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Böcker av James Allen

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  • av James Allen

    Miré al mundo alrededor, y vi que estaba ensombrecido por pena y devastado por los fieros fuegos del sufrimiento. Y busqué la causa. Miré alrededor, sin hallarla; la busqué en libros, sin hallarla; la busqué dentro de mí y encontré tanto la causa como la autocreada naturaleza de esta causa. Miré de nuevo, ahora más profundamente, y hallé el remedio. Hallé una Ley, la Ley del Amor; una Vida, la Vida de adaptación a esa Ley; una Verdad, la verdad de una mente conquistada y un corazón callado y obediente. Y soñé con escribir un libro que ayudara a hombres y mujeres, ya fueran ricos o pobres, educados o ignorantes, materialistas o espirituales, a encontrar dentro de ellos mismos la fuente de todo el éxito, toda la felicidad, todos los logros, toda la verdad. Y este sueño permaneció conmigo, y por fin tomó forma, y ahora lo envío hacia el mundo en su misión de sanar y bendecir, sabiendo que no puede fallar, sino llegar a los hogares y corazones de aquellos que están listos para recibirlo.

  • - James Allen
    av James Allen

    Este libro es una de las obras más reconocida del gran escritor James Allen, uno de los autores de superación personal más leídos y reconocidos de todos los tiempos. Esta obra ha sido traducida a más de cincuenta idiomas y ha cambiado la vida de millones de lectores. En ella, el autor plantea la idea de que nuestros pensamientos son las semillas de aquello que más tarde fructificará en nuestras vidas. Este libro, -convertido ahora ya en un clásico-, ha influenciado e inspirado poderosamente a un sinúmero de escritores y motivadores famosos, entre ellos: Norman Vincent Peale, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Denis Waitley, Anthony Robbins y Og Mandino. Muchas de las obras de estos reconocidos autores contienen en su base más fundamental, los principios e ideas de James Allen. Este libro es una joya de ética, virtud y responsabilidad personal.

  • av James Allen

    You are what you think. This simple, insightful and profound statement encapsulates James Allen's book As a Man Thinketh. Who was this inspiration and spiritual thought leader and just how did he devise such profound wisdom that has withstood the test of time?

  • av James Allen

    Hebrews. Thought by many to have been authored by the Apostle Paul. The theme of the book? The superiority and sufficiency of Jesus Christ.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

    "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen is a timeless classic that offers practical and inspirational advice on how to transform one's life by harnessing the power of thoughts. In this updated version, the book is accompanied by simple illustrations and activity sessions that vividly depict the key messages of each chapter. The illustrations and workbook bring to life the book's central idea that a person's thoughts create their reality, and that by changing their thoughts, they can change their life. Each chapter is accompanied by an illustration that captures the essence of the message, making it easy to understand and apply to one's life. Whether you're looking to improve your health, achieve your goals, or find inner peace, "As a Man Thinketh" offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you transform your life. With its simple yet powerful illustrations, this updated version is a must-read for anyone seeking to unleash the power of their thoughts and create the life they desire. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life with "As a Man Thinketh." Buy your copy today and start harnessing the power of your thoughts to create the life you've always dreamed of.

  • av James Allen

    With the current abundance of motivational coaches, talk shows, self-help books, and "positivity" seminars, it s easy to think you've heard it all. You haven't. Before "affirmations" and "visualization" became a part of our everyday language, a man by the name of James Allen blazed the trail you now see others following. Allen is most widely known for his seminal book, As a Man Thinketh, which teaches readers the immense power of the conscious mind. From Poverty to Power, his first book, explores the same concepts, but focuses on recovering from adversity. Considering our society's present conditions, the message of this book is especially relevant. Allen takes readers on another journey of self discovery in this empowering text. Allen explores the power of the conscious mind in transforming the conditions of one's life and how one can harness all of their innate powers. This edition is further enhanced with an introduction by C'BS ALife that firmly sets the context of this writing by James Allen in time and space. Readers will understand how and why the message of James Allen arose when it did, how this message remains unique even in today's atmosphere of positive thinking," and - most importantly - how we can put them into practice now.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

