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Böcker av Debbie Mirza

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  • - Recognizing the Traits and Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psychological Abuse
    av Debbie Mirza

    Do you feel confused and exhausted by a relationship, and you can't figure out why?Do you feel like you can't think straight, and the person in your life seems fine, so you wonder if maybe you are the problem?Has someone mentioned you might be with a narcissist, or you wonder yourself, and when you research narcissism, they don't seem to completely fit the description, although some of the traits do ring true?The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist is the most comprehensive and helpful book on the topic of covert narcissism. Also available in Spanish as El Nacisista Pasivo Agresivo. Find the answers you are looking for. This book delivers: A list of traits of the covert narcissist and how they look like in daily lifeThe differences between an overt and a covert narcissistA checklist to see if you are with a covert narcissistReal-life stories to illustrate what these traits look likeExplanations of different covert techniques narcissists use to control and manipulateA chapter dedicated to what sex looks like with a covert narcissistDescriptions of covertly narcissistic parents Information on what it looks like to have a covertly narcissistic boss or co-workerA chapter on healing to help give you tools and hope for a beautiful future, free of toxic relationships.You will see that you are not crazy, that your instincts are correct, and you will learn how to see through covert manipulation and control. The most common description a survivor of this type of relationship will use is crazy-making. The emotional abuse and gaslighting makes you question your own view of reality, and sometimes your own sanity. You will know after reading this book if the person you are with is a covert narcissist, and your experience with them will begin to make sense for the first time.When most people think of a narcissist, they think of someone who is grandiose, obviously self-absorbed, sees themself as superior to others, and throws fits of rage when they don't get their way. But what if the narcissist is one of the nicest people you've ever met? What if they are a great listener, seem to care about others, or are a pillar of the community? What if they are the mother that volunteers at the school, the husband that your friends wish they had, the boss that your co-workers feel so lucky to work for? Parents, spouses, partners, bosses, and friends who are covert narcissists come across as the nicest people. They can be spiritual leaders, therapists, moms who bring over casseroles to needy people, and bosses who everyone loves.A covert narcissist has the same traits of narcissism as the well-known overt type. The difference is when they control and manipulate, when they demean and devalue you, it is done in such a subtle way you don't notice it.This type of narcissism is one of the most damaging forms because the abuse is so hidden and so insidious. You can be in a relationship with a covert narcissist that can last for decades and not realize you are being psychologically and emotionally controlled, manipulated, and abused. There are no visible scars with this form of abuse, and you are usually the only one that experiences their destructive and psychologically debilitating behavior.Living with a covert narcissist drains your spirit and leaves you questioning your own reality. You have been lied to for years, and it is time to finally see the truth of what you have been through, who you really are, and how much you deserve love and happiness. 

  • av Debbie Mirza

    Healing after narcissistic abuse IS possible and this book shows you how. Debbie Mirza's first book in this series on narcissism, The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist explained the traits of a covert narcissist and what they look like in real life. In Worthy of Love, the highly anticipated follow-up book, she focuses on how to recover after you realize you have been with a narcissist. How to heal, how to be free, and how to find peace.The effects of narcissistic abuse are deep and profound. Narcissistic Abuse affects you mentally, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Life-force energy diminishes over time. After so much gaslighting, you lose a clear sense of who you are. Self-esteem and self-worth feel nonexistent because of ongoing devaluing and demeaning behavior. Many survivors have health issues, often chronic conditions that affect them for years after the relationship has ended and it is common to have many symptoms of Complex PTSD. These relationships can bring us to depths of despair, wondering if it is even possible to heal. In this book you will learn:The three phases of healing after narcissistic abuseThe author's story of healing after experiencing several narcissistsElements needed to healHow to trust yourselfHow to have healthy boundariesHow to safeguard yourself from any future relationships with narcissists and toxic peopleWays to strengthen the relationship you have with yourselfWhy narcissists abuseSome reasons we end up with narcissistsHow to deal with smear campaigns and flying monkeysSigns of Complex PTSDWays to regulate your nervous system after years of traumaSimple, yet powerful techniques to heal that you can begin todayPractices of self-care and self-loveHow to rewrite false messages you received about yourselfAnd so much more plus space to journal and answer questions that will help give you clarity, after all the confusion.You will learn information, tools, and practices that will help your body and mind feel more relief, freedom, inner strength, and confidence. And finally, this book will explain why this important and courageous healing path you are on is your hero's journey.

