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Böcker av Joanne Leyland

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  • - Colour And Learn Your Very First Words In German
    av Joanne Leyland

    Learning your very first words in German is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: pet animals, transport, farm, fruit, restaurant, zoo, birthdays, garden, clothes and the countryside. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one German word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful German words for each topic are as follows: Pet animals: der Fisch / die Katze / der Hund / die Schildkröte / das KaninchenTransport:: das Auto / das Boot / das Flugzeug / der Zug / der BusClothes: das T-Shirt / der Mantel / die Handschuhe / die Stiefel / die SockenFarm: das Schwein / das Huhn / das Küken / das Pferd / die KuhRestaurant: die Würste / die Pommes Frites / der Salat / / das Eis / der KuchenWeather: die Sonne / der Regen / der Schnee / der Wind / der SturmZoo: der Löwe / der Affe / die Giraffe / das Krokodil / der PapageiPicnic: das Brot / der Käse / die Kekse / das Obst / der ApfelsaftTown: das Schwimmbad / das Café / der Supermarkt / das Schloss / das MuseumVegetables: die Kartoffel / die Karotten / die Erbsen / die Paprika / die ZwiebelThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author: Young Cool Kids Learn GermanCool Kids Speak German - Books 1, 2 & 3German Word Games - Cool Kids Speak GermanFirst 100 Words In German Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak GermanSophie And The German MagicianPhotocopiable Games For Teaching German40 German Word Searches Cool Kids Speak German

  • - Differentiated Activities For Children Of Various Abilities Learning German
    av Joanne Leyland

    Games are a great way to engage pupils so they have fun whilst they are learning in a meaningful context. To differentiate the learning activities for classes of different abilities, the games have been colour coded according to the amount of German words that appear in the games. "Grün" is for the lower ability group, "gelb" is for the middle ability group, and "rot" is for the higher ability group. At the front of the book you will find a detailed plan of which German words each ability group has for each topic. The 8 great topics in this fantastic book include clothes, drinks, numbers, pet animals, fruit, food, sport and weather. The differentiated games in this book include: Snakes and ladders, dominoes, board game style games, coordinates and 3 or 4 in a row.The games are ideal for pupils aged 7 - 14 and have been created by a qualified teacher, with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. For each game there is a useful German vocabulary list, many with pictures, for all the words the pupils need for that game. Each topic also has a set of mini cards. There are so many different language games that can be played using mini cards, for example the pairs card game, guess the word etc, so at the back of the book there are 16 ideas of activities to do with the mini cards. The pair work activity instructions can either be given as an instructions page for the children to choose their own game, or you can choose the games the children will play. For the games using the mini cards you can decide if you want the whole class to have all the cards, or if you continue to ask groups to focus on the words outlined in the detailed vocabulary plan for their group.The games can be played to learn or revise German vocabulary for the 8 topics, or the pupils can practise making German sentences or questions as they play the games. For each topic there are ideas for making sentences or questions using the words in that topic, and you can choose what you want the pupils to practise as they play the games.Once photocopied the games are an excellent classroom resource that can be used time and time again. The mini cards look good photocopied onto card, and to make the different sets easy to separate you could use 3 or 4 different colours when photocopying. The other games look lovely photocopied onto either A4 or A3. Games are ideal for repetition, reinforcement, encourage a positive approach to learning a foreign language and also encourage the development of good social and communication skills. Let's make learning German fun!

