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Böcker av David Green

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  • - A People's History
    av David Green

    The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) dominated life in England and France for well over a century. It became the defining feature of existence for generations. This sweeping book is the first to tell the human story of the longest military conflict in history. Historian David Green focuses on the ways the war affected different groups, among them knights, clerics, women, peasants, soldiers, peacemakers, and kings. He also explores how the long war altered governance in England and France and reshaped peoples' perceptions of themselves and of their national character. Using the events of the war as a narrative thread, Green illuminates the realities of battle and the conditions of those compelled to live in occupied territory; the roles played by clergy and their shifting loyalties to king and pope; and the influence of the war on developing notions of government, literacy, and education. Peopled with vivid and well-known characters-Henry V, Joan of Arc, Philippe the Good of Burgundy, Edward the Black Prince, John the Blind of Bohemia, and many others-as well as a host of ordinary individuals who were drawn into the struggle, this absorbing book reveals for the first time not only the Hundred Years War's impact on warfare, institutions, and nations, but also its true human cost.

  • - 6 books in 1-How to Use the Law of Attraction, Meditation, Visualization, Mindfulness, Hypnosis, And Chakra Secrets to Unleash Your Inner Power and Transform Your Life
    av David Green

    "The Manifesting Abundance Bible: How to Use the Law of Attraction, Meditation, Visualization, Mindfulness, Hypnosis, And Chakra Secrets to Unleash Your Inner Power and Transform Your Life" stands as a beacon of transformative knowledge, a culmination of six extraordinary books, each a treasure trove of wisdom. This masterwork is not merely a book; it is a life-altering journey into the realms of self-discovery and universal truths. Immerse yourself in the profound insights of Tim Reid, who unlocks the mysteries of the Law of Attraction and the power of creative visualization and self-hypnosis. His teachings transcend the ordinary, offering you the keys to manifesting wealth, love, and happiness. Reid's guidance illuminates the path to harnessing the right energy and attitude, essential for attracting the life you've always dreamed of. Venture further with David Green's sage advice on meditation and mindfulness. In a world bristling with chaos and noise, Green's words are a soothing balm, guiding you towards inner peace and heightened awareness. His approach to mindfulness meditation is not just a practice but a transformative experience, fostering a profound connection with the present moment and your inner self. Daniel Smith's exploration into the Law of Attraction and Chakra energies offers a revolutionary perspective on these ancient wisdoms. He demystifies why many struggle with these concepts, providing practical solutions to align your spiritual and energetic self. His teachings are a lighthouse for those navigating the often-stormy seas of spiritual growth. Landon T. Smith adds a dimension of reflective depth with "The Power of Reflection." His work encourages you to dive deep into your past, mining it for lessons and insights that shape a purposeful and intentional future. This introspective journey is crucial for anyone seeking to understand their life's journey and its impact on their future. "The Manifesting Abundance Bible" is a symphony of voices, each chapter a harmonious blend of expertise and wisdom. It is meticulously crafted for both the novice and the adept, serving as a comprehensive guide through the intricacies of spiritual and personal development. As you turn each page, you are not just reading; you are embarking on a transformational journey. This book is your guide to a life redefined by unbounded abundance, enriched by mindfulness, and enlightened by a profound understanding of the universe's energies. Embrace this journey, and unlock the doors to a life that is not only lived but cherished and celebrated.

  • av David Green

    "¿Vienes del trabajo, los niños de la escuela o la guardería, todos tienen hambre y ahora necesitas que sea rápido?Mientras que los fideos se cocinan rápidamente, la salsa suele tardar más. Actualmente hay más de 40 recetas que usan salsas caseras y se pueden servir en menos de 30 minutos.¡Solo la comida se mueve más rápido!Clásicos como los espaguetis a la carbonara, la boloñesa en espiral y el farfalle con pesto de albahaca, que se encuentran entre los diez mejores platos de pasta, son los favoritos de todos.Sin embargo, también ayudará agregar platos de pasta con influencias árabes, griegas o asiáticas a su repertorio.Las modificaciones creativas a las recetas brindan variedad y deleitan tanto a los amantes de la comida grandes como a los pequeños.Aproveche las recetas simples y rápidas de este libro y experimente la magia de la velocidad.Todas las recetas han sido probadas y descritas de tal manera que son fáciles de seguir".

