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Böcker av Gurpreet Singh

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  • - A Purr-fect Cat Coloring Adventure"
    av Gurpreet Singh

    Dive into the enchanting world of feline fancifulness with "Whiskers and Wonders," a delightful cat coloring book designed for cat lovers of all ages. Immerse yourself in a purr-fectly curated collection of intricate cat illustrations, featuring whimsical scenes, adorable kittens, and majestic feline friends. Unleash your creativity as you bring these charming cat designs to life with your favorite hues. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a coloring enthusiast, this book guarantees hours of relaxation, joy, and a celebration of the captivating charm that cats bring into our lives. Embark on a coloring journey that captures the essence of the feline spirit - from playful kittens to regal cats - and let your imagination run wild with "Whiskers and Wonders." Get ready to add a splash of color to the world of whiskers and create your own masterpiece with every stroke of your coloring pencils!

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    Il termine riscaldamento solare ad aria si riferisce a una tecnologia in cui l'energia radiante emessa dal sole viene catturata in un assorbitore e utilizzata per il riscaldamento degli ambienti. È ovvio che si tratta di un metodo rinnovabile e non inquinante per produrre il riscaldamento degli ambienti e che, se utilizzato in edifici commerciali o industrie, può essere molto conveniente. I riscaldatori solari ad aria convenzionali hanno una bassa efficienza termica a causa del basso coefficiente di trasferimento di calore tra la piastra assorbente e l'aria, che porta a una temperatura più elevata dell'assorbitore e quindi a maggiori perdite termiche. Sono stati fatti tentativi per aumentare il trasferimento di calore all'aria che scorre attraverso il condotto del riscaldatore ad aria solare utilizzando assorbitori alettati, assorbitori a letto impaccato, assorbitori ondulati, flusso d'aria a due passaggi, lastre di vetro sovrapposte, assorbitori irruviditi artificialmente, ecc. In conclusione, l'indagine sperimentale condotta per raccogliere dati esaustivi sui condotti di riscaldamento dell'aria solare irruviditi artificialmente ha rivelato che irruvidendo la parte inferiore della piastra assorbente del condotto di riscaldamento dell'aria solare con una nervatura trasversale circolare, le prestazioni termiche vengono migliorate.

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    Termin "solnechnoe wozdushnoe otoplenie" otnositsq k tehnologii, pri kotoroj luchistaq änergiq solnca ulawliwaetsq w absorbere i ispol'zuetsq dlq obogrewa pomeschenij. Razumeetsq, äto wozobnowlqemyj i ne zagrqznqüschij okruzhaüschuü sredu sposob obogrewa pomeschenij, a pri ispol'zowanii w kommercheskih zdaniqh ili na proizwodstwe on mozhet byt' ochen' äkonomicheski äffektiwnym. Tradicionnye solnechnye wozduhonagrewateli imeüt nizkuü teplowuü äffektiwnost' iz-za nizkogo koäfficienta teploperedachi mezhdu plastinoj absorbera i wozduhom, chto priwodit k powysheniü temperatury absorbera i, sledowatel'no, k bol'shim teplowym poterqm. Predprinimalis' popytki uwelichit' teploperedachu wozduhu, prohodqschemu cherez kanal solnechnogo wozduhonagrewatelq, s pomosch'ü orebrennyh absorberow, absorberow s nabiwnym sloem, gofrirowannyh absorberow, dwuhhodowogo potoka wozduha, perekrywaüschihsq steklqnnyh plastin, absorberow s iskusstwennoj sherohowatost'ü reber i t.d. V zaklüchenie sleduet otmetit', chto prowedennye äxperimental'nye issledowaniq po sboru obshirnyh dannyh ob iskusstwenno sherohowatyh wozduhowodah solnechnyh wozduhonagrewatelej pokazali, chto sherohowatost' nizhnej storony plastiny absorbera wozduhowoda solnechnogo wozduhonagrewatelq s krugowym poperechnym rebrom pozwolqet powysit' teplowye harakteristiki.

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    Le terme "chauffage solaire de l'air" fait référence à une technologie dans laquelle l'énergie rayonnante émise par le soleil est captée dans un absorbeur et utilisée pour le chauffage des locaux. Il va sans dire qu'il s'agit d'une méthode renouvelable et non polluante de chauffage des locaux, qui peut s'avérer très rentable lorsqu'elle est utilisée dans des bâtiments commerciaux ou des industries. Les aérothermes solaires conventionnels ont une faible efficacité thermique en raison du faible coefficient de transfert de chaleur entre la plaque de l'absorbeur et l'air, ce qui entraîne une température plus élevée de l'absorbeur et donc des pertes thermiques plus importantes. Des tentatives ont été faites pour augmenter le transfert de chaleur vers l'air circulant dans le conduit du chauffe-air solaire en utilisant des absorbeurs à ailettes, des absorbeurs à lit compact, des absorbeurs ondulés, un flux d'air à deux passages, des plaques de verre superposées, des absorbeurs à nervures artificielles, etc. En conclusion, l'étude expérimentale menée pour recueillir des données complètes sur les conduits de chauffage solaire à nervures artificielles a révélé que le fait de rugosifier la face inférieure de la plaque absorbante du conduit de chauffage solaire à l'aide d'une nervure circulaire transversale permet d'améliorer les performances thermiques.