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Learning your very first words in Italian is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: pet animals, the picnic, transport, fruit, farm, restaurant, zoo, countryside, the town and vegetables. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one Italian word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful Italian words for each topic are as follows:Pet animals: il gatto / il cane / il pesce / il pappagallo / il coniglioPicnic: il formaggio / i pomodori / il panino / i biscotti / il gelatoTransport: il camion / la macchina / il pullman / l'aeroplano / la barcaFruit: la mela / la fragola / la pera / l'arancia / il limoneFarm: il maiale / la mucca / il toro / la capra / il cavalloRestaurant: la zuppa / la pizza / l'insalata / le patatine / la tortaZoo: l'elefante / il leone / la scimmia / la giraffa / il coccodrilloCountryside: i fiori / la rana / l'anatra / l'albero / la forestaTown:la caffetteria / la piscina / la stazione dei treni / il supermercato / il castelloVegetables: la patata / la carota / i piselli / il peperone / la cipollaThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Young Cool Kids Learn ItalianSophie And The Italian MagicianCool Kids Speak Italian Books 1, 2 & 3Italian Word Games - Cool Kids Speak ItalianFirst 100 Words In Italian Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak ItalianOn Holiday In Italy Cool Kids Speak ItalianPhotocopiable Games For Teaching ItalianUn Alieno Sulla TerraHai Un Animale Domestico?La Scimmia Che Cambia Colore

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Learning your very first words in English is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: pet animals, transport, clothes, farm, garden, fruit, zoo, town, restaurant and vegetables. The lovely colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one English word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. This book would be suitable for young children whether English is their only language or their second language. The useful English words for each topic are as follows:Pet animals: a cat / a dog / a rabbit / a fish / a tortoiseTransport: a car / a boat / a bus / a lorry / a helicopterClothes: a t-shirt / a jumper / a coat / socks / bootsFarm: a horse / a cow / a pig / a hen / a chickFruit: an apple / an orange / a lemon / a strawberry / grapesCountryside: a forest / a mountain / a duck / a windmill / a mouseThe town: a cafe / a swimming pool / a supermarket / a train station / a museumZoo: an elephant / a monkey / a giraffe / a parrot / a crocodileRestaurant: soup / a hamburger / chips / sausages / a cakeThe seaside: the sea / a towel / an ice cream / an ice lolly / a donkeyThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Cool Kids Speak English Books 1, 2 & 3First Words In English - 100 Words To Colour & LearnEnglish For Kids Ages 5 - 7English Word GamesFun Word Search Puzzles

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Learning your very first words in Spanish is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: toys, pet animals, transport, picnic, summer, zoo, fruit, countryside, the town and vegetables. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one Spanish word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful Spanish words for each topic are as follows:Toys: el coche / el osito de peluche / el balón / la guitarra / el tamborPet animals: el gato / el perro / el conejo / el pez / la tortugaTransport: el camión / el avión / el barco / el autobús / el helicópteroPicnic: el bocadillo / el queso/ la ensalada / la fruta / las galletasSummer: el sol / la flor / la camiseta / el helado / la mariposaZoo: el mono / el elefante / el león / la jirafa / el loroFruit: la manzana / el limón / la fresa / las uvas / la naranjaCountryside: el toro / el ratón / el árbol / el burro / la cabraThe town: el castillo / la piscina / la cafetería / el supermercado / la estación de trenesVegetables: las patatas / los guisantes / la zanahoria / la cebolla / el pimientoThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Young Cool Kids Learn SpanishFirst Words In Spanish Teacher's Resource BookCool Kids Speak Spanish Books 1, 2 & 3Spanish Word Games - Cool Kids Speak SpanishFirst 100 Words In Spanish Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak SpanishDaniel And The Spanish Robot Books 1, 2 & 3Sophie And The Spanish MagicianJack And The Spanish DinosaurSpanish at Christmas timeSeis Mascotas Maravillosas

