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Böcker av Edmund Li Sheng

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  • av Edmund Li Sheng
    1 451

    This book explores China's ambition to build itself into a maritime power. Despite having a continental coastline of 18,000 kilometers and territorial waters that cover an area one-third the size of its land mass, China has traditionally been considered a continental power. However, Beijing is currently trying to change this historical situation through two national strategies. This book will use the world-island and sea-power theories to explore the development of Chinäs maritime power from historical and geopolitical perspectives. Using fieldwork, in-depth interviews, and comprehensive data collection, this book will present a series of compelling examples and vivid stories to help readers understand Chinäs maritime strategies, with interest for China scholars, historians and economists alike.

  • av Edmund Li Sheng
    1 327

    The proposed book presents the cutting-edge research on the urban development of three cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. By comparing their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from an international political economic perspective, this book examines the commonalities and differences in urban governance in these three widely recognized and well-developed Asian cities with outward-oriented economies through the lens of world-systems theory and related theories of historicism. These cities are all generally considered to be under authoritarian regimes, but there are substantial differences in their social systems, rules of law and justice, and administrative structures. In the context of globalization, the cities are competing on a more even playing field. In addition, city governments worldwide are increasingly pursuing growth, land markets, urban regeneration, and large-scale public projects. With the advent of globalization, urban development is gradually changing from the past crude model of spatial expansion and land finance to a more refined model of socioeconomic development driven by industrial upgrading and enhanced consumption. However, cities¿ political and economic contexts and governance systems vary greatly. Unsurprisingly, given their differences, the three cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore demonstrated varied responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This book discusses the efforts of these governments to address and reduce the spread of COVID-19 as well as how national responses to the pandemic outbreak were influenced by global dynamics, geopolitics, and each nation¿s particular historical context.

  • av Edmund Li Sheng
    1 201

    This book focuses on the triangular relations between China, the United States and the European Union from the perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) via the methodology of international political economy. China, the US and the EU are the three most important players in international politics and the global economy, and their relations are accordingly among the most influential in the global arena. This book will argue that the interactions between China, the US and the EU are highly dynamic given their close connections in trade, finance and many other economic fields. In the context of US¿China competition, the decisions of the EU, which has sought to remain independent in its foreign policy for decades, crucially shape the landscape of international politics, and lucidly articulates how international relations look from China to scholars of geopolitics.

  • av Edmund Li Sheng
    1 451

    In this book, Eurasia will be discussed in the context of the Greater Eurasian Partnership proposed by Russia, the ¿eastward¿ transformations spurred by Neo-Eurasianism and the Greater Eurasian Partnership, and cooperation with China through the BRI, while related countries of Atlanticism was used to described the U.S., Europe, and their allies. The Greater Eurasian Partnership proposed by Russia is an initiative with specific diplomatic considerations, economic development strategies, and geopolitical implications. The initiative represents an attempt by Russia to shift foreign policy thinking, which has traditionally focused on alignment with the U.S. and the West. The Greater Eurasian Partnership contains both short-term strategies to cope with Western pressure and long-term strategic goals for building a new international and regional order. What this portends for the future of Sino-Russian relations is of interest to geopoliticians, economists and journalists.

  • av Edmund Li Sheng

    Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Beteiligung und Interaktion der drei Großmächte - China, Russland und die Vereinigten Staaten - in arktischen Angelegenheiten aus der Perspektive der internationalen Beziehungen. Der globale Klimawandel ist zu einem gemeinsamen Problem für die gesamte Menschheit geworden. Eines seiner Schlüsselelemente ist die Erwärmung der Arktis, die sich auf alle Dimensionen der Natur und der Menschheit weltweit auswirkt. Der Klimawandel in der Arktis wird direkte Auswirkungen auf natürliche Ökosysteme, Küstengebiete, Wälder, Wasserressourcen, landwirtschaftliche Produktion, Viehzucht, Tourismus und andere wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in verschiedenen Ländern rund um den Globus haben. Für die nordostasiatische Region stellt die Öffnung der Arktispassage durch das schmelzende Meereis jedoch eine Chance dar. Das derzeitige internationale Rechtssystem für die Verwaltung der Arktis ist unzureichend, um die Herausforderungen der globalen Erwärmung zu bewältigen. Dieses Buch wird für Wissenschaftler von Interesse sein, die die künftige Entwicklung der Arktis und die Rolle Chinas als Neuankömmling in arktischen Angelegenheiten verfolgen.

  • av Edmund Li Sheng

    This book focuses on the participation and interaction of the three great powers¿i.e., China, Russia, and the United States¿in Arctic affairs from an international relations perspective. Global climate change has become a shared problem for all mankind. One of its key elements is the warming of the Arctic, which is affecting every dimension of nature and humanity globally. Climate change in the Arctic will directly affect natural ecosystems, coastal areas, forests, water resources, agricultural production, animal husbandry, tourism, and other economic activities in various countries around the globe. For the Northeast Asian region, however, the opening of the Arctic Passage by melting sea ice presents an opportunity. The current international legal regime for governance in the Arctic is insufficient to cope with the challenges of global warming. This book will be of interest to scholars following the future development of the Arctic and the role of China as a newcomer to Arctic affairs.

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