    James Allen was born in Leicester, Central England, November 28, 1864. The family business failed within a few years, and in 1879 his father left for America in an effort to recoup his losses. The elder Allen had hoped to settle in the United States, but was robbed and murdered before he could send for his family.James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown...... None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence - Ilfracombe, England. His name cannot be found in a major reference work. Not even the Library of Congress or the British Museum has much to say about him.Who was this man who believed in the power of thought to bring fame, fortune and happiness? Or did he, as Henry David Thoreau says, hear a different drummer?...... James Allen never gained fame or fortune. That much is true. His was a quiet, unrewarded genius. He seldom made enough money from his writings to cover expenses.As A Man Thinketh was Allen's second book. Despite its subsequent popularity he was dissatisfied with it. Even though it was his most concise and eloquent work, the book that best embodied his thought, he somehow failed to recognize its value. His wife Lily had to persuade him to publish it.The financial crisis that resulted forced James to leave school at fifteen. He eventually became a private secretary, a position that would be called administrative assistant today. He worked in this capacity for several British manufacturers until 1902, when he decided to devote all his time to writing.Unfortunately, Allen's literary career was short, lasting only nine years, until his death in 1912. During that period he wrote nineteen books, a rich outpouring of ideas that have lived on to inspire later generations.Soon after finishing his first book, From Poverty To Power, Allen moved to Ilfracombe, on England's southwest coast. The little resort town with its seafront Victorian hotels and its rolling hills and winding lanes offered him the quiet atmosphere he needed to pursue his philosophical studies.James Allen strove to live the ideal life described by Russia's great novelist and mystic Count Leo Tolstoy - the life of voluntary poverty, manual labor and ascetic self-discipline. Like Tolstoy, Allen sought to improve himself, be happy, and master all of the virtues. His search for felicity for man on earth was typically Tolstoyan.The works of James Allen are eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing, or to add another to the existing books. According to his wife, Allen wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

    The Way of Peace is a Groundbreaking Insight book written by James Allen. He was more commonly referred to for his As a Man Thinketh, which is the less popular The Way of Peace (1907) which reflects all more precisely his New Thought Movement affiliations, referring to as it does Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.The book is a composition on the significance of meditation as a 'pathway to divinity. Allen explains, whatever we meditate upon, we become. If you meditate upon ' that which is self-centered and debasing, you will ultimately become self-centered and debased. While if you meditate upon that which is pure and unselfish you will clearly become pure and unselfish.It is presently in the public domain in the US and other countries.The book comprises seven parts: The Power Of Meditation; The Two Masters, Self And Truth; The Acquirement of Spiritual Power; The Realisation of Selfless Love; Entering into the Infinite; Saints, Sages, And Saviors, The Law Of Service; and The Realisation of Perfect Peace. The first chapter contains a poem, Star of Wisdom, which catches the essence of the book.

  • av James Allen

    Você é aquilo que você pensa é um ensaio literário de James Allen, publicado pela primeira vez em 1902. Ao longo de mais de um século, tornou-se um clássico inspirador, vendendo milhões de cópias em todo o mundo e trazendo fé, inspiração e autocura a todos que o leram. Não seria ousado dizer que a semente do conceito de mindset nasce com esta obra. Este livro mostra como, em seu próprio mundo de pensamento, cada homem detém a chave para todas as condições, boas ou más, que surgem em seu caminho, e que, ao trabalhar com paciência e inteligência em seus pensamentos, pode refazer sua vida e transformar suas circunstâncias. Muitos de nós se esforçam para melhorar apenas sua posição terrena ¿ e pouquíssimos buscam aperfeiçoamento espiritual. Esse é um problema que o próprio James Allen enfrentou em seu tempo. As ideias que ele encontrou no fundo de seu coração após uma grande busca o guiaram como irão guiar você.

  • av James Allen
    1 460,-

    How far will you go to keep something hidden? A visit to James Buxton's PR office is requested. He lacks the guts to admit he has writer's block to her. She advises him to pen a love story. He initially declines, stating that he writes crime. She approaches, gives him a sensual kiss, and tells him to start writing a romance novel for her. He meets Mia Garnett, an attractive woman, as he checks into a bed & breakfast. Did something other than fate bring them together? When James meets Eloise, an elderly woman, she asks him to read him a romantic story. She advises him to claim sole ownership of the book. A woman in the 1940s fights to subsist when her husband is called to active duty in the novel. Lilly and Suzie carry out a terrible deed. They promise to carry the heinous act with them to the grave. Will the revelation cause a permanent breach between Mia and James when she reads Eloise's story?

  • av James Allen
    216 - 526,-

  • av James Allen & Lily L Allen
    250 - 440,-

  • av James Allen
    356 - 490,-

  • av James Allen
    310 - 470,-

  • av James Allen

    Do you think robbing a bank sounds like the best idea in the world? Have you ever kidnapped a child? Have you ever used drugs? Drugs like speed, downers, cocaine, heroin, LSD, STP, methamphetamine, belladonna, mescaline, or psilocybin? Have you ever taken these drugs hundreds of times? Have you ever stuck needles in your arms so many times that you were bruised all over because you missed the vein? Have you ever hallucinated for a few days and then find out that none of it really happened? Well, all that is included in this writing. Have you ever completely lost your sense of reality? Have you ever been to jail or in prison? It's all inside these covers. Events and happenings you have never heard of before are in this story. You can picture this whole writing in your mind as you read it. It's almost like reading a movie script.If you are concerned about your child or someone you know that seems to be influenced by new friends or possibly experimenting with drugs, this story has a very high potential to change that person's mind about their future life. The pain, suffering, and agony involved here are not something many people would want to get involved with. One can find out a lot about themselves from this story. It can be the window for one of the biggest decisions of a person's life. It can help to influence that decision so that it will be the right choice.With God in your heart, through it all, the journey of the life we live will be a good one. Yes, indeed, he can take your deepest pains, sorrows, and sufferings and make them your greatest gifts and blessings. He can lead you all the way while all along, you won't know it is happening, much less where you're going. Where you will go and where you will end up is really mostly your choice. No one but you will make that choice. There is only one thing in life that you have total control over and that is yourself. Let me repeat that: there is only one thing in life that you have total control over, and that one thing is yourself.