  • av Debbie Mirza

    El narcisista pasivo-agresivo encubierto: reconociendo las características y encontrando sanación después del abuso emocional y psicológico oculto, es el libro más completo y útil sobre el tema del narcisismo encubierto. Este tipo de narcisismo es uno de los más dañinos ya que es insidioso y difícil de detectar. Puede que hayas tenido una relación con uno de éstos durante décadas y no darte cuenta de que te han controlado, manipulado y abusado psicológica y emocionalmente. Estas personas son a menudo muy apreciadas, desempeñándose como pilares de su comunidad. Los padres, cónyuges, jefes y amigos que son narcisistas encubiertos aparentan ser personas sumamente agradables. Desde líderes espirituales, hasta madres llevando cazuelas a personas necesitadas, estos individuos son con frecuencia apreciados por amigos y aquellos que trabajan con o para ellos. Así mismo, las relaciones con este tipo de personas son extremadamente confusas y dañinas. Te dejan cuestionándote tu propia cordura así como tu sentido de la realidad. A pesar de que te pueden estar tratando inaceptablemente, te preguntas si eres tú el problema, si eres tú el único a quien culpar. Te encuentras constantemente dudando de estas personas en tu vida. Cuando estás cerca de ellos te sientes confundido y descentrado. Te da dificultad discernir lo que te está ocurriendo con claridad. Estas relaciones pueden llevarte a un estado de profunda depresión y al agotamiento total de tu energía. Quizás te preguntes si alguna vez verás las cosas de manera clara y si podrás recuperarte de estas relaciones destructivas y debilitantes. Este libro te dará la esperanza de que sí puedes sanar y sentirte vivo de nuevo, o quién sabe si por primera vez. Aprenderás cuáles son las características de un narcisista encubierto y cómo éstos te controlan y manipulan. Tus ojos se abrirán y tu experiencia con este tipo de persona será validada. También aprenderás formas de sanar y, de hecho, disfrutar de la vida nuevamente. Debbie Mirza utiliza décadas de su propia experiencia con narcisistas encubiertos, así como sus años de práctica como coach de vida para dedicarse a guiar a estas personas hacia la recuperación de este tipo de relaciones.

  • av Debbie Mirza

    This companion workbook is a study guide that is meant to accompany Debbie Mirza's book, The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation. It includes twenty-one self-love exercises discussed in The Safest Place Possible.>To fully understand the exercises and get the most out of this guide, it is recommended that people read The Safest Place Possible first, or along with this study guide. This workbook gives you an opportunity to implement the exercises and have a place to journal about your experiences.

  • av Debbie Mirza

    If you feel like you have lost yourself in an unhealthy or traumatic relationship and want to find your way back to who you really are, if you have had the rug pulled out from under you, if you are experiencing anxiety and fear, if you are unsure of your future, this is the book for you.The Safest Place Possible is a journey of self-love and healing. This book is both a memoir as well as an incredibly helpful guide to healing through transforming the relationship you have with yourself.The author takes you through her own vulnerable journey of healing and restoration.We hear a lot about self-love, but what does it actually look like in real life? The author gives 21 practical exercises to use that will radically change your life. The relationship we have with ourselves influences everything. It affects who we choose as partners, how we parent, how we are in our work, and how much we enjoy this life. This book will gently guide you to a new way of being with yourself that will transform areas in your life in ways you may not be able imagine or dream of right now. You will feel loved and held as you make your way back to who you were meant to be in this world."I've read a lot of books on how to live a life of joy and peace, but this book surprised me. It is not a "how to be happy in 5 easy steps" manual. It is about how to come back to peace again and again in the middle of a REAL life. The author lets us into her own life in such a vulnerable way while filling each chapter with such depth. It truly felt like I was being given secret life lessons from a wise friend ahead of me in the journey." - Amazon Review"This book is a beautiful gift -- the author's stories WILL change you from the inside out. When I began reading, I was so struck by the kindness and the love in the author's words, like she was in the room with me, talking to me with such love. You will, too. This book will give you guidance and permission to be more loving and compassionate with yourself - to honor your emotions and to trust yourself deeply. The Safest Place Possible is an important book for our times - a time when love, compassion and greater self-awareness will help us heal individually and collectively." - Amazon Review

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