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Böcker av David Reynoso

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  • av David Reynoso

    El enemigo siempre va a buscar la manera de utilizar sus maquinaciones, tratando de impedir que el propósito que Dios diseñó para nuestras vidas se cumpla. La confianza está en que, aunque satanás venga como río contra nosotros, no podrá impedir que la voluntad del Todopoderoso se cumpla en sus hijos. Dios nos dará las herramientas necesarias que, al usarlas, nos permitirán salir airosos y vencedores frente a sus ataques. Esto precisamente es lo que el Dr. David Reynoso intenta comunicarnos en su libro: Emociones Fuera de Control. En mi opinión personal, recomiendo que usted pueda leerlo y así recibir iluminación y revelación de la palabra de Dios por el Espíritu. Que, a través de este trabajo, logres encontrar respuestas a esos problemas que tienen que ver con la sanidad interior, los cuales producen traumas y heridas emocionales agudas. Una de las particulares del autor de este libro, es que toma como referencia bíblica la historia de la familia del Rey David, en donde uno de sus hijos no tuvo la madurez necesaria para detener un impulso emocional que lo llevó a violar a su propia hermana. Hecho que repercutió negativamente en todos los miembros de la misma. Incluyendo al Rey David. También, el autor nos advierte del "espíritu de Absalón" trayéndolo a colación como referencia bíblica. Él se enfoca en el cuidado que debemos tener ante una actitud de rebeldía y falta de identidad, por no saber controlar cierto grado de emoción, como lo evidenció Absalón. Sus actitudes mostraron un espíritu de soberbia y venganza causado por la ira y el resentimiento, hasta el punto de querer usurpar el trono de su propio Padre. Este libro inclusive nos da algunas pautas, de cómo podemos enfrentar las heridas emocionales que en determinado momento hemos vivido; sin importar cuáles sean, inclusive por el bullying (algo que ha estado muy de moda en estos últimos años).El Dr. David Reynoso, hace referencia a algunos elementos bíblicos que por causa de un mal manejo de las emociones causaron desgracia en familias enteras y en algunos personajes en particular. El autor contextualiza nuestros tiempos, haciendo una aplicación magistral como tema de actualidad. Vivimos en una sociedad donde se ve y escucha las tragedias que los medios de comunicación expresan. Referencias a masacres colectivas en las escuelas, resultado de una sociedad sucumbida en un mar de desorden emocional. Esos desórdenes se evidencian en la falta de amor en los hogares como resultado de la poca atención de los padres hacia los hijos o la ausencia de comunicación, etc.Este libro nos marca algunas pautas que pueden servir como herramientas para saber controlar nuestras emociones, sanar heridas que causaron desórdenes emocionales. Según el autor, debemos saber escoger nuestras amistades, reconocer el problema emocional que enfrentamos nosotros mismos, cultivar la paciencia, la sinceridad, la justicia, el espíritu de perdón, etc. He aquí un libro para este tiempo, que de seguro nos va a ayudar a utilizar herramientas en pro de evitar la ira, la cual puede traer secuelas negativas a nosotros mismos y en nuestro entorno social.

