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Böcker av Harleen Kaur

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  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 260,-

    The goal of biomaterial design in tissue engineering is to identify or fabricate a substance that is innately able (or has been engineered) to assume a desirable form that can be applied to both synthesize a 3D cellular microenvironment for cell accommodation and guide new tissue formation. Biomaterials of human origin are yielding an ever-growing list of products and successful clinical approaches to maintain, enhance or restore tissues and organs. These "raw materials" continue to demonstrate great potential and will have an increasingly remarkable impact on synthetic biology, tissue engineering and clinical regenerative therapies in the future.

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 260,-

    L'obiettivo della progettazione di biomateriali nell'ingegneria tissutale è quello di identificare o fabbricare una sostanza che sia innatamente in grado (o sia stata ingegnerizzata) di assumere una forma desiderabile che possa essere applicata sia per sintetizzare un microambiente cellulare 3D per l'alloggiamento delle cellule sia per guidare la formazione di nuovi tessuti. I biomateriali di origine umana stanno producendo un elenco sempre crescente di prodotti e approcci clinici di successo per mantenere, migliorare o ripristinare tessuti e organi. Queste "materie prime" continuano a dimostrare un grande potenziale e in futuro avranno un impatto sempre più rilevante sulla biologia sintetica, sull'ingegneria dei tessuti e sulle terapie cliniche rigenerative.

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 260,-

    L'objectif de la conception de biomatériaux en ingénierie tissulaire est d'identifier ou de fabriquer une substance qui est intrinsèquement capable (ou qui a été conçue) de prendre une forme souhaitable qui peut être appliquée à la fois pour synthétiser un microenvironnement cellulaire 3D pour l'hébergement des cellules et pour guider la formation de nouveaux tissus. Les biomatériaux d'origine humaine donnent lieu à une liste de plus en plus longue de produits et d'approches cliniques réussies pour maintenir, améliorer ou restaurer les tissus et les organes. Ces "matières premières" continuent à démontrer un grand potentiel et auront à l'avenir un impact de plus en plus remarquable sur la biologie synthétique, l'ingénierie tissulaire et les thérapies régénératives cliniques.

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 260,-

    Das Ziel des Biomaterialdesigns im Tissue Engineering besteht darin, eine Substanz zu identifizieren oder herzustellen, die von Natur aus in der Lage ist (oder entwickelt wurde), eine gewünschte Form anzunehmen, die sowohl für die Synthese einer zellulären 3D-Mikroumgebung für die Aufnahme von Zellen als auch für die Bildung neuen Gewebes verwendet werden kann. Biomaterialien menschlichen Ursprungs liefern eine immer länger werdende Liste von Produkten und erfolgreichen klinischen Ansätzen zur Erhaltung, Verbesserung oder Wiederherstellung von Geweben und Organen. Diese "Rohstoffe" weisen weiterhin ein großes Potenzial auf und werden in Zukunft einen zunehmend bemerkenswerten Einfluss auf die synthetische Biologie, das Tissue Engineering und klinische regenerative Therapien haben.

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 260,-

    O objetivo da conceção de biomateriais na engenharia de tecidos é identificar ou fabricar uma substância que seja inatamente capaz (ou que tenha sido concebida) de assumir uma forma desejável que possa ser aplicada tanto para sintetizar um microambiente celular 3D para acomodação de células como para orientar a formação de novos tecidos. Os biomateriais de origem humana estão a dar origem a uma lista cada vez maior de produtos e abordagens clínicas bem sucedidas para manter, melhorar ou restaurar tecidos e órgãos. Estas "matérias-primas" continuam a demonstrar um grande potencial e terão um impacto cada vez mais notável na biologia sintética, na engenharia de tecidos e nas terapias regenerativas clínicas no futuro.

  • av Harleen Kaur

    The amazing Crossword puzzle book has been created by me with lots of hardwork and dedication.

