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Böcker av Jeanne Metcalf

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  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers, Volume 2, Scriptural Prayers to Shatter Strongholds. Each prayer in this book, focuses on shattering strongholds, first by connecting believers with their God, and then moves in the direction of targeting specific issues.Section 1 brings aspects of praise to the forefront. In that atmosphere of praise, God's hand moves to shatter strongholds, breaking the power of entities which oppose the work of God's Kingdom.Section 2 reaffirms a believer's position in Messiah, and thus, building faith, prepares us to confidently bind and loose forces and set captives free.Section 3 highlights choices and how they affect our lives. It includes a prayer of repentance for making wrong choices and petitions God's help to make better ones in the future. Section 3 concludes with a powerful prayer of deliverance.Each prayer in this book holds potential to shatter strongholds. Add your voice and faith to its many prayers, then, watch God's resident power of scripture work in your life!Be wise, be discerning! Put this invaluable collection of prayers filled with scriptural principles to work on your behalf or that of another.We believe you'll find it as it is named: "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Volume 2, >Volume 1 ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7; Volume 2 ISBN # 978-1-926489-97-1

  • av Jeanne Metcalf
    316 - 350,-

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    Governments have power, some more than others. However, one government stands above all others and to this government, every other government bows. Do you know about that Government?Do you know its ruler, its laws and power?Do you know how to implement its authority? Through the pages of this book, see the ruler of this greater government identified. Be amazed by the power exhibited by this government to establish a magnificent world functioning in righteousness. Recognize the strategic plans of this superior government for today's world and all that live in it. In trying times, learn how to focus on the overcoming powers of this government especially when living in a world shaken by conflicts of power. Use that government's supreme power to realign your world with righteousness.>Discover the greatest government in existence: Heaven's Greater Government. Be sure you have the textbook so that you can properly use this workbook! Textbook ISBN # 978-1-926489-44-5

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    Above Artificial Intelligence - Finding God in a World of AI(Textbook) Artificial Intelligence, today, extends its modern arms to virtually every field imaginable. As AI devices replace individuals in the working world, some wonder if coming super intelligent AIs intend to replace more than jobs! Some fear a future time when AI devices takeover and rule our planet. Does a future with AI concern, interest or intrigue you? If so, open the pages of "Above Artificial Intelligence". Discover the greatness of God's design for humankind, which no type of AI can ever mimic, replace, or surpass. Then, as you read this book, be prepared to stand in awe of how God created you, loves you and destined you for better things than an AI takeover. Recognize how God prepared His human creation to withstand all threatening obstacles in a world with or without AI. At the same time, reinforce your fundamental faith principles and fortify your beliefs to live a victorious life in our present world of AI technology. Smile and courageously face this world of AI. Discover what God deposited in humans that makes you, today and always, far Above Artificial Intelligence! Consider using the workbook for an enhanced learning experience. Workbook ISBN # 978-1-926489-94-2

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    WATCHING. WAITING. WARNING.Obeying Yeshua's Command to Watch and PrayBOOK # 3 - WORKBOOK To "watch and pray" is Yeshua's command. It is also part of the vital weaponry given to believers. When practiced, as Yeshua commanded, it positions believers to walk shielded, within God's protective defense system. It strengthens a believer's ability to identify the many traps, snares and pitfalls set to catch the unaware. Far too many believers, unfortunately, don't know about this command, thus, it lays forgotten, with its effective principle abandoned. Without it, believers are left vulnerable and unprotected. This command, given to us in love by Yeshua, must be unveiled, picked up and used! Learn to Watch & Pray! "Watching. Waiting. Warning" unveils this command, explains it clearly, and then, presents powerful prayers formed around the Word of God. It puts a practical teaching and an amazing tool to "watch and pray" in your hand. With that principle understood, embraced, and operative in your life, your defence system is heightened, thus, you'll be alert, ready, and better equipped to live in the world, without being part of it. Then, after personally embracing and obeying this command, you can expand your scope of influence to "watch and pray" over your loved ones, and even over those who carry the torch of the gospel, either on the home front or abroad. Yes, with God's help, you can learn to "watch and pray" for yourself, for others and for nations, too! It begins, however, by first learning to obey Yeshua's command to "Watch and Pray" Please note: There are 3 books in this series. Book 1 - Textbook; Book 2 - Prayer book; Book 3 - Workbook.

