- Part 2 of 3 - The Thieves of Time
av Jeff Schanz
GUARDIANS OF THE GATES series -When a madman wields a supernatural force that can wipe humanity off the globe, an ancient, dying society called The Saints are the only ones who understand the unfathomable threat. But their best chance to stop it is a fugitive agent and a ghost. PART 2, THE THIEVES OF TIME -Fresh from battling the creatures from the ranch, Sebastian and has more questions than answers. And finding those answers may come at significant cost. The conspiracy to conceal them runs deep, and at the highest levels of society, including The Saints hierarchy. Someone wants Sebastian out of the way, and Sebastian soon finds himself to be a wanted man and an outcast from The Saints. Sebastian is determined to get to the bottom of the plot, with or without The Saints' help. He no longer has their resources, and only has a motley crew of helpers: three conspiracy blog geeks, a lady private detective with a dark secret, a shady informant with ulterior motives, and the ghost of Sebastian's dead brother, Marcellus. The search for the bizarre truth leads the team in two directions. While Marcellus and his team research a Los Angeles pharmaceuticals lab, Sebastian must head back to London where he is a wanted fugitive, and his only ally is a deceitful and slimy "reformed" demon. Sebastian must survive croco-werewolves, London police, falling from blimps, parachuting with patio umbrellas, and his awkward love life. The enemy is not only guarded by bloodthirsty monsters, but also has Teflon social armor, obscene amounts of money, power, influence, and dangerous allies. All Sebastian has is makeshift gadgets and a plucky spirit. To survive the confrontation will take more than strategy and luck. It'll take a miracle. Sebastian is the only soul who knows the clock is ticking on doomsday, and he's a fugitive from the only organization that can stop it.