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Böcker av Joseph Correa

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  • - Gain More Muscle in 4 Weeks without Pills or Shakes
    av Joseph Correa

  • - Saque como un profesional!
    av Joseph Correa

    Saque de Tenis de Súperman: Saque como un profesionalPor Joseph CorreaEl servicio en el tenis es el golpe más importante. Si tiene un buen servicio le ira mejor pero si tiene un excelente servicio le ira excelente. La mitad del tiempo uno tiene que servir en el partido y por esta razón es tan importante enfocarse en mejorar los componentes del saque. Tener un buen primer servicio es importante y tener un buen segundo servicio es aún más importante. Aprenda como la técnica correcta para sacar así puede reducir sus errores no forzados y aumentar los errores de su contrincante.En el tenis, el servicio puede tener estos efectos positivos y negativos dependiendo de la calidad del golpe.Este libro le ensenara como usted puede tener un saque más fuerte, consistente, seguro, y fluido. Comience hoy y vea la diferencia en su juego al tener un saque más fuerte y seguro.Este libro incluye un curso de entrenamiento suplementario, que puede ser encontrado al ingresar a

  • - Mejore su juego en 10 dias
    av Joseph Correa

    Por Joseph Correa. El tenista profesional y entrenador, Joseph Correa, le ensena las estrategias y ejercicios mas importantes en el tenis para triunfar mas sin importar su estilo de juego ni el estilo de juego de su oponente. Aprenda sobre: - Estrategias basicas del tenis - Estrategias de tenis avanzadas - Estrategias de tenis Mental - Y mucho mas Entre mas conocimiento tenga mas exito tendra en la cancha de tenis. Este libro le explicara en detalle la solucion a muchos de sus problemas de estrategia. Como muchos tenistas saben la parte mental y estrategica del tenis es fundamental para triunfar y superar a sus oponentes. Este libro incluye un curso de entrenamiento suplementario, que puede ser encontrado al ingresar a

  • - Improve Your Game in 10 Days
    av Joseph Correa

    "Learn how to uncover mental and physical skills you never thought you had." The best strategies in the game and the best drills to develop your game to the next level. Simply start reading and putting into practice what you learn. What all the best tennis pros in the world know but don't share. Now you can have this privileged information in your hands. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crutial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING? Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis books and videos go to Copyright 2014 Correa Media Group

  • - Mental Toughness Training
    av Joseph Correa

    60 Tennis Strategies and Mental Tactics: Mental Toughness TrainingBy Joseph CorreaThis book will teach you how to beat any style of play and will help you over come mental hurdles that most of us normally have during competition. Knowing what to do and when are key questions when your under pressure and wish you had a guide to get you in the right direction. Some of the strategies you will learn are: How to beat an all-court player. How to beat the "net rusher". How to over come "lobbers". What to do after you double fault. Learn from the best with this great tennis strategy book that will get you winning more matches and thinking better on and off the court. Win more matches by using the right strategy for each situation. The more strategies and tactics you know and can use the better it is for you. Learning to master the mental side of tennis has always been a difficult part of the game. Some players have decided to simply not train mentally or simply ignore it which is a big mistake. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crutial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING?Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis videos and books, go to

  • - Thirty 33 Concepts to Improve Your Game
    av Joseph Correa

    THE 33 LAWS OF TENNISBy Joseph CorreaLearning to master the mental side of tennis has always been a difficult part of the game. Some players have decided to simply not train mentally or simply ignore it which is a big mistake. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crucial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING?Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis books and videos go to