  • av Harleen Kaur

    Ce livre est basé sur ma recherche doctorale, entreprise à la Faculté des études de gestion de l'Université de Delhi, en Inde. Ce livre s'appuie sur un travail précurseur en matière de modèle d'extension de marque, qui a été testé et comparé à travers les pays, en l'appliquant au segment indien des produits de consommation courante. Un modèle plus complet et plus élaboré est également proposé et testé pour mieux comprendre l'évaluation de l'extension de marque par les consommateurs. Ce modèle implique des extensions statistiques du modèle précédent, en utilisant une régression hiérarchique incluant des termes d'interaction de centrage résiduel. L'un des principaux résultats qui ressort des données collectées et de leur analyse est que les publicités qui mettent en avant les caractéristiques de la marque étendue conviennent mieux à celle-ci que les publicités qui tentent d'établir une sorte de relation entre la marque mère et son extension. Plusieurs autres résultats intéressants issus de l'étude sont également discutés dans le livre et ont de fortes implications managériales pour les gestionnaires de marques ainsi que pour les chercheurs.

  • av Harleen Kaur

    Este livro baseia-se na minha investigação de doutoramento, realizada na Faculdade de Estudos de Gestão da Universidade de Deli, na Índia. Este livro baseia-se num trabalho seminal sobre o modelo de extensão da marca, que foi testado e comparado entre países, aplicando-o ao segmento indiano de produtos de grande consumo. Um modelo mais abrangente e elaborado é também proposto e testado para uma melhor compreensão da avaliação da extensão da marca pelos consumidores. Este modelo envolveu extensões estatísticas do modelo anterior, utilizando a regressão hierárquica, incluindo termos de interação de centralização residual. Um resultado fundamental que emergiu dos dados recolhidos e da sua análise é que os anúncios que realçam as características da marca de extensão são mais adequados para esta, em comparação com os anúncios que tentam criar algum tipo de relação entre a marca-mãe e a sua extensão. Vários outros resultados interessantes resultantes do estudo são também discutidos no livro e têm fortes implicações de gestão para os gestores de marcas, bem como para os investigadores.

  • av Harleen Kaur

    Questo libro si basa sulla mia ricerca di dottorato, intrapresa presso la Facoltà di Studi Manageriali dell'Università di Delhi, in India. Questo libro si basa su un lavoro seminale sul modello di brand extension, che è stato testato e confrontato in diversi Paesi, applicandolo al segmento indiano dei prodotti di largo consumo. Viene inoltre proposto e testato un modello più completo ed elaborato per comprendere meglio la valutazione dei consumatori sull'estensione della marca. Questo modello ha comportato un'estensione statistica del modello precedente, utilizzando una regressione gerarchica che include termini di interazione per la centratura dei residui. Un risultato fondamentale emerso dai dati raccolti e dalla loro analisi è che le pubblicità che evidenziano le caratteristiche del marchio esteso sono più adatte rispetto a quelle che cercano di costruire una sorta di relazione tra il marchio principale e la sua estensione. Nel libro vengono discussi anche molti altri risultati interessanti emersi dallo studio, che hanno forti implicazioni manageriali per i brand manager e per gli studiosi.

  • av Harleen Kaur

    Dieses Buch basiert auf meiner Doktorarbeit, die ich an der Fakultät für Managementstudien der Universität von Delhi, Indien, durchgeführt habe. Dieses Buch baut auf einer bahnbrechenden Arbeit zum Modell der Markenerweiterung auf, das länderübergreifend getestet und verglichen wurde, und wendet es auf das indische Konsumgütersegment an. Außerdem wird ein umfassenderes und ausgefeilteres Modell vorgeschlagen und getestet, um die Bewertung der Markenerweiterung durch die Verbraucher besser zu verstehen. Dieses Modell beinhaltete statistische Erweiterungen des vorherigen Modells unter Verwendung einer hierarchischen Regression mit Interaktionsterms zur Restzentrierung. Ein wesentliches Ergebnis, das sich aus den gesammelten Daten und ihrer Analyse ergab, ist, dass Anzeigen, die die Eigenschaften der erweiterten Marke hervorheben, besser für diese geeignet sind als Anzeigen, die versuchen, eine Art Beziehung zwischen der Muttermarke und ihrer Erweiterung herzustellen. Einige andere interessante Ergebnisse der Studie werden in dem Buch ebenfalls diskutiert, die sowohl für Markenmanager als auch für Wissenschaftler von großer Bedeutung sind.