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers - Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains(Book # 2: Hebrew Names Version)Yeshua said to His Disciples: "Truly, I say to you, if you have faith, and doubt not, you shall say to this mountain, be removed & get into the sea, and it shall be done. All things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." Matthew 21:21-22 Prayers, operating in faith as Yeshua instructed, arise easier when believers form their prayers around scripture and the principles therein. Prayers like that, as Yeshua promised, move mountains. "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", formed amid fiery trials in the author's life, makes an excellent resource for any believer. Each prayer, already proven through use, not only hits the target, but because of their scriptural base, helps believers to get to know their God better. After all, the Word of God says, "those who know their God will be strong and do exploits! " Daniel 11:32 b. There is no better way to know God, than to know the scriptures and no better way to receive from Him than to pray His Word! So, if you face challenging situations or have any mountains in your life that you want removed, or if you simply want to strengthen your faith, consider adding this invaluable collection of scriptural prayers to your spiritual resources. We believe you'll find it as it is named: "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers"

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    THE JEREMIAH GENERATION - God's Response to InjusticeIn the latter days of ancient Israel, there lived a generation of people, void of truth and steeped in such great wickedness that injustice reigned in their land. If unchanged, this entire generation would meet with the judgmental hand of the Righteous Judge of all the earth. To deter that judgment, God sent His prophet, Jeremiah to speak to the people of that generation.How did Jeremiah affect that generation?Did the people receive him and his message?Did they return to God or did God's Hand of judgment fall?Answer these questions and more through this Bible Study entitled, "The Jeremiah Generation". Discover the people, their promiscuous times, and the roots of injustice in the land during the time of Jeremiah. Listen and hear the voice of Jeremiah echo through the pages of time as he faced a people of a perverted faith system, confronting them with their sin and need for repentance. Measure the response of these people to Jeremiah, who desired everyone to recognize the day of accountability, which was so very close at hand, and to do whatever possible to avert it. Enjoy a study of "The Jeremiah Generation" and the many lessons within that generation, which in many ways, pertains to our own. Discover the powerful lessons tucked away in a study of: The Jeremiah Generation!

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    THE GIFT OF GOD'S NAME Christian faith statements present a way to help your faith grow. Consider this 65-page book, small enough to fit inside your bible, as an open door to unleash the potential power of faith statements into your life.Inside you will find two sections: Section 1 explains nine compound names of our God, given to us within the Hebraic scriptures. Knowing the meaning of these names helps us to grasp more about the amazing character and nature of God. This knowledge draws you closer to God.Section 2 contains capsulated biblical statements, showing benefits of the Name of God, focusing on the finished works of the cross. This booklet approaches the benefits as ready to be imparted into our lives.These declarations speak about many fundamental Christian principles such as the blood of the Lamb, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, walking in the dominion given to believers through the cross, as well as the believer's position seated in heavenly places. If you embrace these faith principles, use this approximately 3500 word declaration to strengthen your faith, and help you to align with what God designed for you, as a Christian believer. TIME REQUIREMENTS: Some individuals take 30 minutes to read the declaration pages. Others have done it in 45 minutes, while others, took an hour. ******(To see our Christian faith approach, visit and check out our faith statement.)

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    Foundations of REVIVAL - Biblical Evidence of Revival>What does the Bible say about Revival?Is Revival for today? Discover your answer in "Foundations of Revival", as scripture unveils the truth. Uncover the Biblical need and purpose for Revival; the call of God to believers to see Revival's manifestation; the normal characteristics of Revival; as well as some expected promises of Revival. Learn how Revival works since the cross, and how the early church believers perceived Revival for these last days. Be biblically sound in your concepts of Revival.Know what to expect in your generation. (For a deeper study in the Word, order the Workbook, too!)

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    RELEASING THE IMPOSSIBLE - The Limitless Power of IntercessionStorms come to every life. For each storm, God has a divine solution. "Releasing the Impossible" invites believers to utilize the limitless power of intercession to see those divine solutions realized. Allow your appetite for intercession to grow within as you read this two volume series: Volume 1 contains stories of intercession completed by the author, bringing the basic biblical principles of intercession to life, as she learned them. With those principles in mind, a good foundation exists for your own intercessions.Volume 2 picks up on the already established foundation of intercession to bring to light the principles of intercession used by Biblical characters.Both Volumes work together to help believers partner with God in intercession to see their breakthrough realized. >Learn to partner with God in intercession and be found in Him, Releasing the Impossible. (For a deeper experience in God, consider ordering the Workbook, too!)

