av Glenn D'Alessio
In Some Tanka in Thanks to Elroy, Not the Most Cantankerous Dog, Glenn D'Alessio shares his great love of Elroy, his rat terrier who accompanied him on walks, during his travels, and at home. In "To a Dog Person", D'Alessio writes "The thing is, even when wizened/ with age, and jumping in sleep, / he's but a light nudge / away from the present / and all attention / when we are demanding / a little understanding and love." The poems are small gems and encapsulate the relationship between dog and man without judgment, but with complete acceptance of both dog and human behaviors. Oh, that all of us could learn from Elroy and open to the beauty of the world.-Susan Roney-O'Brien, Author of Thira, Earth, Farmwife, Legacy of the Last World, Bone Circle, and 1990 Winner of the Worcester County Poetry Association Poetry Prize, and 2020 Winner of the Stanley Kunitz Medal.Glenn D'Alessio's Some Tanka in Thanks to Elroy, Not the Most Cantankerous Dog is a charming portrait of a beloved companion. Each poem reveals a fetching aspect of Elroy expressed with humor and humility. The blend of Tanka and free verse frame every piece in a complementary form. I grew ever fonder of dog and man with each passing page. Ventured with them transported by D'Alessio's vivid capture of place, his awareness of the role senses play in scenes. The collection's Postscript poignantly portrays the poet and his his pairing with Elroy. It offers peace, an elegy to love.-Richard H. Fox, Author of TIME BOMB, wandering in puzzle boxes, You're my favorite horse, The Complete Uncle Louie Poems, and embracing the burlesque of collateral damage. 2017 Winner of The Frank O'Hara Prize.