  • av James Allen
    250 - 440,-

  • av James Allen
    250 - 440,-

  • av James Allen
    370 - 516,-

  • av James Allen
    250 - 440,-

  • av James Allen
    116 - 410,-

  • av James Allen
    266 - 440,-

  • av James Allen
    250 - 440,-

  • av James Allen

    E SE TUDO AQUILO QUE NOS ACONTECE DEPENDER APENAS DE NOSSOS PENSAMENTOS? Era nisso que James Allen acreditava quando escreveu este livro, que chega agora ao Brasil com nova e completa tradução. Se você acompanhar essas sugestões e os exemplos práticos, você poderá ver que o sucesso e a felicidade estão ao seu alcance com uma simples ferramenta: domine seus pensamentos e dominará seu destino. Escrita há mais de um século ¿ muito antes de outras obras referenciais que defendem o mesmo princípio ¿, esta é uma das obras chamadas de ¿autoajudä mais lidas desde sempre e um guia para líderes, coaches e mestres mundiais do desenvolvimento pessoal. Através dela, e ao longo de décadas, inúmeras pessoas mudaram a sua forma de estar no mundo e tornaram-se mais felizes e bem-sucedidas. E mais: ajudaram a tornar o mundo um lugar melhor para se viver. Resenha da Editora Este livro não nasceu da mente oportunista de um desses autores modernos de obras caça-níqueis que chamamos de ¿autoajudä. Seu autor, James Allen, nasceu no século XIX, em 1864, e morreu em 1912, há 110 anos. Em sua curta vida de 47 anos, cheia de sofrimento e privações, ele descobriu que, se controlasse sua mente, seus pensamentos, poderia realizar seus sonhos, construir uma vida com propósito, ter sucesso e ser feliz. A família de Allen, abandonada e sem renda numa Inglaterra sem empregos, tinha tudo para dar errado na vida, e durante quase 20 anos foi na pobreza que eles viveram. Mas, em 1901, já com 37 anos, Allen ¿ que lia sem parar ¿ escreveu seu primeiro livro. Foi um sucesso instantâneo. A família passou, então, a viver de suas ideias, mas ele mesmo pouco aproveitou o sucesso, pois morreu 10 anos depois. Sua mulher, Lily L. Allen, cuidou de sua obra, tornando-a conhecida mundialmente. Podemos considerar que James Allen foi um filósofo ¿mentalistä. Estava lendo a Bíblia quando se deparou com uma passagem do livro dos Provérbios, Cap. 23:7. ¿Como um homem pensa em seu coração, assim ele é¿, estava lá escrito, e, a partir dali, ele desenvolveu as ideias de seu pequeno e mais famoso livro ¿ este ¿, que acabou sendo lido em todo o mundo e lhe trouxe grande fama. Allen é hoje, com seus 19 livros, uma das figuras pioneiras do pensamento inspirador moderno. Imagine que um pensamento passa por sua mente. Você pode até não ter consciência plena dele. Mas, mesmo assim, como uma semente que é lançada ao solo, ele germina ¿ não necessariamente naquele momento. James Allen nos faz um convite singelo: reflita sobre o mundo e os outros e concentre- -se em seus pensamentos mais valiosos, que podem lhe dar força e determinação para avançar na direção de seus principais objetivos. Sonhe grande. Não perca tempo com o que não vale a pena. Olhe para a frente. Avalie todas as circunstâncias e não desista nunca. Com conselhos tão simples, mas tão eficazes, as ideias de Allen há mais de 100 anos têm levado fé, inspiração e autocura a todos os que se dedicaram a pôr em prática seus valiosos ensinamentos. Esta nova edição, que acompanha o original na íntegra, sem os cortes que caracterizaram outras edições, traz também uma biografia ilustrada do autor e um anexo com exercícios para ajudar o leitor a colocar em prática o que se ensina. Allen nunca escreveu propriamente teorias vagas: ele vivia o que pregava, e só escrevia depois de testar o que vivia e ter certeza de que era bom e valeria muito para a vida de qualquer pessoa. Isso posto, aproveite. Basta ler estas singelas palavras, fazer os exercícios e esperar pelos resultados.

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