av J. W. Fortescue
BATTLE PLANS AND SMALLER MAPS1. Barrosa, March 5, 1811. Inset-small map for campaign of Barrosa, February-March 1811. 2. Sabugal, April 3, 1811. 3. Fuentes de Onoro: first and second days, May 3-4 1811. 4. Fuentes de Onoro: third day, May 5, 1811. 5. Albuera. May 16 1811: first position. 6. Albuera, May 16, 1811: the final attack. 7. The Campaign on the Agueda, August-September 1811. 8. Arroyo Molinos, October 18, 1811. 9. Tarifa, December 22, 1811-January 4, 1812. 10. Ciudad Rodrigo, January 9-19, 1812. Inset-Plan and Section of the Great Breach. 1. Badajoz, March 17-April 6, 1812. Inset-Four sections of the Fortifications; enlarged Plan of the East Front. 12.The Forts of Salamanca June 17-27, 1812. 13. Operations round Salamanca, July 1812. 14. Salamanca, July 22, 1812: the beginning of Marmont's manoeuvre. 15. Salamanca, July 22, 1812: Wellington's attack. 16. Burgos, September 19-October 21, 1812. 17. Operations round Salamanca, November 1812. 18. The Lake Frontier of Canada and the United States. Inset-the Frontier on the Niagara River.LARGER MAPS19 General Map of Spain and Portugal, 1807-1814. 20. Massena's Retreat, January-April 1811 HISTORY OF THE ARMY21. The Portuguese Frontier, for operations of Wellington and Beresford, April-August 1811. Inset-Plan: Cavalry affair at Campo Mayor, March 25. Map: Position on the Caia, June-July 1811. 22. Spain: Operations, January-November 1812 (Northern Sphere). 23. Spain: Operations, January-November 1812 (Southern Sphere). Inset-Plan and Sections for the attack on the French posts covering the bridge at Almaraz, May 1812.