av Gene Klann
The Iconic Warrior is a series of fast moving and informative historical fiction novels describing the combat experiences and exploits of protagonist Jean-Paul DeBert. From his youth Jean-Paul, or J.P. as he is also known, dreamt about becoming a great battlefield warrior. His passage from raw civilian recruit to battle hardened veteran began with his 1898 acceptance into the U.S. Army's First Volunteer Cavalry, aka Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders. The third book of the series, Learning the Soldier's Craft covers J.P.'s time while assigned to Fort Snelling, Minnesota and his training, deployments, and various adventures while continuing on his journey as an iconic warrior. Subsequent books in the series depict Jean-Paul's service in the Philippine Insurrection, the Boxer Rebellion, the last major battle between the U. S. Army and the American Indians at Leech Lake/Sugar Point, Minnesota, and World War I. The entire series faithfully follows the actual sequence of the wars, campaigns, and battles described. The books are not historically revised or rewritten based on the trends of the current culture. Consequently, they are not teleological presentism which looks at the past through the lens of current moral, social, or political judgments. The objective of the series is to promote and enhance professionalism in the military. Reading these Iconic Warrior books will educate the reader in military history, foster a grander vision of the way of the warrior, and increase personal combat readiness. They also promote the idea that how an army fights is based on the influence of its past military victories and successes. The books are designed to improve the readers' ability to think critically, motivate them to apply what they read, and broaden their perspective about life, relationships, and the craft of soldiering.