av Joseph Husslein
The contribution of women in the history of the Church is often overlooked. In modern times it is customary to look for all the wrong things, who is powerful, who became the first woman to work in this place, or who started a movement. The women who are the subject of this book, however, were greater than any of these mundane accomplishments; they were Heroines of Christ.Married and religious, Roman martyrs and Cristeros, the 15 women whose biographies are found in this book exemplified true heroism: virtue and the love of Christ. In ancient martyrs like St. Agnes or Cecilia, you will discover steadfast fidelity in the face of persecution and demands to worship false gods. In medieval saints such as St. Joan of Arc and St. Catherine of Siena, you will read how the depths of the love of Christ led them to build His kingdom, the Church, in both the temporal and spiritual spheres. In modern saints, you will see how they fought against the forces of unbelief, temporally in Maria de la Luz Camacho, a Cristero, and spiritually with St. Thérèse of Lisieux.The authors of the various biographies have dramatized the historical facts of their lives to present a lively, engrossing account that makes tangible and visible what otherwise would have been abstract and hidden. At the same time, they have made exactness and accuracy the rule, even with the lives of early martyrs where, unlike more recent saints, not all the details can be verified by modern historiography. There, they have received the treasure of the legends and testimonies of the ancient Church.From the lives of these holy women, you too can learn how to become a hero or heroine today!