  • - The Secrets To Raising Your Awareness, Spirituality And Inner Peace Through Mindfulness Meditation
    av David Green

    We live in a very chaotic society and all of us have experienced stress at one time or another. We focus our attention on such things as traveling to and from work, performing tasks that are related to our jobs, paying bills, meeting the obligations to our families, our significant others and the list goes on. We are so caught up that we rarely find the time to recharge our batteries because we are always on the go, always doing something, and the result of this chaos is, we never really get to experience the precious present moment. We take it for granted. We are not mindful of it.Our minds, our bodies and our souls yearn for inner peace because it is much needed in a world like this. To gain this inner peace we have to calm the mind first then we can properly manage and turn the daily chaos that we experience into order, a peaceful order. Meditation will help us to accomplish this. Meditation is a practice of helping the mind become more at ease, at rest, so that we can then work on clearing out the chaos.When you meditate however, you need to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that essentially involves focusing your mind on the present. So how do you exactly achieve this? In his book entitled Meditation and Mindfulness: The Secrets to Raising Your Awareness, Spirituality and Inner Peace Through Mindfulness Meditation author David Green shows you step by step how to achieve this level of meditation.

  • av David Green

    "Je komt van je werk, de kinderen van school of de kleuterschool, iedereen heeft honger en nu moet je er snel bij zijn?Terwijl de noedels snel koken, duurt de saus meestal langer. Er zijn momenteel meer dan 40 recepten die zelfgemaakte sauzen gebruiken en die in minder dan 30 minuten kunnen worden geserveerd.Alleen het eten beweegt sneller!Klassiekers als spaghetti carbonara, bolognese in een spiraal en farfalle met basilicumpesto, die tot de top tien van pastagerechten behoren, zijn favoriet bij iedereen.Het zal echter ook helpen om pastagerechten met Arabische, Griekse of Aziatische invloeden aan je repertoire toe te voegen.Creatieve aanpassingen aan recepten zorgen voor afwisseling en verrukken zowel grote als kleine fijnproevers.Profiteer van de eenvoudige, snelle recepten van dit boek en ervaar de magie van snelheid.Alle recepten zijn zo uitgeprobeerd en beschreven dat ze makkelijk te volgen zijn."

  • - The Story Of The Electronic Imagineers Who Designed Epcot
    av David Green

    Note: There is an updated 40th Anniversary Edition of this title available! On October 1, 1982, The Walt Disney Company opened its EPCOT Center to the world, heralding changes that would take the Disney property in Florida from a mere theme park to a world-class resort destination. Authors Steve Alcorn and David Green were there, as employees of Disney's WED Imagineering. "Building a Better Mouse" tells the tale of the "hundreds of mostly young, mostly bright and all embarrassingly idealistic people" who worked on Epcot, and gives a unique insider's perspective on what it was like to be in the trenches as a Disney Imagineer in the early 1980s, from pixie dusting - when new employees are indoctrinated into all things Disney - through the craziness of the engineering design process, right up until the last frantic dash to opening day. It is a breathtaking, breezy, E-ticket ride of a book, required reading for both hard-core Disneyphiles and people interested in the business side of themed entertainment.

  • - Book Two of the History of Fire Series
    av David Green

    The Great Reckoning is coming. . . The Seven Rings burn with discontent as the former glory of the Kingdom has been bled dry by the war with the North, the rise of the blackheart plague, and the fracturing of historic alliances. Yet, the newly crowned King, Amund Fireborne, attempts to lead his people into a brighter future by aligning with the Empire of the Sun. His scheming sister, Princess Freya Fireborne, continues to pull at puppet strings. Her constant plotting has put fear into King Amund's heart, but all she cares about is creating a safe future for her son, Rollo, at any cost. His beloved outcast brother, King Erland Fireborne, is leading a budding Kingdom that has risen from the ashes of the Borderlands. Despite rumors of a Northern invasion, his people's spirits remain high as King Erland devises ways to preserve his people's way of life. His prisoner turned friend, General Abrinith Baldr, has grown tired after years of waiting for King Amund's orders to allow him to search for his family. He is determined to leave the Seven Rings, even if that risks the king's wrath.And we are all just witnesses to the end.