  • av David Reynoso

    Este libro representa, en cierto modo, la historia de veinticinco millones de personas en los Estados Unidos de América. Mi lucha, la depresión, es un libro que presenta de manera clara las explicaciones sobre la depresión. Tiene un doble enfoque: uno desde la ventana de la ciencia médica, y otro desde la ventana divina donde ilumina la Palabra de Dios. El Dr. David Reynoso ha venido ampliando sus ideas a través de los años y ha formado un libro que reúne a la vez teología bíblica clara y buena información de la salud mental. El autor escribe sobre la depresión que es el corazón del dolor emocional y espiritual de nuestro tiempo. Según los últimos reportes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), para el año 2020 la depresión se convertirá en la segunda causa de incapacidad. Hablando en términos económicos, el costo anual es multimillonario para el gobierno y seguros de salud. En mi experiencia ministerial, por lo que he podido investigar, nada es más difícil de combatir que la depresión. Para algunos llega súbitamente, en ocasiones sin previo aviso. Para otros va apareciendo poco a poco, sutilmente, a través de los meses. Para cuando nos damos cuenta, ya estamos en sus garras, nos roba la energía para pelear y nos nubla la mente para entenderla. Nos tira al piso antes que tengamos la oportunidad para defendernos. Este libro evita vocabulario confuso para que todos puedan entender lo que es la depresión y nos educa para saber cómo prevenirla y cómo tratarla. El autor, escribe lleno de compasión, gracia y compresión para todos los que están sufriendo directa o indirectamente la depresión. En pocas palabras, pero con sabiduría penetrante, el Dr. David Reynoso ha invadido un terreno altamente conflictivo: nuestro mundo interior y la necesidad de ordenarlo. Rev. Sergio B. La Rosa, M.Th.Director Centro de Investigación y Ciencias BíblicasJohn Boice

  • av David Reynoso

    The math challenge curriculum textbook series is designed to help students learn the fundamental mathematical concepts and practice their in-depth problem solving skills with selected exercise problems. Ideally, these textbooks are used together with Areteem Institute's corresponding courses, either taken as live classes or as self-paced classes. According to the experience levels of the students in mathematics, the following courses are offered: Fun Math Problem Solving for Elementary School (grades 3-5)Algebra Readiness (grade 5; preparing for middle school)Math Challenge I-A Series (grades 6-8; intro to problem solving)Math Challenge I-B Series (grades 6-8; intro to math contests e.g. AMC 8, ZIML Div M)Math Challenge I-C Series (grades 6-8; topics bridging middle and high schools)Math Challenge II-A Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 10)Math Challenge II-B Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 12)Math Challenge III Series (preparing for AIME, ZIML Varsity, or equivalent contests)Math Challenge IV Series (Math Olympiad level problem solving)These courses are designed and developed by educational experts and industry professionals to bring real world applications into the STEM education. These programs are ideal for students who wish to win in Math Competitions (AMC, AIME, USAMO, IMO, ARML, MathCounts, Math League, Math Olympiad, ZIML, etc.), Science Fairs (County Science Fairs, State Science Fairs, national programs like Intel Science and Engineering Fair, etc.) and Science Olympiad, or purely want to enrich their academic lives by taking more challenges and developing outstanding analytical, logical thinking and creative problem solving skills.In Math Challenge I-B, students expand middle school math skills to a deeper level with topics in beginning algebra, fundamental geometry, counting strategies, and basic number theory. The students not only learn practical skills of challenging problem solving that are supplemental to their school curricula, but also develop skills in creative thinking, logical reasoning, oral and written presentation, and team work. This course helps 6th to 8th graders to participate in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8, MathCounts, Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School (MOEMS), and Zoom International Math League (ZIML) Division M.The course is divided into four terms: Summer, covering Pre-Algebra and Word ProblemsFall, covering GeometryWinter, covering CombinatoricsSpring, covering Number TheoryThe book contains course materials for Math Challenge I-B: Pre-Algebra and Word Problems.We recommend that students take all four terms. Each of the individual terms is self-contained and does not depend on other terms, so they do not need to be taken in order, and students can take single terms if they want to focus on specific topics.Students can sign up for the course at https: // for both the live online and self-paced version.

