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Böcker av John Piper

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  • av John Piper

    When Jesus said to Nicodemus, 'You must be born again', the devout and learned religious leader was unsure what Jesus meant. It would seem nothing has changed. Today 'born again christians' fill churches that are seen as ineffectual at best, and even characterised by the 'mosaic' generation as 'unchristian'. The term 'born again' has been devalued both in society and in the church. Those claiming to be 'born again' live lives that are indistinguishable from those who don't; they sin the same, embrace injustice the same, covert the same, do almost everything the same. Being 'born again' is now defined by what people say they believe. The New Testament however defines Christians very differently. "When Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (John 3: 7), he was not sharing interesting and unimportant information. He was leading him to eternal life]] If he does that for you (or if he already has), then you are (or you will be) truly, invincibly, finally alive." John Piper

  • av John Piper

  • av John Piper, &#32422, &#32752, m.fl.

    全书紧紧围绕着 "神的护理"展开论述,几乎涉及了我们所关心的所有主题:自然与历史、生命与死亡、罪与苦难、神的主权与荣耀、基督的受苦、人的归信、基督徒的生命。派博的视野十分开阔,从浩瀚的宇宙写到内布拉斯加平原上摇曳的麦穗,从创世以先写到基督再来。他让我们看到神对这世界的介入是如此普遍深入,如此大有能力;他让我们知晓,神远比我们所认识的更伟大、威严、慈爱,若非他的许可,没有什么能临到他儿女身上。我们发现,神在苦难中依然掌权,我们的笃定盼望是以神不可抗拒的护理为担保。 派博的描述让我们看到,这个广阔的世界是一个战场,也是一座展现神荣耀的大剧院,这荣耀在基督为不配的罪人受苦时发出最耀眼的光芒。这个世界是神亲自进入历史的剧院,也是我们经历救赎的剧院。惟愿这本书,能够帮助你看清这剧院中发生的一切。惟愿神的护理这一真理,能够带给读者不可撼动的笃定力量,安慰正在受苦的人,激励更多人奔赴禾场!

  • av John Piper

    In Foundations for Lifelong Learning, John Piper offers 6 habits to cultivate a lifetime of wisdom and wonder--helping readers grow in their understanding of God's word and our world to find Christ in and above all things.

  • av John Piper

    "This is a time when the fragile form of this world is felt. The seemingly solid foundations are shaking. The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet? A Rock that cannot be shaken-ever?"-John PiperOn January 11, 2020, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reportedly claimed its first victim in the Hubei province of China. By March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization had declared a global pandemic. In the midst of this fear and uncertainty, it is natural to wonder what God is doing.In Coronavirus and Christ, John Piper invites readers around the world to stand on the solid Rock, who is Jesus Christ, in whom our souls can be sustained by the sovereign God who ordains, governs, and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him. What is God doing through the coronavirus? Piper offers six biblical answers to that question, showing us that God is at work in this moment in history.

  • av John Piper

    Mau mau cùng nhau ¿¿n tôn th¿. ¿i¿p khúc yêu th¿¿ng trong Mùa V¿ng này b¿t l¿y tr¿ng tâm c¿a mùa Giáng sinh. Mùa V¿ng là ¿¿ yêu quý Chúa Jêsus. M¿t giai ¿ön chu¿n b¿ t¿m lòng ¿ón ti¿p s¿ vinh hi¿n c¿a ngày Giáng sinh khi chúng ta k¿ ni¿m s¿ giáng th¿ làm ng¿¿i c¿a ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i ¿¿i ¿¿i. Quy¿n sách 25 bài t¿nh nguy¿n súc tích c¿a tác gi¿ John Piper mu¿n giúp chúng ta t¿p chú vào ¿¿ng Christ là tr¿ng tâm c¿a Mùa V¿ng.

  • av John Piper

  • av John Piper

    In this repackaged edition of What Jesus Demands from the World, John Piper walks through Jesus's commands, explaining their context and meaning to help readers understand Christ's vision of the Christian life and what he still requires today.

  • av John Piper

    There are few doctrines more difficult or divisive than election. With humility and grace, Piper argues for God's absolute sovereignty in salvation, explains challenging texts, and winsomely engages with key opponents.

