of envy and jealousy. The scripture states; and a mans' foes shall be they of his household (Matt 10:36) You should be prepared to rebuild and reconstruct your faulty foundation. The Bible states if the foundations be destroyed what can the right- eous do? (Psalm 11:3) Deliverance from foundational bondage is needed for success and breakthrough in life. You need to destroy every satanic network of evil association and communication system. Pray aggressively and violently to dismantle every evil gathering obstacles and satellite against you. By the power in the blood of Jesus you have been empow- ered to cancel and nullify every satanic mark on you. Make good use of this divine opportunity.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    Power is the ability to get what you want. In today's ministry, the most reliable means of getting what you want is power from above. God the creator has empowered human beings created by Him to go and subdue the earth. The bible sheds light on numerous miracles recorded to prove the mightiness of Almighty God. Though other lesser powers emerged to compete with the supreme of God, as in the case of Egyptian dominion over the Israelites yet, the power of God proved to be the most effective. ORDER FROM ABOVEIn Luke 10:19, Jesus Christ decreed; Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.You have indeed be empowered to battle demons, diseases and other related problems. All you need is to walk in faith and act by faith. Embracing satanic power with a view to battling demons is definitely out of place. Serving God and mammon will be counter-productive In Mathew 18:18; Jesus declared: verily, I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven.The Lord Jesus Christ who gave this order is ready to back it to the glory of God the Father. You do not need the services of necromancers, Occultists, Soothsayers to effect the promises from the Saviour above.In Mark 16:17; Jesus decreed: And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues.It is only with the name of Jesus you can deal with demons. At his name every knee must bow. (Phil 2:10) Jesus power is superpower. Ministers, Jesus has given you authority and power with which to, operate in today's ministry. Ministers of God, operate absolutely in Faith. The promises in the Holy Bible are for you.(JEREMIAH 1:10)See I have this day set thee over the kingdoms to root out, and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.(ROMANS 9:33)As it is written, behold I lay in zion a stumblingstone and rock of offence and whoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.(11 COR: 10:4-5)For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

  • av Clement Ekundayo

    ABC OF ADULTERY AND FORNICATIONThe living God is against any form of adultery and fornication. He plainly warned against this in the Holy Bible."Thou shall not commit adultery." Exodus 20: 14The Bible expatiated further on this:"Moreover, thou shall not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife to defile thyself with her."Lev. 18:20God specifically decreed heavy punishment for anyone guilty of the above as recorded in Leviticus 20: 10. In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ confirmed the commandment as handed down by Godthe father."Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery." Matthew 5:27 The Holy Bible generally contain detailed analysis of what constitute the act of adultery and fornication - the breakdown of which is recorded in Leviticus 18:16-23.Furthermore, God the father made additional regulation in Deuteronomy 22:23-24.

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