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Böcker av David Gomadza

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  • av David Gomadza

    Everyone is welcome. I answer all questions and criticism about Tomorrow's World Order and our vision for the world.Our

  • - Advanced Electromagnetic Waves Warfare
    av David Gomadza

    We are against wars that kill innocent women and children. Will do anything to bring perpetrators to justice.How to track and kill your enemies.

  • - Part 1 The Critical Decision-Making Process.
    av David Gomadza

    The brain assign numbers to everything inside the body and anything that interacts with the brain. This is how it uses these numbers to function fast and efficiently.Visit

  • - Through The First Global President Of The World
    av David Gomadza

    The creator's message to the world.Will you listen?Message To Isbrele from Yahwehabout the israel-hamas war.Thus says the lord.Why do you kill women and children for a piece of land even though I reckoned to your forefathers that Jerusalem will be yours but if someone has it why not bargain for a fair price?Am I not just and the reason why I told Ibrahim that Jerusalem will be yours is because I [those days] resided above the land.Would not the shadow of Yahweh protect his people?From 2040 to 2083 new electromagnetic forces will destroy all humans then I will start creation again and this time I will create only good people who listen to me.

  • - Moneyforsouls.received.uknown3
    av David Gomadza

    When people die they leave everything but the money so where do this money go?Where does money for souls go?

  • - An Imminent And Unavoidable Accident Nothing Tesla Could Have Done.
    av David Gomadza

    When the .trafficofficer Take the Law into His Hands And Caused A Tesla AccidentOn 27 February 202101.29 "You are now intoxicated according to .trafficofficer 08428642 from now act like one signed .trafficofficer 08428642 27/02/2021 01.30""P.S Who can read the brain?Anyone please help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help.Elon-Musk"Communication signout 27/02/2021 01.56"You may start looking for protection abroad if the cave man can help"" taking over from the intoxicated .trafficofficer 08428642 at 01.32 plus 4 minutes meaning system back at 01.36 until then bye."David GomadzaThe First Global President of the World

  • - Putting Things in Place to Prepare for The System Change
    av David Gomadza

    Putting Things in Place to Prepare for The System Change Issues to address.Stopping all Wars by May 2024Dealing with the aftermaths of wars; refugees, redevelopmentClimate Change put things in place to stop climate change.Dealing with the aftermath of climate disastersGlobal Reserve Bank each country must deposit US$ 1million for development.Putting things in place to increase technological advancement.Putting things in place to start the shift from reliance on wars as drivers of the economy.

  • - NGI's Programming Codes: how to create the interface
    av David Gomadza

    This is how you create the codes to build the Natural God Intelligence Interface welcome to brain programming and coding.All the codes in this book.Visit our website and try one

  • - Encyclopedia of Brain Reading.
    av David Gomadza

    A BRAIN READER & A BRAIN NERVE IMPULSE TRANSLATOR Brain and nerve impulse reading made easy. You will never find this information anywhere else on earth until now. We decoded the brain and God. This is proof as this will work for you. Simple mathematics and codes to talk to the brain. I am the First Global President for a reason. Visit www.twofuture.worldThe reading and translating revolving around Agitated, Start, Mediate and Stop. Intensity of Emotion + Sense = Impulse + action of a sense but in reverse orderArousal by Touch = 558= Touch by Arousal= 58 + 500= 558Arousal by Taste = 557= Taste by Arousal = 57 + 500= 557Arousal by Eating = 562 = Eating by Arousal = 62 +500 =562 SCORE = Add all brain strongest signals all red strongest agreement with 8 points. 75% is the acceptable mark.Task 1. Play this video a Digital Action Potential to Nerve Impulses Convertor. https: // This is about anything, and this video will convert your thoughts into action potentials and action.What you are thinking is turned into real action and body movements.Try this. Simply play the video then think about anything. Try a mixture of action-based thoughts to check if this works for you.You might what this MP3 as background music even muted. Task 2A Digital Thoughts to Words Convertor. Feel your thoughts as words in your mouth. https: // https: // Watch this video several times while thinking at the same time. You will need to play this other video as well at the same time as background. https: // If nothing works, then add this mp3 as well as background but must be muted. https: //

