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Böcker av Jitendra Singh

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  • - Challenges Vs Outcomes
    av Jitendra Singh
    2 016,-

    This volume discusses the emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic as a potential alternative to traditional classroom-based learning. It presents a collection of theory, practices, and case studies from across the globe and covers different aspects of education from a multi-disciplinary perspective.While focusing on the various opportunities that surfaced for carrying out innovative experiments in the online learning space, the book discusses pedagogical challenges and the need for a shift in teaching pedagogy towards online learning. It outlines the existing learning theories, reasons behind their failure, and new theories that emerged to fill the need for new methods for delivery of content and pedagogy. The book discusses the issues faced by stakeholders, including the institute administrators, students, and teachers to prepare for this new method of teaching and learning. It highlights the role of virtual laboratories in supplementing the needs of the students in the remote learning environment. The book also discusses the role and impact of social media as a powerful tool of learning and educational communication.This book will be of interest to teachers, students and researchers of education, higher education, digital education, information technology, educational psychology, and media studies. It will also be useful for courses on e-learning, educationalists, policymakers, educational institutions, online education centres, and practitioners working in the related areas.

  • av Jitendra Singh

    In diverse parti del mondo, la fonte più frequente di malattie di origine alimentare è il batterio Salmonella. Anche se si trasmette attraverso alimenti e acqua contaminati, può causare gravi rischi per la salute umana, che è parzialmente immune a questo patogeno. Può causare gravi rischi per la salute umana, che è parzialmente immune a questo patogeno. La febbre tifoidea è la principale malattia veicolata dalla Salmonella che provoca la salmonellosi nell'intestino degli animali e degli esseri umani. Poiché la febbre tifoidea si manifesta di solito nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. Poiché gran parte della società è abituata a vivere nelle aree urbane. E si affida totalmente ai prodotti del mercato per il consumo, quindi il vettore abituale della Salmonella sono i prodotti acquistati in commercio.

  • av Jitendra Singh

    Em diferentes partes do mundo, a fonte mais frequente de doenças de origem alimentar são as bactérias, a Salmonella. Embora seja transfectada através de alimentos e água contaminados. Pode causar graves riscos para a saúde humana, que são parcialmente imunes a este patogéneo. A febre tifóide é a principal doença transportada pela Salmonella para causar Salmonelose nas entranhas dos animais, bem como dos seres humanos. Uma vez que a febre tifóide ocorre normalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma vez que uma grande parte da sociedade está habituada a viver na zona urbana. E estão totalmente dependentes dos produtos de mercado para consumo, pelo que os portadores habituais de Salmonella são os produtos comprados comercialmente no mercado.

  • av Jitendra Singh

    Dans différentes parties du monde, la source la plus fréquente de maladies d'origine alimentaire est la bactérie Salmonella. Bien qu'elle soit transmise par des aliments et de l'eau contaminés, elle peut constituer un risque grave pour la santé humaine qui est partiellement immunisée contre ce pathogène. Elle peut entraîner des risques graves pour la santé humaine, qui est partiellement immunisée contre cet agent pathogène. La fièvre typhoïde est la principale maladie véhiculée par les salmonelles, qui provoquent la salmonellose dans les intestins des animaux et des humains. La fièvre typhoïde est généralement présente dans les pays en développement. Une grande partie de la société est habituée à vivre dans les zones urbaines. Ils dépendent totalement des produits du marché pour leur consommation, de sorte que les porteurs habituels de Salmonella sont les produits achetés commercialement sur le marché.

  • av Jitendra Singh

    In verschiedenen Teilen der Welt sind Salmonellen die häufigste Ursache für lebensmittelbedingte Krankheiten. Auch wenn sie über kontaminierte Lebensmittel und Wasser übertragen werden. Sie können die Gesundheit des Menschen, der gegen diesen Erreger teilweise immun ist, ernsthaft gefährden. Typhus ist die häufigste Krankheit, die durch Salmonellen übertragen wird und sowohl bei Tieren als auch bei Menschen zu Salmonellose führt. Da Typhus in der Regel in Entwicklungsländern vorkommt. Ein großer Teil der Gesellschaft lebt in städtischen Gebieten. Und da sie sich für den Verzehr völlig auf Marktprodukte stützen, sind die üblichen Träger von Salmonellen die auf dem Markt gekauften Produkte.

  • av Jitendra Singh
    1 466,-

  • - Implementation Using C++
    av Jitendra Singh

    DATA STRUCTURE SIMPLIFIED: Implementation Using C++ is written for the students of undergraduate such as B.Tech (CS,IT), B.Sc (H) computer science, and master's level aiming to learn data structure in self-learning mode. This book will be equally beneficial for professionals intending to master the data structure theory and programming.

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