  • av John Piper

    John Piper explores Scripture's command to love the second coming of Christ, and what it is about this event that makes it so desirable. While encouraging Christians to have a genuine longing for Jesus's presence, Piper addresses pressing questions about the end times.

  • av John Piper

    Chúa Jêsus là ai?B¿n ch¿a bao gi¿ g¿p Ngài tr¿c ti¿p, b¿n c¿ng không bi¿t ai ¿ã g¿p Ngài nh¿ th¿. Nh¿ng có m¿t cách ¿¿ bi¿t Ngài là ai. ¿ó là gì? ¿¿c Chúa Jêsus Christ - là Con ng¿¿i ¿ã ¿¿¿c bày t¿ trong Kinh Thánh - có m¿t ph¿m ch¿t ¿¿c nh¿t vô nh¿ và m¿t v¿ ¿¿p thüc linh có th¿ cho linh h¿n chúng ta bi¿t tr¿c ti¿p r¿ng: "Th¿t ¿úng là chân lý". Gi¿ng nh¿ nhìn th¿y m¿t tr¿i thì bi¿t r¿ng có s¿ sáng, höc là n¿m th¿ m¿t ong thì bi¿t r¿ng có v¿ ng¿t v¿y.S¿ sâu nhi¿m và ph¿c t¿p v¿ Chúa Jêsus phá v¿ k¿t c¿u ¿¿n s¿ trong tâm trí chúng ta. Ngài làm b¿i r¿i các th¿y d¿y lüt t¿ cho mình là khôn ngoan nh¿ng l¿i ¿¿¿c các em thi¿u nhi yêu m¿n và hi¿u rõ. Ngài ¿ã làm yên c¿n bão b¿ng ti¿ng phán nh¿ng l¿i không t¿ c¿u mình kh¿i th¿p t¿ giá.Hãy nhìn vào Chúa Jêsus c¿a Kinh Thánh. Hãy gi¿ cho ¿ôi m¿t c¿a b¿n m¿ to, r¿i làm ¿¿y góc nhìn c¿a b¿n b¿ng hình ¿nh c¿a Chúa Jêsus ¿ trong L¿i c¿a ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i. Chúa Jêsus phán r¿ng: "N¿u Jesus said, "N¿u ai kh¿ng làm theo ý mün c¿a ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i, thì s¿ bi¿t ¿¿o lý ta có ph¿i là b¿i ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i, hay là ta nói theo ý ta". Hãy c¿u xin ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i ban ân ¿i¿n ¿¿ làm theo ý Ngài, thì b¿n s¿ th¿y chân lý c¿a Con ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i.John Piper ¿ã vi¿t quy¿n sách n¿y v¿i hy v¿ng h¿t th¿y chúng ta s¿ nhìn th¿y Chúa Jêsus th¿t nh¿ chính Ngài và s¿ s¿ng th¿a mãn ¿ trong Ngài h¿n m¿i ¿i¿u khác.

  • av John Piper

    In this book, John Piper celebrates the lives and ministries of 27 leaders from church history, offering a close look at their perseverance amidst opposition, weakness, and suffering--inspiring readers toward a life of Christ-exalting courage, passion, and joy.

  • av John Piper

    In this Bible-saturated meditation on the nature of saving faith, John Piper argues that the spiritual affection of treasuring Christ belongs to the very essence of saving faith. If Christ is not embraced as our supreme treasure, he is not embraced for who he is.

  • av John Piper

    John Piper demonstrates the great relevance and unchanging realities of the book of Ruth by examining its overarching themes: the sovereignty of God, the sexual nature of humanity, and the gospel of God's mercy for the undeserving.

  • - Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer
    av John Piper

    John Piper invites readers to turn from the dulling effects of food and other appetites to the all-satisfying glory of God through fasting and prayer. Redesigned with a new foreword by David Platt and Francis Chan.

