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Böcker av Jean-Claude Reisser

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  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    This book is the second chapter of an adventure that started last summer in the great city of Paris. Lucas, a young adult from Italy, was visiting the French capital, when he unexpectedly fell in love with an 18th century painting on display at the Louvres museum. The young lady on the canvas was holding a peony flower in her hand, intended to be much more than a simple symbol of love. Lucas subsequently met a girl called Anastasia at the Flower Market, located in the old medieval city. The two lovers soon put their feelings to the test, until one day, Nastya disappeared, leaving only a very small clue behind. Lucas, still deeply in love, instantly realised that his life would never be the same without her and decided to hit the road, leading to the Austrian capital, Vienna. Why did she leave him? Don't we all say that what is gone, is what we miss the most? Let's find out!

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Ce livre est la suite d'une aventure ayant débuté l'été dernier dans la plus belle capitale du monde, Paris. Lucas, un jeune homme venu d'Italie, découvrait quelques musées lorsqu'il s'arrêta devant un tableau du 18ème siècle exposé au musée du Louvres. La jeune femme représentée sur la toile était d'une beauté et sensibilité intemporelle. Notre héros comprit alors que la fleur que cette fille tenait dans sa main était bien plus qu'un simple symbole d'amour. Un échange mystérieux débuta aussitôt entre les deux personnages.>Lucas, profondément amoureux, comprit immédiatement que sa vie ne serait plus jamais la même, et décida de prendre la route afin de la retrouver, le menant vers la capitale autrichienne de la valse, Vienne. Pourquoi l'a-t-elle quitté ? Ne disons-nous pas que l'absence est la plus fidèle des présences ? Bonne lecture !

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Dans cette vie rythmée qui est la notre, il nous arrive parfois de nous retrouver face à une étrange coïncidence, si imprévisible qu'elle semble sortir tout droit de l'ordinaire.Ces phénomènes remarquables et inhabituels, circonstances et évènements sans aucun lien apparent, seraient difficiles à expliquer, si nous ne tenions compte que de notre vie actuelle.>Cette liberté ou singularité que nous appelons 'le hasard' n'est peut-être ni plus ni moins qu'un manque de perception, la plupart d'entre nous étant trop occupés dans notre quotidien pour prêter attention à cette petite voix intérieure qui voudrait nous dire tant de choses.Alors, à quel point sommes-nous fidèles à nous-mêmes ? Quelle part de liberté avons-nous su garder au plus profond de nos vies ?>Ignorera-t-il cet événement anodin au premier abord, ou écoutera-t-il son coeur ? Partons à sa découverte ! Bonne lecture.

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    As you may already know from my previous books, I aim to put sensuality at the forefront of my stories. In a way, I only replicate what life should be about; Two lovers kissing on a bench or walking hand in hand in a park on a Sunday afternoon, isn't it what we all wish for? This book will take you to the unexpected. Don't we all experience weird coincidences and circumstances once or twice in our lifetime, almost coming out of the ordinary? These remarkable and unusual concurrences of events without any apparent causal connection are something difficult to explain, if we only take our current lives into account. Some of us call it destiny, others a bit more down to earth, just a good or bad opportunity. This is what Lucas will soon discover, victim of a strange encounter. Will he ignore this almost insignificant event, or listen to what his heart wants to say? Let's find out!

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Aren't we all captivated by landmarks, boundaries and natural features, helping us to relate to our immediate environment? These concrete marks may seem very useful, although too often strong reminders of our limitations and the way we should behave on terra firma. Perhaps freedom could be found in fewer tangible elements, such as water for example? This is precisely what our hero, Sachi, thought when he went out fishing on a bright sunny morning. Tamina, his younger sister, stood on the soft sandy beach, waving him a caring goodbye. She expected him to be back in a few hours, but he never did. 'Where are you?' Tamina screamed to a few white seagulls crossing the sky, refusing to believe it was all over...