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    O termo aquecimento solar do ar refere-se a uma tecnologia em que a energia radiante emitida pelo sol é captada num absorvedor e utilizada para o aquecimento de espaços. Escusado será dizer que se trata de um método renovável e isento de poluição para produzir aquecimento ambiente e, quando utilizado em edifícios comerciais ou indústrias, pode ser muito económico. Os aquecedores de ar solares convencionais têm uma eficiência térmica baixa devido ao baixo coeficiente de transferência de calor entre a placa absorvente e o ar, o que leva a uma temperatura mais elevada do absorvedor e, consequentemente, a perdas térmicas mais elevadas. Foram feitas tentativas para aumentar a transferência de calor para o ar que flui através da conduta do aquecedor solar de ar utilizando absorvedores com alhetas, absorvedores de leito empacotado, absorvedores ondulados, fluxo de ar de duas passagens, placas de vidro sobrepostas, absorvedores com nervuras artificialmente rugosas, etc. Em conclusão, a investigação experimental efectuada para recolher dados extensivos sobre condutas de aquecimento de ar solar desbastadas artificialmente revelou que, ao desbastar a parte inferior da placa de absorção da conduta de aquecimento de ar solar com uma nervura transversal circular, o desempenho térmico é melhorado.

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    Der Begriff Solarluftheizung bezieht sich auf eine Technologie, bei der die von der Sonne ausgestrahlte Strahlungsenergie in einem Absorber aufgefangen und zur Raumheizung genutzt wird. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass es sich um eine erneuerbare und umweltfreundliche Methode zur Erzeugung von Raumwärme handelt, die beim Einsatz in gewerblichen Gebäuden oder in der Industrie sehr kosteneffizient sein kann. Herkömmliche Solarluftheizungen haben einen geringen thermischen Wirkungsgrad, da der Wärmeübergangskoeffizient zwischen der Absorberplatte und der Luft niedrig ist, was zu einer höheren Absorbertemperatur und damit zu höheren Wärmeverlusten führt. Es wurden Versuche unternommen, die Wärmeübertragung auf die durch den Solarluftheizungskanal strömende Luft zu erhöhen, indem gerippte Absorber, Festbettabsorber, gewellte Absorber, Luftströmung mit zwei Durchgängen, überlappende Glasplatten, künstlich aufgeraute Absorber usw. verwendet wurden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die experimentelle Untersuchung, die durchgeführt wurde, um umfassende Daten über künstlich aufgeraute Solarluftheizungskanäle zu sammeln, gezeigt hat, dass durch Aufrauen der Unterseite der Absorberplatte des Solarluftheizungskanals mit einer kreisförmigen Querrippe die thermische Leistung verbessert wird.

  • av Gurpreet Singh
    1 820,-

    This monograph brings forth biomechanical research methods and outcomes on human tissue experiments such as those of the brain and the heart under a single umbrella. Different mechanical characterization techniques employed in human tissue property estimation are presented in detail. The contents also focus on a hyperelastic constitutive model (e.g., Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden) for both isotropic and anisotropic tissue characterization. It also discusses energy dissipation in soft tissues and associated viscoelasticity. Human tissues, including skin, muscles, connective tissues, and tissues in all functional organs are listed and their mechanical properties are presented in detail. These tissue properties are indispensable for computational modeling of biological systems, validation of biomechanical tissue testing, medical simulation through development of artificial phantoms and surrogates, and testing of medical devices and interventions. This book will serve as a key reference forresearch in tissue engineering & biomedical engineering, medical simulation, biomechanics, finite element modeling of biological systems, biomaterials, biotechnology, implant and medical device development, and healthcare wearables.

  • av Gurpreet Singh

    One extra dead body? Dealing with dead bodies is not a very lively experience. Suresh had been doing it for many years now. His job is to look after the dead bodies in the dissection hall of a medical college. One day he realises there is one dead body extra than the official count. Robert, who was romantically involved with the present head of the department during the college days, investigates the case. Whose body was it? How did it land in the dissection hall? How did a dissected male organ reach the pocket of a girl student? What happens when wife walks in and finds the husband wearing her lingerie? Will the investigations be affected by romantic involvement of Robert with the two sisters? The story progresses through many turns and twists including some hilarious situations. Find out what it takes to identify the dead body and who killed it.

  • av Gurpreet Singh, Manpreet Kaur Saini & Ravinder Singh Mann

  • av Gurpreet Singh

  • av Aashdeep Singh, Gurpreet Singh & Arun Dhanda

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