av Elsevier
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Ensure your skills are at their clinical best! Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 8th Edition covers the broad spectrum of laboratory procedures that veterinary technicians need to perform effectively in the practice setting. Comprehensive content presents the fundamentals of microbiology, hematology, urinalysis, immunology, and cytology, along with the laboratory procedures used to perform the most widely used tests, such as complete blood count, urinalysis, and immunologic assays. This thoroughly updated edition includes step-by-step procedure guidelines, along with the latest advances in veterinary clinical procedures to prepare you for real-life laboratory work. NEW! Content addresses fear-free handling specimen collection methods. UPDATED! Comprehensive coverage reflects the latest advances in veterinary clinical laboratory procedures for improved patient service and higher practice revenue. UPDATED! Content outlines what is needed to successfully perform a broad spectrum of laboratory tests, including complete blood count, urinalysis, and immunologic assays. Atlas style appendices contain hundreds of images to enhance laboratory exercises and provide an excellent resource as you move into clinical practice. Vet Tech Threads pedagogical aids include introductions, suggested readings, boxed Technician Notes, learning objectives, chapter outlines, key terms, and a glossary to help you grasp key concepts and navigate through the chapters for more focused learning. Comprehensive coverage provides you with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of microbiology, hematology, urinalysis, immunology, and cytology, along with the laboratory procedures used to perform related tests. Step-by-step procedure boxes throughout the book present the skills that veterinary technician students must perform during their educational program, as well as procedures that are commonly performed by vet techs in the private practice, in an easy-to-access format.