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    IT'S ALL ABOUT HEAVENAs Pictured in Scripture Heaven is a mystery to most people, and so much so, that people the world over wonder: What is heaven like? Who goes there?What do we do when we get there? In searching for the answers to these and other questions, people listen to intriguing stories of those who claim to know about heaven. While these narratives thrill listening audiences, how does one know for sure what heaven is about? For the Christian believer, the only assured and trusted answers come through God's revelation about heaven in the scriptures. "It's All About Heaven" presents pertinent scriptures for the serious searcher to explore. Find comfort in the truth as you investigate passages about Heaven's entrance, Heaven's hidden treasures, Heaven's government, and Heaven's throne room, and much more! Know what God tells us about heaven and cling to that revelation. Stand secure in God's view about heaven, including the foundational concept that in this life: It's All About Heaven! (For a deeper experience, get the workbook, too and use the material as a Bible Study, alone or in a group! It works great!)

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    In Exodus,19:5-6 we hear God invite His People to be priests in His Kingdom: "Now therefore, if you will hear and obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a precious treasure unto Me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And you shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation." This kingdom of priests, within the parameters of that first covenant, while introduced and activated, did not reach its fulfillment. When Yeshua arrived on the scene, His dynamic ministry opened the door to the total fulfillment of that priesthood offered in Exodus. As a believer, do you recognize that priesthood?Can you outline the details of it?More importantly, do you operate in it? To help you do so, "Arising Incense" examines priesthood from Adam to Aaron, and from Aaron to the cross. Then, looking at Yeshua, "Arising Incense" highlights the principles of Yeshua's powerful priesthood, showing how it functions since the cross. "Arising Incense" reveals, without a doubt, our covenant priesthood in Yeshua is a far greater priesthood! Study "Arising Incense"Know your priesthood in Yeshua.Avail yourself of it!

  • av Jeanne Metcalf
    336 - 400,-

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    HEAVEN'S GREATER GOVERNMENT: Behind the Scene of Earth's EventsGovernments have power, some more than others. However, one government stands above all others and to this government, every other government bows. Do you know about that Government? Do you know its ruler, its laws and power? Do you know how to implement its authority? Through the pages of this book, see the ruler of this greater government identified. Be amazed by the power exhibited by this government to establish a magnificent world functioning in righteousness. Recognize the strategic plans of this superior government for today's world and all that live in it. In trying times, learn how to focus on the overcoming powers of this government especially when living in a world shaken by conflicts of power. Use that government's supreme power to realign your world with righteousness. Set your spiritual eyes to perceive the effects of the most powerful government in the world and beyond. Discover the greatest government in existence: Heaven's Greater Government.

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    IT'S ALL ABOUT HEAVEN - As Pictured in ScriptureWORKBOOKHeaven is a mystery to most people, and so much so, that people the world over wonder: What is heaven like? Who goes there?What do we do when we get there? In searching for the answers to these and other questions, people listen to intriguing stories of those who claim to know about heaven. While these narratives thrill listening audiences, how does one know for sure what heaven is about? For the Christian believer, the only assured and trusted answers come through God's revelation about heaven in the scriptures. "It's All About Heaven" presents pertinent scriptures for the serious searcher to explore. Find comfort in the truth as you investigate passages about Heaven's entrance, Heaven's hidden treasures, Heaven's government, and Heaven's throne room, and much more! Know what God tells us about heaven and cling to that revelation. Stand secure in God's view about heaven, including the foundational concept that in this life: It's All About Heaven! (For a deeper experience, use the textbook and workbook as a Bible Study! Use it alone or in a group. It works great!)

  • av Jeanne Metcalf

    WORKBOOK - RELEASING THE IMPOSSIBLE - The Limitless Power of IntercessionStorms come to every life. For each storm, God has a divine solution. "Releasing the Impossible" invites believers to utilize the limitless power of intercession to see those divine solutions realized. Allow your appetite for intercession to grow within as you read this two volume series: Volume 1 contains stories of intercession completed by the author, bringing the basic biblical principles of intercession to life, as she learned them. With those principles in mind, a good foundation exists for your own intercessions.Volume 2 picks up on the already established foundation of intercession to bring to light the principles of intercession used by Biblical charactersBoth Volumes work together to help believers partner with God in intercession to see their breakthrough realized. Consider joining the countless other believers who embrace intercession. Learn biblical principles through this book to invite God's power to break through the storms in your life. THE WOKBOOK, refers to both Volume 1 and 2 . For a deeper experience get all three books. Learn to partner with God in intercession and be found in Him, Releasing the Impossible. Note: The Workbook contains questions which you answer based on Volume 1 and Volume 2. The workbook is not meant to be purchased by itself, but accompanies Volume 1 and 2.

  • av Metcalf Jeanne Metcalf
    326 - 376,-

  • av Metcalf Jeanne Metcalf
    290 - 320,-

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