av Francis Barrett
A complete system of occult philosophy, consisting of natural, celestial, cabalistic, and ceremonial magic; invocations; conjurations of spirits.The conjuration of the evil spirits of the astral plane means practically a full realization of "Faust and the Demon." There are many strange things set forth in the following pages, almost too strange to believe, yet because one is ignorant of their existence, it does not follow that they are not real, as the sad records of Sorcery and Witchcraft, of Voodooism and Black Magic abundantly testify. Man does not know himself, therefore he does not understand the things of the inner world. Each man has the essence of the Divine within himself ; he possesses one kind of knowledge as much as another, and he who does not find that which is in him, cannot truly say he does not possess it, only he was not capable of successfully seeking for it. Therefore, in seeking, always bear in mind - true growth rests in the capacity of the human mind and the human will to comprehend spiritual truths, and not by basing its conclusions upon external appearances caused by the illusion of the senses, or of selfish purposes. The reader and student should always bear in mind that in trying to demonstrate these things for himself, he is working with unseen and powerful agents, which, if he is not equally powerful- pure and high minded, loving his fellow men, and seeking to benefit mankind, rather than seeking or desiring powers and benefits for himself, he had much better be dead than to try any of these things for the gratification of his personal nature; for in seeking to harm another - curses like chickens soon come home to roost, with a much greater force than the original impulse.This is a professional reproduction of a book published in 1896.