  • - Serve Like a Pro
    av Joseph Correa

    Learn how to drastically change your serve through 6 exercises that will increase your racquet speed and acceleration in a very significant way. This book includes: - The 6 Superman Tennis Serve exercises - The 3 charts that will teach you how to do them in an organized manner. - Detailed explanation on each phase of the charts. - 6 Serving tips - 12 tennis competition tips to improve your overall game This is your chance to have the best serve ever with this training that will change the way you approach your serve. Using a scientifically proven method to increase your racquet head speed and acceleration through 6 exercises. Do you want to start winning more matches thanks to your serve? Want to make a big difference in the results you have in your matches and tournaments? Well, in tennis, YOU SPEND AT LEAST 46% OF THE TIME SERVING! Which means that the better you serve, the better your chance is of controlling that 46% of your match. The remainder of the match you spend on returning serve and hitting ground strokes and volleys during the point. This basically means that working on your forehand, backhand, over head, slice, topspin, return of serve, and other specific shots will account require a lot more time and effort to master the remaining 54% of your match. SO WHY NOT WORK ON WHAT MATTERS THE MOST? This book will: - change how you serve. - It will reduce shoulder injuries. - It will reduce the amount of running you will have to do in your matches. - It will teach you how to serve faster than ever before - It will save you tears, frustration, losses, and most importantly losses It includes 3 charts that explain in detail when to train, how to train, how many times to train, and what to train. Each chart is specific for before competition, during competition, and during your off season which may be in the summer or during the winter time so that you can maximize results. Make the investment in your game to change how you play and WIN MORE TROPHIES! This book will teach you how to serve 10-20 mph faster in a 3 month day by day program. The best serve training program in the market. Video includes a 3 month chart training program and a step by step manual. This book shows you how to do the exercises properly and the process you should follow in order to be successful with the program.

  • av Joseph Correa

    114 Tennis Strategies, Mental Tactics, and Drills: Play Like a ProBy Joseph Correa"Learn how to uncover mental and physical skills you never thought you had."The best strategies in the game and the best drills to develop your game to the next level. Simply start reading and putting into practice what you learn. What all the best tennis pros in the world know but don't share. Now you can have this privileged information in your hands. (Black and white version)It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crutial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING?Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis books and videos go to www.tennisvideostore.comCopyright @ 114 Tennis Strategies, Mental Tactics, and Drills By Joseph Correa

  • - The Mental Part of Tennis
    av Joseph Correa

    60 Tennis Strategies and Mental Tactics: Mental Toughness TrainingBy Joseph CorreaThis book will teach you how to beat any style of play and will help you over come mental hurdles that most of us normally have during competition. Knowing what to do and when are key questions when your under pressure and wish you had a guide to get you in the right direction. Some of the strategies you will learn: How to beat an all-court player. How to beat the "net rusher". How to over come "lobbers". What to do after you double fault. Learn from the best with this great tennis strategy book that will get you winning more matches and thinking better on and off the court. Win more matches by using the right strategy for each situation. The more strategies and tactics you know and can use the better it is for you. Learning to master the mental side of tennis has always been a difficult part of the game. Some players have decided to simply not train mentally or simply ignore it which is a big mistake. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crutial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING?Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis books and videos go to

  • - Lo que deberias estar haciendo y en que deberias estar trabajando para ganar todo el tiempo
    av Joseph Correa

    Este libro le enseñará importantes conceptos que la mayoría de las personas nunca antes ha escuchado nombrar o simplemente no los recuerdan. Aprenderá a competir mejor y a desenvolverse a su máximo potencial. Incluye 5 consejos extra. Aprender a dominar el lado mental del tenis, siempre ha sido una parte difícil del juego. Algunos jugadores han decidido simplemente no entrenarse mentalmente o ignorarlo, lo cual es un gran error. Se dice que el tenis es un 80-90% mental! Solamente tenga en cuenta que los puntos clave en un partido de tenis, como el punto de partido, el punto de juego, y los puntos de sets son todas situaciones cruciales que pueden determinar el resultado de cualquier competencia. Entonces, por qué la mayoría de la gente saltea el entrenamiento mental? Tenga en cuenta que, en promedio, un partido de tenis dura 1 hora y 30 minutos. Concentrarse por tal cantidad de tiempo no es una tarea fácil pero con los conceptos e ideas correctos para llegar allí será más fácil alcanzarlo. Comience a leer y a poner en práctica los conceptos e ideas proporcionados en este libro así podrá lograr un mejor juego y ganar más seguido. Creado por un tenista profesional y entrenador con más de 10 años de experiencia! Aprenda de los profesionales y aprenda lo que hacen antes, durante y después de la competencia puede cambiar su forma de ver el tenis y la competencia. Si desea ganar más partidos y torneos de tenis, usted necesita comprar este libro y memorizar las ideas que contiene. En el tenis todo se trata de la preparación y eso es lo que aprenderá además de otros consejos y trucos importantes que lo ayudarán a superar a los más duros oponentes. Aprenderá - Qué debería hacer antes de su partido. - La mejor manera de acercarse a ganar. - La mejor forma de superar una derrota y cómo ganar luego de ella. - Lo que los mejores jugadores del mundo hacen para pre calentar antes de un partido. - Por qué algunos jugadores no pueden manejar situaciones de presión durante un partido y qué puede hacer para superarlo. Éstas son tan sólo algunas de las cosas que aprenderá. En el juego de hoy es importante entender lo que funciona y lo que no. Algunas personas repiten el mismo error una y otra vez sin conseguir nada, mientras que otras intentan cambiar para mejor y encuentran nuevas formas de hacer lo mismo que estaban haciendo antes.Este libro incluye un curso de entrenamiento suplementario, que puede ser encontrado al ingresar a