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Learning your very first words in French is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: pet animals, transport, fruit, farm, restaurant, zoo, birthdays, garden, clothes and the countryside. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one French word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful French words for each topic are as follows:Pet animals: le chat / le chien / le poisson / l'oiseau / la tortueTransport: le camion / la voiture / l'avion / le train / le bateauFruit: la pomme / la fraise / la poire / le raisin / le citronFarm: le cochon / la poule / la vache / le taureau / le chevalRestaurant: le potage / les saucisses / les frites / le fromage / la glaceZoo: le singe / l'éléphant / le lion / le crocodile / le perroquetBirthdays: le ballon / le cadeau / le nounours / le gâteau / les bonbonsClothes: le t-shirt / le pull / le manteau / les chaussettes / les bottesCountryside: l'arbre / la souris / la montagne / le canard / la chèvreWeather: le soleil / la pluie / le vent / l'orage / la neigeThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Young Cool Kids Learn FrenchFirst Words In French Teacher's Resource BookCool Kids Speak French Books 1, 2 & 3French Word Games - Cool Kids Speak FrenchFirst 100 Words In French Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak FrenchDaniel And The French Robot Books 1, 2 & 3Sophie And The French MagicianJack And The French Languasaurus Books 1, 2 & 3French at Christmas timeTu As Un Animal?On Holiday In France Cool Kids Speak French

  • av Joanne Leyland

    With two great stories in each book, learning Italian is fun with the Italian magician! In the first story, the Italian magician asks everyone to clap and say three times various Italian words as he makes a coin vanish and some animals appear. In the second story, it's Sophie's birthday party and the Italian magician makes teddies of various colours appear, as everyone claps and says three times some colours in Italian.The Italian vocabulary in this book includes:Essential words: Ciao / Mi chiamo / Come stai? / Molto bene / GrazieNumbers: uno / due / treAnimals: un coniglio / un uccello / un caneColours: rosso / arancione / giallo / verde / blu / viola / rosaFood: caramelleThe author of this book is a qualified teacher, with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. This story is ideal for children aged 3 - 7 but it may also interest children of other ages. At the back of the book there are two pages that may be photocopied for class or home use:Useful Italian words and phrases - To help learn some Italian words you could create a poster by copying some of the words and pictures.A short song that could be sung or made into a rap - how many different versions can you create using the lyrics?Also available by the same author are the following books:Young Cool Kids Learn ItalianCool Kids Speak Italian (books 1, 2 & 3)First 100 Words In Italian Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak ItalianItalian Word Games Cool Kids Speak Italian

  • av Joanne Leyland

    With two great stories in each book, learning German is fun with the German magician! In the first story, the German magician asks everyone to clap and say three times various German words as he makes a coin vanish and some animals appear. In the second story, it's Sophie's birthday party and the German magician makes teddies of various colours appear, as everyone claps and says three times some colours in German.The German vocabulary in this book includes:Essential words: Hallo / Wie geht's? / sehr gut / danke / Auf WiedersehenIntroductions: Ich heißeNumbers: eins / zwei / dreiAnimals: ein Kaninchen / ein Vogel / ein HundColours: rot / orange / gelb / grün / blau / lila / rosaFood: SüßigkeitenThe author of this book is a qualified teacher, with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. This story is ideal for children aged 3 - 7 but it may also interest children of other ages. At the back of the book there are two pages that may be photocopied for class or home use:Useful German words and phrases - To help learn some German words you could create a poster by copying some of the words and pictures.A short song that could be sung or made into a rap - how many different versions can you create using the lyrics?Also available by the same author are the following books:Young Cool Kids Learn GermanCool Kids Speak German (Books 1, 2 & 3)First 100 Words In German Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak GermanGerman Word Games Cool Kids Speak German

