av Elizabeth Simpson
As the world faces the conundrum of simultaneous hunger and food waste, pandemics, climate change, depletion of natural resources, species extinction, water, soil, and air pollution, and chronic illnesses, we see that individuals can make an enormous difference by the way they live, eat, and treat the world around them. Eating local and seasonally-produced food is probably the most important step because it is a step all of us can take.Launched at Transition Lopez Island's recent virtual conference, "Continuing the Journey," the book is available in print at the Lopez Bookshop, Sunnyfield Farmstand, the Lopez Library, and Blossom Grocery. In Eastsound, it can be found at Darvill's Bookstore and the Orcas Food Co-op, in Friday Harbor at Griffin Bay Books, and in Bellingham at Village Books in Fairhaven. It can also be ordered online at transi8onlopezisland.org. Out of their commitment to a sustainable future, the authors are offering free downloadable copies (also found on the website). Accompanying instructional videos based on recipes from the book are available on YouTube. Visit transitionlopezisland.org for a list of local retailers or to order the book directly online. Out of their commitment to a sustainable future, the authors are also offering free downloadable copies on the same website. Accompanying instructional videos based on recipes from the book are available on YouTube.