  • - When the Processing Power Is A Group Of Connected Brains Instead of Connected Computers.
    av David Gomadza

    Imagine using the brain as the processing unit? All you must do is to add peripherals, databases, Brain-Peripherals-Databases-Interface [BPDI] and use a store identifier identification system to identify and categorise everything a brain experiences in life and just use the natural brain visionary system to identify and answer as well as solve all problems. This is how God works. Do you know that God is a three person-in-one hence the Natural God Intelligence NGI.All we must do is to add peripherals.1. Store product identifier that uses a scanner and a digit identify system and links this to the vision and processing of a human brain. That means all the person has to do is look at an item and the brain identifies that and process it and send the message to the receiver that tells you the answer in seven forms; electromagnetic waves [ the language of the brain], body binary numbers system, vocals as acoustic or light, as vibrations, spoken language, brain language sequencing, and fMRI and EEG scans.2. A Smartphone.3. A computer.4. A decoder.5. A Scanner.etc.What databases are needed. A lot of databases that cover everything in the universe; - on earth, and all other planets? You must read this book to know all.Above all the databases are updated automatically by every person on the network. Everyone on the network will automatically add their thoughts to the database's information that is verified after a certain period if it's not already in the database. All new information is highlighted and marked for verification. After being verified the person who thought about this is accredited.There are trained models that receive information and create models to use now to predict future actions, events etc. These models use databases like DNA sequence to now just look at a person's eyes and calculate DNA to carry out future actions.A must read if you are serious about the future.Visit

  • - Tomorrow's World Order
    av David Gomadza

    Our updated Constitution Tomorrow's World Order 23 November 2023.Visit

  • - Celebrities' Book of DNA Sequence Codes That Stops The Ageing Process and Rejuvenates them to Youth.
    av David Gomadza

    DNA Sequences That Stop the Ageing Process Among the Rich and Powerful and Take Everyone Back To Their Youth.Imagine stopping the aging process completely and resetting the person's body to a certain time in the past when everything was great? Imagine not only stopping the aging process but making a person look and feel young again.All we need are two DNA codes.A DNA sequence code that stops the aging process.A DNA sequence code that acts like a reset switch to make people have the same body and metabolism as those they had when they were young.How do we get these DNA sequence codes?We must ask the brain to calculate the DNA sequence code to be used to stop the aging process.Secondly, we must go back in time and get a picture of that person at the highest time of his or her life, mainly in the early years and ask the brain to calculate the DNA sequence at that time. This will act as the reset switch date given as, Years old, months, days, and time in hours and seconds.

  • - How The Brain Interprets The Universe In Numbers.
    av David Gomadza

    The brain interprets the universe and everything in it in electromagnetic waves, numbers and vibrations. Here are the numbers of everything in the universe: Brain Codes.

  • - A Definitive Guide
    av David Gomadza

    This is how to decode DNA sequence and everything to do with genes and life.Look no further.Visit

  • - Volume II A Complete Step-by-Step Guide.
    av David Gomadza

    Decoding the brain for as little as $45 at home. Get your own DIY manual and kit for decoding brain thoughts.Changing the world you know today. Tomorrow's World OrderVisit

  • - Draw The Line Today.
    av David Gomadza

    381 more days to go before the Russia-Ukraine war comes to an end.We decoded the brain and know everyone's thoughts. Is there a war-script everyone is following event by event date by date?The truth will shock the hell out of you.A MUST READ.Visit also

