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Böcker av Gabrielle Roy

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  • av Gabrielle Roy

    Une jolie rencontre entre une petite fille et un vieux monsieur qui passe une journée ensemble au bord d'un grand lac dans l'Ouest canadien. Christine habitait une petite ville sous les ciels infinis du Manitoba où le temps s'écoulait le plus lentement du monde dans la grande chaleur de l'été. Elle explorait ses rues en patins à roulettes ou en échasses, pour aller plus vite ou voir plus loin. Un matin, sous les feuilles d'un petit érable, elle découvrit un vieil homme, monsieur Saint-Hilaire, qui l'invita à passer toute une journée au bord du lac Winnipeg. Un album universel tout en poésie qui porte sur l'enfance, l'amitié et l'attirance pour les grands espaces. L'album musical comprend la narration du conte et 13 chansons. En plus du disque, un code unique pour le téléchargement des enregistrements est inclus. Christine lives in a small windswept prairie city where time moves slowly. One morning, in the middle of a hot, dry summer, she makes the acquaintance of an elderly neighbour who only lives a few streets over from her. The two become close friends and before you know it, the old man and the little girl hatch a plan together, a visit by train to a great inland ocean called Lake Winnipeg, which the little girl has never seen, and the old man yearns for. An endearing story in French about friendship that conveys the passage of time and the mystery of change. The illustrated picture book is accompanied by recordings of the narrated story and 13 songs. A unique code for the digital download of the recordings and a printable file of the illustrated story is also included.

  • av Gabrielle Roy

    Set against the austere landscape of northern Labrador, Windflower is the poignant story of Elsa Kumachuk, a young Inuit woman torn between two worlds by the birth of her blond-haired, blue-eyed son. Unacknowledged by his father, an American GI, the child is welcomed into the Inuit community with astonishment and delight. Elsa, however, must come to terms with the conflicting values implied by her son's dual heritage.Gabrielle Roy's last novel, Windflower is both a moving account of one woman's tragic dilemma and a sensitive portrait of a society in transition.

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