  • av David Reynoso

    The math challenge curriculum textbook series is designed to help students learn the fundamental mathematical concepts and practice their in-depth problem solving skills with selected exercise problems. Ideally, these textbooks are used together with Areteem Institute's corresponding courses, either taken as live classes or as self-paced classes. According to the experience levels of the students in mathematics, the following courses are offered: Fun Math Problem Solving for Elementary School (grades 3-5)Algebra Readiness (grade 5; preparing for middle school)Math Challenge I-A Series (grades 6-8; intro to problem solving)Math Challenge I-B Series (grades 6-8; intro to math contests e.g. AMC 8, ZIML Div M)Math Challenge I-C Series (grades 6-8; topics bridging middle and high schools)Math Challenge II-A Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 10)Math Challenge II-B Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 12)Math Challenge III Series (preparing for AIME, ZIML Varsity, or equivalent contests)Math Challenge IV Series (Math Olympiad level problem solving)These courses are designed and developed by educational experts and industry professionals to bring real world applications into the STEM education. These programs are ideal for students who wish to win in Math Competitions (AMC, AIME, USAMO, IMO, ARML, MathCounts, Math League, Math Olympiad, ZIML, etc.), Science Fairs (County Science Fairs, State Science Fairs, national programs like Intel Science and Engineering Fair, etc.) and Science Olympiad, or purely want to enrich their academic lives by taking more challenges and developing outstanding analytical, logical thinking and creative problem solving skills.In Math Challenge I-B, students expand middle school math skills to a deeper level with topics in beginning algebra, fundamental geometry, counting strategies, and basic number theory. The students not only learn practical skills of challenging problem solving that are supplemental to their school curricula, but also develop skills in creative thinking, logical reasoning, oral and written presentation, and team work. This course helps 6th to 8th graders to participate in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8, MathCounts, Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School (MOEMS), and Zoom International Math League (ZIML) Division M.The course is divided into four terms: Summer, covering Pre-Algebra and Word ProblemsFall, covering GeometryWinter, covering CombinatoricsSpring, covering Number TheoryThe book contains course materials for Math Challenge I-B: Number Theory.We recommend that students take all four terms. Each of the individual terms is self-contained and does not depend on other terms, so they do not need to be taken in order, and students can take single terms if they want to focus on specific topics.Students can sign up for the live or self-paced course at https: // .

  • av David Reynoso

    The math challenge curriculum textbook series is designed to help students learn the fundamental mathematical concepts and practice their in-depth problem solving skills with selected exercise problems. Ideally, these textbooks are used together with Areteem Institute's corresponding courses, either taken as live classes or as self-paced classes. According to the experience levels of the students in mathematics, the following courses are offered: Fun Math Problem Solving for Elementary School (grades 3-5)Algebra Readiness (grade 5; preparing for middle school)Math Challenge I-A Series (grades 6-8; intro to problem solving)Math Challenge I-B Series (grades 6-8; intro to math contests e.g. AMC 8, ZIML Div M)Math Challenge I-C Series (grades 6-8; topics bridging middle and high schools)Math Challenge II-A Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 10)Math Challenge II-B Series (grades 9+ or younger students preparing for AMC 12)Math Challenge III Series (preparing for AIME, ZIML Varsity, or equivalent contests)Math Challenge IV Series (Math Olympiad level problem solving)These courses are designed and developed by educational experts and industry professionals to bring real world applications into the STEM education. These programs are ideal for students who wish to win in Math Competitions (AMC, AIME, USAMO, IMO, ARML, MathCounts, Math League, Math Olympiad, ZIML, etc.), Science Fairs (County Science Fairs, State Science Fairs, national programs like Intel Science and Engineering Fair, etc.) and Science Olympiad, or purely want to enrich their academic lives by taking more challenges and developing outstanding analytical, logical thinking and creative problem solving skills.In Math Challenge I-B, students expand middle school math skills to a deeper level with topics in beginning algebra, fundamental geometry, counting strategies, and basic number theory. The students not only learn practical skills of challenging problem solving that are supplemental to their school curricula, but also develop skills in creative thinking, logical reasoning, oral and written presentation, and team work. This course helps 6th to 8th graders to participate in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8, MathCounts, Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School (MOEMS), and Zoom International Math League (ZIML) Division M.The course is divided into four terms: Summer, covering Pre-Algebra and Word ProblemsFall, covering GeometryWinter, covering CombinatoricsSpring, covering Number TheoryThe book contains course materials for Math Challenge I-B: Counting and Probability.We recommend that students take all four terms. Each of the individual terms is self-contained and does not depend on other terms, so they do not need to be taken in order, and students can take single terms if they want to focus on specific topics.Students can sign up for the live or self-paced course at https: // .

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