  • av David Green

    "Vous venez du travail, les enfants de l'école ou de la maternelle, tout le monde a faim et maintenant vous en avez besoin pour être rapide ?Alors que les nouilles cuisent rapidement, la sauce prend généralement plus de temps. Il existe actuellement plus de 40 recettes qui utilisent des sauces maison et peuvent être servies en moins de 30 minutes.Seuls les aliments se déplacent plus rapidement !Les classiques comme les spaghettis carbonara, les bolognaises en spirale et les farfalle au pesto de basilic, qui figurent parmi les dix meilleurs plats de pâtes, sont les favoris de tous.Cependant, ajouter des plats de pâtes aux influences arabes, grecques ou asiatiques à votre répertoire vous aidera également.Les modifications créatives apportées aux recettes offrent de la variété et ravissent les grands et les petits gourmets.Profitez des recettes simples et rapides de ce livre et vivez la magie de la vitesse.Toutes les recettes ont été essayées et décrites de manière à être faciles à suivre."

  • av David Green

    From the minds that brought you the Gilded Blood and Hell In Haven series, comes a contemporary fantasy satire like no other...Chet Williams, a fantasy-writer extraordinaire in his own mind, has been rejected one too many times. For too long, his genius has gone unnoticed. But when Chet stumbles upon a secret that would shake the publishing world to its core, his ambitions are finally realized...for better or for worse.Come experience the greatest romance of all time: the love which self-absorbed author Chet Williams has for himself.

  • av David Green

    "Você vem do trabalho, as crianças da escola ou do jardim de infância, todo mundo está com fome e agora você precisa que seja rápido?Enquanto o macarrão cozinha rapidamente, o molho normalmente leva mais tempo. Atualmente, existem mais de 40 receitas que usam molhos caseiros e podem ser servidas em menos de 30 minutos.Apenas a comida se move mais rapidamente!Clássicos como espaguete à carbonara, bolonhesa em espiral e farfalle com pesto de manjericão, que estão entre os dez melhores pratos de massa, são os favoritos de todos.No entanto, adicionar pratos de massa com influências árabes, gregas ou asiáticas ao seu repertório também ajudará.Alterações criativas nas receitas oferecem variedade e encantam grandes e pequenos gourmets.Aproveite as receitas simples e rápidas deste livro e experimente a magia da velocidade.Todas as receitas foram experimentadas e descritas de tal forma que são fáceis de seguir."

  • - An In Depth Guide On How To Overcome Anxiety, Stress, And Depression In Your Life
    av David Green

    Everyone has stress in their lives. It comes in an endless amount of shapes and sizes but it is always there. However, it is our response to this stress that determines whether it is harmful or rewarding. If your response to stress is appropriate it can propel you into a "zone" and spur peak performance and well-being. If it is inappropriate and you experience stress overload it can be extremely harmful to you physically and mentally.In extreme cases, stress overload can lead to chronic illness such as anxiety or depression. So how do you get the benefits and avoid the harmful effects of stress? By identifying it and properly managing your response to it. In his book entitled Anxiety Management and Stress Relief author David Green provides an in depth guide on how to overcome anxiety, stress and depression in your life.'The following topics are covered in this book: - How to identify the sources of stress in your life- The symptoms of stress- The symptoms of anxiety- The symptoms of depression- How to identify the triggers in your life that cause episodes of anxiety, depression, or stress overload.- The difference between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms- How to build healthy coping mechanisms that fit your own unique situation- Extra tips and advice for managing your anxiety or depression- How your physical health is connected to your mental health- Foods and exercises that can decrease stress and minimize the symptoms of depression and anxiety- Information about other options available when managing your anxiety or depression alone becomes too difficultAnd Much Much More......

  • av David Green

    "Vieni dal lavoro, i bambini dalla scuola o dall'asilo, tutti hanno fame e ora hai bisogno che sia veloce?Mentre i noodles cuociono rapidamente, la salsa in genere richiede più tempo. Attualmente ci sono oltre 40 ricette che utilizzano salse fatte in casa e possono essere servite in meno di 30 minuti.Solo il cibo si muove più velocemente!I classici come gli spaghetti alla carbonara, la bolognese a spirale e le farfalle al pesto di basilico, che sono tra i primi dieci primi piatti, sono i preferiti da tutti.Tuttavia, sarà utile anche aggiungere al tuo repertorio piatti di pasta con influenze arabe, greche o asiatiche.Le modifiche creative alle ricette offrono varietà e deliziano i buongustai grandi e piccoli.Approfitta delle ricette semplici e veloci di questo libro e vivi la magia della velocità.Tutte le ricette sono state provate e descritte in modo tale da essere facili da seguire."

