av Frede Abreu
This special volume of the Encontros collection brings together for the first time the main interviews with the great capoeira masters of Brazil. More than an essential document for the understanding of Brazil's cultural richness, this book is a demonstration that the masters not only played and taught capoeira, but reflected on this art that for them is, among many things, a philosophy of life. Mestres: João Mina, Pastinha, Bimba, Canjiquinha, Waldermar, Sena, Arthur Emídio, João Pequeno, João Grande, Curió, Decânio, Jelon Vieira, Acordeon, Itapoan, Nenel, Camisa, Nestor Capoeira, Suassuna, Russo, Moraes, José Carlos, Cobra Mansa, Angolinha, Janja, Roberto Freire e Leopoldina.