  • - - A Love Letter to a Broken Child of God
    av John Piper

  • - Tha từ bỏ mạng sống minh con hơn lang phi no
    av John Piper

    M¿t l¿a ch¿n ngay tr¿¿c m¿t: lãng phí cüc ¿¿i hay s¿ng li¿u l¿nh. Ng¿i ngoài cüc hay ¿ trong cüc ch¿i n¿y. R¿t cüc thì cüc s¿ng không d¿ dàng ¿¿i v¿i Chúa Jêsus, Ngài c¿ng h¿a là s¿ không d¿ dàng ¿¿i v¿i ng¿¿i nào theo Ngài. Chúng ta không nên ng¿c nhiên khi b¿ t¿ ch¿i và b¿ b¿t b¿. Nh¿ng h¿u h¿t chúng ta ¿¿u mün ¿¿¿c an toàn. Chúng ta tìm ki¿m s¿ thöi mái. Chúng ta mua s¿m ¿¿ th¿ cho b¿n thân. Chúng ta mün ¿¿¿c gi¿i trí.Chúng ta ¿¿u b¿ cün theo khái ni¿m an toàn, m¿t C¿ ¿¿c giáo thöi mái không có ¿¿a ng¿c khi qua ¿¿i. Nh¿ng s¿ng nh¿ th¿ có ngh¿a là sao? ¿ó là m¿t cüc ¿¿i còn r¿t xa so v¿i vi¿c s¿ng phiêu l¿u và d¿ d¿t, s¿ng sung túc và tr¿n v¿n, ¿ó không ph¿i là b¿ cao và b¿ sâu mà Chúa Jêsus ¿ã kêu g¿i chúng ta ¿âu.Hãy khám phá m¿t n¿n t¿ng kiên c¿ không có s¿ s¿ hãi trong m¿i trang sách n¿y. Hãy l¿ng nghe ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i h¿a ¿i cùng b¿n ¿¿n n¿i xa l¿. Hãy ¿¿ quy¿n sách Li¿u l¿nh là ¿úng giúp b¿n th¿y ¿¿¿c ni¿m vui khi s¿ng b¿ng ¿¿c tin và cüc ¿¿i ph¿¿c h¿nh khi b¿ h¿t m¿i th¿ mà l¿ thüc vào Chúa Jêsus!

  • - Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards (With the Complete Text of The End for Which God Created the World)
    av John Piper

  • av John Piper

    Pastor John Piper unveils the person of Christ so that everyonecan understand Jesus' deity, power and wisdom. This accessiblevolume can awaken unbelievers and sweeten any Christian's view ofthe Lord's character.

  • - How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness
    av John Piper

    Best-selling author John Piper examines the Bible's "self-authenticating" nature and unique ability to showcase God's unmatched glory that enlightens the eyes of our hearts to know that the Bible is the Word of God.

  • av John Piper

    Short and practical, this book by best-selling author John Piper encourages those struggling with illness to focus their attention on God and his grace through reflections on ten lessons he learned while in the hospital.

  • - Daily Readings for Advent
    av John Piper

    This book of 25 devotionals from John Piper helps readers refocus and meditate on the one thing that makes the Christmas season worth celebrating: the birth of Jesus, Israel's long-awaited Messiah.

  • - A Parable of Permanence
    av John Piper

    Reflecting on forty years of matrimony, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ's covenant-keeping love for the church.

  • av John Piper

    Piper demonstrates from Scripture that we don't need to choose between glorifying God with our heart and glorifying him with our mind. It's not heart or mind, but heart and mind.

  • av John Piper

    John Piper's biography of William Wilberforce takes readersbeyond Wilberforce's battle against slavery and explores thebeliefs and motivations of this influential evangelicalpolitician.

  • Spara 12%
    - Profitable Strategies for Binary Betting
    av John Piper

    A guide to getting started with binary betting. It assumes that you already know the basics and shows you in detail how and why: you need never use a stop again; you can get the market totally wrong and still make money; and you can look forward to news items and trade them with impunity.

  • av John Piper

    In this hardcover edition, long-time author and teacher John Piper draws from the preaching ministry of Jonathan Edwards to encourage pastors and leaders to gladly preach the cross, for the glory of God, to a people hungry for God and his word. Includes four extra chapters not included in the original edition.

  • - 25 Devotional Readings for Advent
    av John Piper

    Good News of Great Joy by John Piper invites Christians to make Jesus the center of the Advent season through 25 devotional readings.

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