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Böcker av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

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  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

    In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in scientific and technological sectors. This has resulted in a significant rise in the standard of living. However, these advances are not strongly correlated with human happiness. The standard of life has yet to take an upward direction. As the basic gap between the standard of living and standard of life seems to spring from the problems of human relationships. However, human relationship has been complicated owing to an inadequate understanding of individuals own behaviours as well as behaivours of others. Fortunately, psychologists, neurophysiologists and behaviour scientists have carried out extensive research to explore the frontiers of the human mind and behaviour. Yet a schism exists between scientific knowledge and peoples acquisition. The present book is an attempt to bring together some essential facts regarding human mind and present them in a style commensurate with people's needs. As a teacher and researcher, I have been prompted to take the academic stuffs out of the classroom and discussion forums and make them an essential part of our healthy living. Of course, it is not possible to achieve this objective within the scope of a single book. I have tried to focus on some representative areas of science. Hopefully the interest of readers will stimulate me further for projects of similar nature.

  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

    Counselling is an ever-expanding universe. Since we live in a world characterized as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA World), pressures are building on our multi-faceted roles. The need for counselling is experienced for parents, teachers, administrators, and service-providers. A prominent sector of counselling service is the organizational context. With an increasing influx of women into our work force, the employees' population presents a formidable challenge. The multi-dimensionality of problems and multi-cultural context of working population the scenarios become further complicated. Fortunately, the growth of knowledge and multiplication of techniques has offered immense possibilities. The advance of neuroscience has added insights to our remediation process. Counselling principles customized to employees' needs constitute a valuable tool box in our immediate surroundings. With the hope of helping management students, I have attempted the introductory text. However, general readers would also have the benefit of understanding their roles as informal counsellors.

  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

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  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

    Neuroscience has become a buzz-word in contempory lives. The neuroscience research came in a big way when Roger Sperry received Noble Prize for his split-brain research. Since mid-eighties, Neuroscience has expanded new possibilities, highlighted unexplored areas of knowledge and has provided connectivity amongst many fields. New topics have been identified, novel concerns have been expressed and many solutions have been generated. In the context of leadership research, this New Look Approach has opened new frontiers of knowledge. A number of issues in leadership that remained unexplainable in the past are now examined through neuroscientific lenses. The initial explorations have generated optimistic outcomes. Since neuroscientific investigation is relatively a new entry into our leadership arena, the furthering of such efforts is likely to yield promising dividends.

  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo, Satyabrata Tripathy & Kalpana Sahoo

  • av Fakir Mohan Sahoo

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