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Did you ever wonder what you would find out there, above the clouds, passing our thin atmosphere and heading into deep space where no-one has gone before? So far nobody from planet Earth has succeeded in that mission, but does this mean other civilizations or advanced societies are not using space as we speak, or more precisely as you read these lines?>Let's think for a minute that we stop our egoistic attitude towards the unknown, and admit that more advanced civilisations could already be busy, extracting whatever they can find in the universe to survive, conquer or fulfil various subjective purposes. As a teenager, my head was often pointed to the stars, I observed the night sky almost every evening. Through a small telescope, I had bought with my hard-earned cash, as many beginner astronomers would do, I was able to gaze at billions of stars and galaxies just above my head. My soul was then filled with imaginary destinations and intergalactic adventures. My telescope was not very powerful, but looking at distant planets had nothing to do with fantasy. It was a true image, this optical device got me closer, I could finally 'touch' the universe. Being able to focus and select a specific object in the sky, boosted my sense of belonging. Even today, not so many of us could say that they have ever seen the rings of Saturn through a telescope, and this is precisely my point. We are billions of human beings and yet, only a handful of us have ever discovered deep space. Don't get me wrong. This book is not a guide to the galaxy. It is a love story. You probably know me by now, the only literature I feel comfortable writing is about emotions. A love story in deep space is certainly not an easy task, many novelists probably crushed their teeth trying to write one. This story takes Jeremy, a young man living in Cornwall, England, straight onto a distant planet. Will he ever come back to Earth? Let's find out...

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Ce livre raconte l'histoire d'Émile Rousseau, un jeune homme français vivant à Oxford, en Angleterre. J'espère que vous trouverez ce roman captivant et qu'il remplira sa mission, celle de faire vibrer vos émotions. Je m'excuse à l'avance s'il vous empêche un peu de dormir la nuit par envie irrésistible d'en connaître la suite, ou si cette histoire augmente sensiblement votre consommation de chocolat au lait. Émile m'a bien prévenu à plusieurs reprises, de ne jamais parler de lui derrière son dos, une pratique bien trop courante de nos jours qui n'est, reconnaissons-le, pas très élégante. Je vous propose donc de le rencontrer en personne sans plus tarder. Bonne lecture.

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Synopsis New York City is one of the most impressive discoveries you will ever make in a lifetime. As soon as you land there, you know that you have entered a world of historical verticality. At its core rises the majestic Empire State Building where our main hero Marcus works as a cleaner. Manhattan, the centre of the metropolitan area, is no longer a little woodland where native Americans used to make bows and arrows for hunting. Like many megalopolises it is a jungle of restless human souls, the hunter has become the hunted. But does this mean they all end up being swallowed by the beast of insignificance? Let's find out! Enjoy. The author

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    Synopis Don't we all remember sending a love message, only to realize how crazy it possibly was? Maybe in order to fall in love, you will have to be prepared to 'make a fool of yourself' and accept to reveal hidden aspects of your personality and sexuality. It would be true to say that this book has a strong sensual and 'fetish' connotation, taking us a step closer to our subconscious minds. Like a child fascinated by hungry dinosaurs, a teenager watching 'Jaws' numerous times on Television, or passengers on the Titanic facing an unexpected tragedy, this story takes you to an unforeseen voyage. Everybody has little secrets. I don't write novels to blend with an existing style or copy someone else. I do it because I like to dig into the mind, the valley of dreams and emotions, and share my discoveries with you. Will Quentin find love in Moscow? Let's find out !

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

    I woke up one morning, with colorful images of a temple in Ancient Egypt. Despite all my efforts to understand why this vision came to my mind, I instantly knew that I would have a story to write. This book is a carbon copy of my dream. A vivid vision of an Egyptian high priestess, living in the middle of the desert, and soon realizing that her life would change forever. However, I never expected my trivial imaginary world to be connected to an important historical event that really took place in 30BC! The last Pharaoh of Egypt, Queen Cleopatra had committed suicide. The Ptolemaic kingdom, started by Alexander the Great, ended that year, and the fertile land of Kemet, as it was known for centuries, became Egypt, the granary of Rome. This story takes place in Upper Egypt, a Roman legion has already seized the town of Dendera, and is heading South.... What will happen next? Let's find out!

  • av Jean-Claude Reisser

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