  • - Explanations and Debunking the Misconceptions.
    av David Gomadza

    It is a challenge to decode thoughts and the inner voice. Hence the need for an equally challenging invention to match. As a lot of issues must be addressed. Does this book and the first book: Thoughts to Word or Audio effectively address the following obstacles to decoding thoughts.Misunderstanding of the human system.The complexity of the brain as a hindrance to the decoding of thoughts.The need to record both in space and time and the shortfalls of all current methods.The brain's ability to process 600 thoughts per minute and the inability of the current methods to address this.A lack of a holistic approach to decoding thoughts.Misunderstanding of the structure and mechanism of the brain.Other things, like emotions and other experiences, can't be explained by simply looking at brain activity and neurons activity. Explanations and debunking the misconceptions.

  • av David Gomadza

    A New Era. We can communicate through thoughts.Visit

  • av David Gomadza

    A new era. We can now communicate using our thoughts. Thinking is believing.

  • av David Gomadza

    Genesis.Brain Language Construction in Progress. Breakthrough in Decoding the Brain.The Only Way to Decode the Brain.Everything a human being experiences through the senses of touch, hearing. sight, smell, and taste is explained to the brain through vibrations. That means we can do reverse engineering to understand the message conveyed to the brain by all the senses.

  • av David Gomadza

    The breakthrough of the century. How to decode brain thoughts step by step. The definite guide. Processes and procedures.This is Volume III and must be read in conjunction with the following books.Volume I.Thoughts to Word or Audio. How to know exactly what someone is thinking.ISBN-13¿: ¿ 979-8703923498Volume II.Decoding Thoughts and Inner Voice: Explanations and Debunking the Misconceptions.ISBN-13¿: ¿ 979-8801455488

  • av David Gomadza

  • av David Gomadza

  • av David Gomadza

     We are sovereign in our own right as we are independent of any nation and do not belong to any nation, institution or cult, nor do we represent any nation. We have rights to write our own laws and print our own currency and can enforce our laws which are to be followed and adhered to by everyone. Laws that are universal and meant for all mankind and as such laws that MUST be acknowledged and observed by all mankind. We are a global phenomenon to lead mankind out of the defensive stages towards networking and cooperation as nature intended. We strongly believe that mankind has failed. The current system has crashed and now not fit for purpose and we are here to lead mankind out of the defensive stages simply because for the past seventy years global issues have worsened with global debt in excess of $244 trillion, with all recent financial crises, poverty, unemployment, climatic change, wars and political instability and all issues to do with inadequate global finances. We strongly believe that the current system has crashed and as such only a new system will ultimately solve today’s global problems hence the rise of Tomorrow’s World Order. We are here to guide mankind and act as overseer to lay the correct path for mankind to take in order to solve all current and future global problems. For the past 2000 years, mankind has been stuck in the defensive stages where defense plays a key role in whatever mankind does. Where $1.7 trillion is plowed yearly globally into defense, making weapons and relying on weapons and defense as the drivers of the economy. This has meant mankind opting for the cheaper ways of doing things yet the most destructive ones; killing innocent women and children in the process, making cheaper weapons and using these to get the most expensive resources he can’t afford. We strongly think this is not only barbaric but shows that mankind has failed to think out of the box. We as a people are operating below our potential. Mankind’s current system is very wasteful, with $trillion globally plowed into weapons manufacturing and the military at the expense of other areas. Humanity is changing nevertheless at a slow pace and everyone has now realized that we all ought to be networking and cooperating and working towards becoming friends for global peace’s sake. Yet mankind still manufactures weapons and invests heavily in the military when the world is moving toward global peace. Who are we going to use the weapons on especially when sworn enemies like the USA and North Korea are now in talking terms? We know the current system crashed years ago with the last financial crises, yet mankind has stuck to this system that is not fit for purpose. We have come up with a global solution to all global problems and our method will emancipate all nations and create wealth levels never witnessed before. Our system is the only answer to global problems, and we are going to take mankind to the next stage of development creating wealth never witnesses before.

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