  • - The One in London
    av Harleen Kaur

    This book is a heartwarming tale of siblings Rhiaal and Lhaira, whose infectious energy and curiosity add a delightful sparkle to their family's journey to London. The story invites readers to join the siblings on their remarkable adventures: from attending their aunt's wedding at Europe's oldest Sikh temple and the grand Syon Park Conservatory, to marveling at the city's iconic landmarks like the Buckingham Palace and the towering London Eye. The excitement doesn't end in London, as the children venture to the enchanting Port Lympne, where they stay in a lodge amid freely roaming giraffes! This book, infused with vibrant illustrations and simple language, emphasizes the beauty of family bonds, the joy of exploration, and the magic of creating unforgettable memories. Ideal for 4-year-old readers and up, this book offers a captivating reading experience that reinforces the importance of cherishing precious moments spent with loved ones.

  • - Comparative Insights from India
    av Harleen Kaur
    1 340,-

    This book is an essential guide on surrogacy, discussing various legal issues that arise in surrogacy cases. It provides a comprehensive coverage to various issues pertaining to surrogacy arrangements due to failure to meet the needs of those involved in surrogacy, be it the intended parents or the surrogate mother, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable party -- the surrogate child. In the wake of this existing imbalance, the call to reform the practice of surrogacy has also increased. The book provides a comprehensive coverage to various laws and policy regulations in existence dealing with surrogacy, and unravels the latest trends and developments happening around the world as surrogacy gains importance. The international perspectives highlight policies and practices being adopted and followed by various nations with regard to surrogacy regulation and associated parenthood rules. This book also analyses some of the significant cross-border disputes revolving around surrogacy, and explores briefly the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on matters of parentage and citizenship for children born of trans-national surrogacy with special reference to the prospects of a convention on international surrogacy currently being studied by The Hague Conference on Private International Law. Further, it highlights the issues and questions relating to surrogacy arrangements that are so far unresolved and unanswered and suggests measures for improvements to the existing proposed surrogacy legislation in India and need for uniform international regulation. The book is a great resource for legal practitioners, academics, students, policy-makers, infertility clinics, and charitable organizations working on this issue.

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 506,-

    Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: From Lot Release to Stability Testing is a highly topical resource on a subject of interest for scientists and researchers working on monoclonal antibodies' characterization, release testing, stability testing and similarity assessments of monoclonal antibodies in the biopharmaceutical industry. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are large, extremely complex and dynamic biomolecules, so it can be challenging to develop well-characterized therapeutic antibodies that meet regulatory expectations that are also in-line with commercialized standards for different drug markets. Lot release testing and understanding the stability of the mAb over a period of time, and in different environmental conditions, is an indispensable aspect of mAb physicochemical characterization. This book covers the process, including extensive analysis that starts with quantifying the purity attribute to glycan profiling and identifying the mAb primary structure. The book has a primary purpose of focusing on both Lot release testing and stability testing of monoclonal antibodies (subjects not covered in any great detail in other books).

  • av Harleen Kaur
    1 726,-

    This book is an essential guide on surrogacy, discussing various legal issues that arise in surrogacy cases.

  • - A Behavioural Study of Adolescents in Indian Urban Families
    av India) Singh, Harleen Kaur, PATIALA, m.fl.
    356 - 750,-

  • av Gurpreet Kaur, Vishakha Grover & Harleen Kaur

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