  • - How to Find and Develop Your Inner Psychic Abilities
    av David Green

    Everyone possesses some sort of psychic powers. Some people's psychic abilities are more pronounced and developed than others. Nonetheless, we all have psychic potential, but it is up to the individual to recognize and develop this immense innate ability. There are people who are already aware of some of their psychic abilities like for example ESP, clairvoyance, channeling as well as others and have tapped into these abilities and have fully embraced the concept of having psychic powers. On the other hand there are those who are not aware of the innate psychic abilities that they possess or are truly skeptical of the actual concept. One of the main reasons for this skepticism is that there are a lot of myths and misinformation floating out there in the world today on the subject of being "psychic".In his book entitled Psychic Powers: How to Find and Develop Your Inner Psychic Abilities author David Green addresses those myths and misinformation by giving you a clear understanding of what it truly means to be "psychic" and how to identify and develop the psychic abilities in you. You will learn about the common psychic abilities such as: -Aura reading-Clairvoyance-Divination-Extrasensory perception (ESP)-Mediumship (also known as channeling)-Precognition-Psychometry-RetrocognitionYou will also learn step by step how to develop your psychic abilities and how to use them to tap into the metaphysical world that's around us.

  • av David Green
    627 - 2 037

  • av David Green

    Presenting or public speaking is the number one fear of most people, with being buried alive coming a close second, but most people fear it, not because they cannot do it, but because they simply have not done it before, or, their image of themselves is not congruent with it.Public speaking is a skill just like any other, and it is far easier than learning to ride a bike, walk or speak your first words, so anyone can do it! With just a little practice, AND some useful tools and techniques, you can learn to speak like a pro within just a short period of time.Whether you are giving a wedding speech, presiding over your first meeting, presenting to your peers, delivering a sales pitch or presenting your first talk to a large audience, this book will give you everything that you will ever need to know to present like a pro, feel more comfortable about doing so, and impressing any audience, large or small.

  • av David Green
    251 - 401

  • av David Green

  • av David Green

  • av David Green

    Have you ever felt drained, tired, anxious or even angry for no apparent reason? Do you suffer from sudden and unexplained headaches, heart palpitations, nightmares or feelings of depression? You may have been the victim of psychic attack and never even realised it. And the symptoms could still be affecting you to this day.The human mind and body are affected by the many subtle and psychic frequencies that surround us. Our moods, feelings, and even our state of health are influenced by the ebb and flow of these energies, and our well-being depends upon our own ability to defend and protect ourselves from them. Psychic Self Defence provides a highly practical, common sense, everyday approach to all forms of psychic attack. This is the ultimate user manual for what the author has coined as "The Health and Safety of Spirituality", and it is a must for all spiritual, psychic and alternative workers, practitioners and spiritual seekers everywhere.

  • av David Green

  • av David Green

    Before David Green was Captured at the Imjin River, he had another life as a rogue gang-member.Born in a flour miller's cottage in Arle, Gloucestershire, 1931, he was the youngest of a family of seven children. He spent most of his time trying to impress his mates and show how tough he was. This toughness was going to be required in large quantities especially between 1939-1949.For his adventures would consequently see him spending time in a boys home and eventually in prison having to pay the consequences for his loyalty to the gang.This is a story of poverty, love, God-fearing parents, colourful characters from this picturesque area, lost opportunities, trouble at school, the war years with the yanks posted in and around the town and the impact of war on these kids, eventually becoming a member of a notorious gang, and his years as a soldier.This book will bring you not only to tears of laughter but also tears of sadness. A childhood filled with love, excitement, and dangerous adventure.

  • av David Green

  • av David Green, Lee C. Conley & H. L. Tinsley
    297 - 331

  • av David Green

  • av David Green

    If conventional leadership wisdom is to be believed, Hobby Lobby shouldn't work. So why does it?David Green, the founder of Hobby Lobby and an unlikely leader, grew his company from a $600 startup to a $8 billion company that gives 50 percent of its profits away to fund initiatives all over the world. He blazed his own path in business, drawn not from business gurus but from the pages of Scripture.In this inspirational book, David Green challenges talented leaders with hearts committed to Christ to consider this question: What if God wants to use you to do a new, even greater work? To raise up and encourage the next generation of leaders, David Green shares 12 unconventional principles that drive Hobby Lobby. These core principles can open doors to greater success in business and life.Whether you lead a business or a nonprofit, a small business or a multinational corporation, a start-up or a department, this book will show you how breaking the conventional "rules" of business may be the best decision you ever make.

  • av David Green, C M Saunders & Justin Boote

  • av David Green

    A Book About You enables readers to find their true self and mission in this world.

  • av Renee Miller, David Green & Lee Franklin

  • av David Green, Dona Fox & Charles R Bernard

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