av Dan Jurgens
1 661
"Originally published in single magazine form in Action Comics 703, Adventures of Superman 516, Anima 7, Batman 511, Batman: shadow of the bat 31, Catwoman 14, Damage 0, 6, Darkstars 24, Detective Comics 678, The Flash 0, 94, Green Arrow 90, Green Lantern 0, 55, Guy Gardner: warrior 24, Hawkman 13, Justice League America 92, Justice League International 68, Justice League Task Force 16, L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 70, Legionnaries 18, Legion of Super-heroes 61, Outsiders 11, The Ray 0, Robin 10, Showcase '94 8-10, Steel 8, Superboy 8, Superman 93, Superman: Man of Steel 0, 37, Superman: zero hour, Team Titans 24, Valor 23, Zero hour 4-0, Zero hour: crisis in time HC"--Indicia.