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Games are a great way to engage pupils so they have fun whilst they are learning in a meaningful context. To differentiate the learning activities for classes of different abilities, the games have been colour coded according to the amount of Spanish words that appear in the games. "Verde" is for the lower ability group, "amarillo" is for the middle ability group, and "rojo" is for the higher ability group. At the front of the book you will find a detailed plan of which Spanish words each ability group has for each topic. The 8 great topics in this fantastic book include drinks, greetings, fruit, pet animals, clothes, food, transport and weather. The differentiated games in this book include: Snakes and ladders, dominoes, board game style games, coordinates and 3 or 4 in a row. The games are ideal for pupils aged 7 - 14 and have been created by a qualified teacher, with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. For each game there is a useful Spanish vocabulary list, many with pictures, for all the words the pupils need for that game.Each topic also has a set of mini cards. There are so many different language games that can be played using mini cards, for example the pairs card game, guess the word etc, so at the back of the book there are 16 ideas of activities to do with the mini cards. The pair work activity instructions can either be given as an instructions page for the children to choose their own game, or you can choose the games the children will play. For the games using the mini cards you can decide if you want the whole class to have all the cards, or if you continue to ask groups to focus on the words outlined in the detailed vocabulary plan for their group.The games can be played to learn or revise Spanish vocabulary for the 8 topics, or the pupils can practise making Spanish sentences or questions as they play the games. For each topic there are ideas for making sentences or questions using the words in that topic, and you can choose what you want the pupils to practise as they play the games. Once photocopied, the games are an excellent classroom resource that can be used time and time again. The mini cards look good photocopied onto card, and to make the different sets easy to separate you could use 3 or 4 different colours when photocopying. The other games look lovely photocopied onto either A4 or A3. Games are ideal for repetition, reinforcement, encourage a positive approach to learning a foreign language and also encourage the development of good social and communication skills. Let's make learning Spanish fun!

  • av Joanne Leyland

    Games are a great way to engage pupils so they have fun whilst they are learning in a meaningful context. To differentiate the learning activities for classes of different abilities, the games have been colour coded according to the amount of French words that appear in the games. "Vert" is for the lower ability group, "jaune" is for the middle ability group, and "rouge" is for the higher ability group. At the front of the book you will find a detailed plan of which French words each ability group has for each topic. The 8 great topics in this fantastic book include pet animals, colours, numbers, fruit, drinks, food, clothes and sport. The differentiated games in this book include: Snakes and ladders, dominoes, board game style games, co-ordinates and 3 or 4 in a row. The games are ideal for pupils aged 7 - 14 and have been created by a qualified teacher, with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. For each game there is a useful French vocabulary list, many with pictures, for all the words the pupils need for that game.Each topic also has a set of mini cards. There are so many different language games that can be played using mini cards, for example the pairs card game, guess the word etc, so at the back of the book there are 16 ideas of activities to do with the mini cards. The pair work activity instructions can either be given as an instructions page for the children to choose their own game, or you can choose the games the children will play. For the games using the mini cards you can decide if you want the whole class to have all the cards, or if you continue to ask groups to focus on the words outlined in the detailed vocabulary plan their group.The games can be played to learn or revise French vocabulary for the 8 topics, or the pupils can practise making French sentences or questions as they play the games. For each topic there are ideas for making sentences or questions using the words in that topic, and you can choose what you want the pupils to practise as they play the games.Once photocopied, the games are an excellent classroom resource that can be used time and time again. The mini cards look good photocopied onto card, and to make the different sets easy to separate you could use 3 or 4 different colours when photocopying. The other games look lovely photocopied onto either A4 or A3. Games are ideal for repetition, reinforcement, encourage a positive approach to learning a foreign language and also encourage the development of good social and communication skills. Let's make learning French fun!

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

    This fantastic book introduces only a few English words at a time, then practises then in a fun way so as to help the young learner remember the English words. The fun activities for practising English include colouring, matching English words to pictures by drawing a line, circling the correct word, copying words or writing just a few words per page. The book is full of English words and lovely images for these words that the children can colour as they look at the English words. The topics in this great book include numbers, the teddy bear's picnic, useful words, colours, the toy shop, the garden, farm animals and the beach. At the back of the book you will find a board game style game, a useful word list and the answer section.The author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by Joanne Leyland:Cool Kids Speak English - Books 1 & 2First Words In English Colouring Book: 100 words to colour & learnLearning a foreign language at an early age can be an enjoyable and useful experience, and this book would be an ideal starting point to learn English.

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

  • av Joanne Leyland

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