  • - 每餐中都有高的蛋白质含量!
    av Joseph Correa

    在身体没有出现颤抖、或者服用药物的情形下45种可增加肌肉块的食谱有助于增加你每天消耗的蛋白质数量,从而可有助于增加肌肉块。这些食谱和日程表通过一个计划、并且了解你所食用的东西,从而能够安排有序的增加肌肉。 有时候大家由于太过忙碌而不能合理饮食,这确实是一个问题,这本书正是基于这样的问题,从而帮助和大家营养自己的身体,实现你想要的目标。 要确保你在准备饮食、或者你让其他人为你准备饮食时你需要吃什么。 这本书有助于你: -快速增肌 -具有更多的能量。 -自然的加速你的新陈代谢,生长出更多的肌肉。 -改善你的消化系统。 Joseph Correa是一位具有执照的运动营养专家、和职业运动员。

  • - Las 32 estrategias mas valiosas que alguna vez aprendera
    av Joseph Correa

    32 Estrategias de Tenis para el Juego de Hoy. Las 32 estrategias mas valiosas que aprendera.Joseph CorreaEl tenista profesional y entrenador, Joseph Correa, le ensena las estrategias mas importantes en el tenis para triunfar mas sin importar su estilo de juego ni el estilo de juego de su oponente.Aprenda sobre: - Estrategias basicas del tenis- Estrategias de tenis avanzadas- Estrategias de tenis Mental- Y mucho masEntre mas conocimiento tenga mas exito tendra en la cancha de tenis. Este libro le explicara en detalle la solucion a muchos de sus problemas de estrategia. Como muchos tenistas saben la parte mental y estrategica del tenis es fundamental para triunfar y superar a sus oponentes.Copyright 2013Para obtener mas videos de tenis y libros de este autor ingrese a

  • - 意志力训练
    av Joseph Correa

    战术的使用是网球比赛中的一个重要部分。知道如何应用这些战术能够帮助你对抗比你强劲的对手时赢得更多赛局。这些战术能够帮助你做到以下三点事情: 为一个特定类型的选手做好准备。 你会知道在一场比赛中运用什么战术会最为有效。 根据你的打法去执行这些战术。 这本网球战术书是一本口袋书。它应该放在你的网球包里或者任何最容易阅读它的地方,使你随时能够运用那些在比赛中最为有用的战术。

  • - 你学过的最有价值的的32个网球战术!
    av Joseph Correa

    战术的使用是网球比赛中的一个重要部分。知道如何应用这些战术能够帮助你对抗比你强劲的对手时赢得更多赛局。这些战术能够帮助你做到以下三点事情: 为一个特定类型的选手做好准备。 你会知道在一场比赛中运用什么战术会最为有效。 根据你的打法去执行这些战术。 这本网球战术书是一本口袋书。它应该放在你的网球包里或者任何最容易阅读它的地方,使你随时能够运用那些在比赛中最为有用的战术。

  • - тренировка психологической устойчивост&
    av Joseph Correa

    , ."

  • - Улучшите вашу игру за 10 дней
    av Joseph Correa

    ", ."

  • - High Protein Content in Every Meal!
    av Joseph Correa
    421 - 441

  • - Mangia e bevi per avere un corpo piu snello e forte
    av Joseph Correa

  • - Meno lavoro e risultati piu veloci
    av Joseph Correa

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