av Jay Silverstein
Local, regional, and international conflict has become too complicated, too obtuse and abstract, for government-operated militaries to handle. Despite this, war has not ended. Instead, outcomes are decided by an experimental piece of semi-sentient technology developed by a small tech firm on America's western coast. NEON ORANGE ASSISTED SUICIDE, my 50,000 word, infectious, digestible, upmarket commercial fiction novel explores a world in which that most deeply rooted interpersonal phenomena - violence - has been voluntarily taken from humanity. In a narrative devoid of any specific protagonist, it is instead populated by many carefully rendered, complex beings whose lives unfold before, during, and after the transition to digital warfare. It tells a story tailored to the contemporary reader of literary fiction. I know this because I am a member of that demographic. Hence, I present to you a novel densely packed but trimmed of excess errata and tangential descriptions. Each word was chosen with purpose and with a desire to add to the non-linear, fractal organization of the narrative.NEON ORANGE ASSISTED SUICIDE stands on its own as the first in a wave of works to follow. Experiental but all-at-once approachable, the novel offers a vast spectrum of readers an opportunity to experience a narrative that encourages readers to search, reread, and voraciously pick apart. In this way, it captures minds that are used to constant updating and shattered attention.