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Böcker av Guillaume Druel

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  • av Guillaume Druel

    Animaux minute Vol.2 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.

  • av Guillaume Druel

    Animaux minute Vol.1 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.CONTENTS: Koala, adoucissant concentre / Koala, concentrated softener (1'20); Ours blanc, legende Inuit / White bear, Inuit legend (1'10); Coccinelle, 7 points, c'est tout / Ladybug, voracious lucky charm (1'15); Lombric, decompositeur celebre / Earthworm, famous composter (1'20); Canard, fidele compagnon du clarinettiste / Duck, the clarinetist's faithful friend (1'20); Lions, a l'heure de la sieste / Lions, at nap time (1'40); Zibeline, vent d'est / Sable, east wind (1'30); Tourterelle, cet elegant mystere / Turtledove, this elegant mystery (1'20); Cloportes, chevaliers en armure / Woodlice, knights in armor (1'05); Hamster, petit clown triste / Hamster, sad little clown (1'); Cobra, artiste de panier / Cobra, basket artist (1'30); Corail, sculpture vivante / Coral, living sculpture (1'10); Araignee, architecte archi-tetue / Spider, stubborn architect (1'05); Tortue luth, accordee a la quinte / Leatherback turtle, tuned to the fifth (1'20); Bison d'Europe, grand calme du sous-bois / European bison, big calm of the undergrowth (1'30); Plancton, du rien par milliards de tonnes / Plankton, nothing by billions of tons (1'50); Girafe, marquise des baobabs / Giraffe, marquess of baobabs (1'30); Ecureuil, petit epicier vertical / Squirrel, small vertical grocer (1'05); Herisson, mobilier de jardin / Hedgehog, garden furniture (55"); Flamants roses, mirage sale / Pink flamingos, salty mirage (1')

  • av Guillaume Druel

    Animaux minute Vol.3 for clarinet by Guillaume Druel.CONTENTS: Puces savantes, sous le plus petit chapiteau du monde / Learned fleas, under the smallest tent of the world (1'15); Escargot, immobile, il avance ; je regarde / Snail, motionless, it's advancing; I watch (1'50); Petit cheval, sur le sentier d'une montagne inconnue, loin / Little horse, on the trail of an unknown mountain, far away (1'10); Chenille, brindille animee / Caterpillar, animated twig (1'15); Chrysalide, laboratoire secret / Chrysalis, secret laboratory (1'20); Pieride, petale volant / Imported cabbageworm, flying petal (1'10); Meduse, aux caprices de la houle / Medusa, to the vagaries of the swell (1'20); Etoile de mer, un bout de ciel dans l'eau / Starfish, a piece of sky in the water (1'15); Tatou, blinde leger / Armadillo, light armoured vehicle (1'20); Cygne, un sillage dans la brume froide / Swan, a wake in the cold mist (1'); Faon, valse lente d'un futur incertain / Fawn, slow waltz of an uncertain future (1'25); Panda, monnaie chinoise / Panda, Chinese currency (1'30); Gnou, la-bas dans l'herbe / Wildebeest, down in the grass (1'20); Pingouin, bipede atonal / Penguin, atonal biped (1'); Lemuriens, des arlequins perches / Lemurs, perched harlequins (1'10); Lamantin, si beau, si lent, si bemol / Manatee, B flat big balloon (1'30); Ophidien, enroulement de patience / Ophidian, winding of patience (1'50); Dromadaire, vehicule ecologique / Camel, ecological vehicle (2'15); Heron, touriste des marais / Heron, swamp tourist (2'); Dragon, terreur de papier avec clochettes / Dragon, paper monster with bells (1'35).

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