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Böcker av Georg Lukacs

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  • av Georg Lukacs
    280 - 450,-

    History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics (German: Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein: Studien über marxistische Dialektik) is a 1923 book by the Hungarian philosopher György Lukács, in which Lukács re-emphasizes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's influence on Karl Marx, analyses the concept of class consciousness, and attempts a philosophical justification of Bolshevism. History and Class Consciousness, which helped to create Western Marxism, is the book for which Lukács is best known, and some of his pronouncements have become famous. Nevertheless, History and Class Consciousness was condemned in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and Lukács later repudiated its ideas, and came to believe that in it he had confused Hegel's concept of alienation with that of Marx. It has been suggested that the concept of reification as employed in Martin Heidegger's Being and Time (1927) shows the strong influence of History and Class Consciousness, though such a relationship remains disputed. (

  • av Georg Lukacs

    "Remarques sur la théorie de l'histoire littéraire" de Georg Lukács, traduit par Georges Kassai, offre une analyse critique des approches de l'histoire littéraire. Lukács, philosophe et critique littéraire hongrois, propose des réflexions approfondies sur la manière dont l'histoire littéraire doit être comprise et interprétée.L'ouvrage explore la relation entre l'évolution de la société et celle de la littérature, mettant en lumière les liens entre les transformations historiques, les idées culturelles et la production littéraire. Lukács s'interroge sur le rôle de l'écrivain dans la société et sur la manière dont les ¿uvres littéraires reflètent et contribuent aux changements sociaux.La traduction de Georges Kassai permet aux lecteurs francophones de bénéficier de la pensée complexe de Lukács sur la littérature et son rapport dynamique avec le contexte historique. L'ouvrage constitue ainsi une contribution importante à la réflexion sur la méthodologie de l'histoire littéraire et son ancrage dans les mouvements sociaux et culturels.

  • av Georg Lukacs

    The centenary edition of a classic in Marxist philosophy

  • av Georg Lukacs

    A classic work of Western Marxism, now back in print.

  • - Political Writings 1919-1929
    av Georg Lukacs

  • - Dialogues with Weber, Simmel, Buber, Mannheim, and Others
    av Georg Lukacs

  • av Georg Lukacs
    296 - 486,-

  • av Georg Lukacs

  • av Walter Benjamin, Georg Lukacs, Theodor W. Adorno, m.fl.

    Features the text in the great controversies over literature and art between thinkers who have become giants of 20th-century philosophy.

  • av Georg Lukacs
    396 - 1 080,-

    Gyorgy Lukacs was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. Soul and Form was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukacs laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text.For this centennial edition, John T. Sanders and Katie Terezakis add a dialogue entitled "e;On Poverty of Spirit,"e; which Lukacs wrote at the time of Soul and Form, and an introduction by Judith Butler, which compares Lukacs's key claims to his later work and subsequent movements in literary theory and criticism. In an afterword, Terezakis continues to trace the Lukacsian system within his writing and other fields. These essays explore problems of alienation and isolation and the curative quality of aesthetic form, which communicates both individuality and a shared human condition. They investigate the elements that give rise to form, the history that form implies, and the historicity that form embodies. Taken together, they showcase the breakdown, in modern times, of an objective aesthetics, and the rise of a new art born from lived experience.

  • - Tailism and the Dialectic
    av Georg Lukacs

    This work is commonly held to be the foundational text for Western Marxism. As Stalinism took over in Russia, Lukacs was subjected to attacks for "deviation". In the 1920s he wrote a response to this, which remained unpublished at the time. The manuscript was later found in Moscow and published.

  • - Labour
    av Georg Lukacs

  • av Georg Lukacs

  • - Studies in the Relations Between Dialectics and Economics
    av Georg Lukacs

  • av Georg Lukacs

  • - Studies in Marxist Dialectics
    av Georg Lukacs

  • - An Autobiographical Sketch
    av Georg Lukacs

    This revealing autobiography of the Hungarian Marxist philosopher Georg Lukács is centered on a series of interviews that he gave in 1969 and 1971, shortly before his death on 4 June 1971.Stimulated by the sympathetic yet incisive questioning of the interviewer, the Hungarian essayist István Eörsi, Lukács discusses at length the course of his life, his years of political struggle, and his formation and role as a Marxist intellectual. From a highly evocative account of his childhood and school years, Lukács proceeds to discuss his political awakening; the debates within the socialist movement over the First World War form the prelude to an assessment of Tactics and Ethics, written in 1919; from there the discussion turns to Lukács’s early major contribution to Marxist philosophy, History and Class Consciousness.After considering at length the years of emigration in Vienna and the Soviet Union, Lukács finally recalls his return to Hungary after the Second World War, and his new position as a revolutionary left critic of actually existing socialism. ¿By socialist democracy,¿ he wrote in 1970, ¿I understand democracy in ordinary life, as it appears in the Workers’ Soviets of 1871, 1905 and 1917, as it once existed in the socialist countries, and in which form it must be re-animated.¿This Record of a Life, which includes an introduction by István Eörsi, furnishes a compelling tribute to a remarkable man.

  • - Studies in Marxist Dialectics
    av Georg Lukacs

    Lukacs explores problems of consciousness and organization, drawing on Luxemburg and Lenin. "When the proletariat proclaims the dissolution of the existing social order," Marx declares, "it does no more than disclose the secret of its own existence, for it is the effective dissolution of that order." ..theory is essentially the intellectual expression of the revolutionary process itself. In it every stage of the process becomes fixed so that it may be generalised, communicated, utilised and developed. Because the theory does nothing but arrest and make conscious each necessary step, it becomes at the same time the necessary premise of the following one -

  • av Georg Lukacs

    In an essay of prophetic vision, Lukacs defines a critical realism: 'anyone who wants to become more intimately acquainted with the prehistory of the important ideologies of the [nineteen-] twenties and thirties ...will be helped by a critical reading of this book.'

  • - A Historico-philosophical Essay on the Forms of Great Epic Literature
    av Georg Lukacs

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