- Find Focus Through Intentional Living
av Josh Moody
When did being "e;too busy"e; and "e;going through the motions"e; become a way of life? It's no surprise that the rush between meetings and e-mails, sports practices and church functions is tiring, even exhausting. It's time to stop running and start following.Jesus's call to "e;Follow Me"e; was not just an invitation to faith; it was a prescription for living well. Walking through the seven "e;Follow Me"e; statements in the Gospel of Matthew, author Josh Moody explores Jesus's teachings of hope, life, truth, freedom, humility, greatness, and glory in 7 Days to Change Your Life. In each statement and with each teaching, Jesus gets closer to Calvary and closer to the cross, and you get closer to finding a focus for your lifeno matter how hectic it may be.Although following Jesus is not a new concept to believers, following Jesus completely becomes difficult when life moves faster and faster. Organized to be read a chapter a day, Josh meets you in your busy, hectic schedule and reveals a biblical plan to revitalize your life in as little as seven days. Endorsements: ';Wonderfully accessible and culturally relatable, the book isdestined to draw believers young and old to a fuller andever-flourishing relationship with the King of Kings. A must read!' ~Harold B. Smith, President and CEO, Christianity Today';I am confident that readers will find real guidance and genuineenablement in the pages of this thoughtful and readable volume. It isjoy for me to commend this new work.' ~ David S. Dockery, President,Trinity Evangelical Divinity School';At the risk of sounding simplistic he tells us that the way to startagain or to experience a revitalization is to change your mind aboutwhat you've been doing and rethink where you're wanting to go. Buthere's the point - this change of mind is linked to Jesus and therevitalized life is called ';Following Jesus.'' ~ Stuart Briscoe,Speaker, Author, Broadcaster on ';Telling the Truth' ';The biggest need in the church today is for more disciples. Nothipper preachers, or dazzling worship, or even stunning sanctuaries. Thebiggest need is for more believers to follow after Jesus and becomeauthentic disciples. Josh Moody has provided a great service to thechurch in that pursuit with 7 Days to Change Your Life. Absorb itscontents, meditate on its message and learn more exactly how to leaveyour past behind and experience a future walk that is life-changing.' ~J. Paul Nyquist, President, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL';Pastor Josh Moody's new book, 7 Days to Change Your Life, could dojust that. Its relentless focus on what it means to follow Jesus is theright prescription for all such readers. In fact, seven days with thisbook will be life-changing for any and all who are willing to embraceits godly counsel.' ~ Duane Litfin, President Emeritus of WheatonCollege';In 7 Days to Change Your Life, Josh Moody makes a bold promise oflife change... and delivers it. Josh invites us to follow Jesus as thedisciples he has called us to be. In this accessible volume, you'll beable to jump in quickly but still come out changed.' ~ Ed Stetzer, BillyGraham Distinguish Chair, Wheaton College ';This rich seven day curriculum brings to sharp focus and creativeapplication that transformational discipleship so necessary for both theindividual believer and the corporate church body.' ~ David Bruce,Executive Assistant to Billy Graham, Billy Graham EvangelisticAssociation';Are you weary in your walk with the Lord? Has it become routine,mundane, joyless? In this book, you will find a challenge to startagain a 7 day plan that is guaranteed to renew, refresh and redirectyour relationship with the Savior. If you are ready to respond whenJesus says, ';Follow Me,' then open the pages of this book and get readyfor the journey of a lifetime!' ~ Janet Parshall, Nationally SyndicatedTalk Show Host';Josh Moody creatively and compellingly makes the case that followingChrist is the heart of discipleship. From biblical texts and themes,and from his own experience he guides us to new depths of understandingand faithful motivation as followers of Jesus in every-day life.' ~Dennis P. Hollinger, Ph.D., President & Colman M. MocklerDistinguished Professor of Christian Ethics, Gordon Conwell TheologicalSeminary';As Christians, we too often separate our activities such assharing the gospel, doing justice and caring for others from our innerspiritual journey. By focusing on virtues such as hope, humility andtruth, Josh Moody bridges this gap. He encourages us to be contemplativeactivists, having both deep roots and wide branches.' ~ Alec Hill,President Emeritus InterVarsity Christian Fellowship';Josh Moody is a Biblical scholar and a pastor who loves the peoplehe serves. In his book, he uses the structure of a 7-day week toprovide an insightful and thoughtful understanding of our role asdisciples of Christ. In so doing, he reminds us of the importance ofknowing the Jesus we serve, understanding the depth of His love for us,and experiencing the reality of having a relationship with Him for nowand eternity. When the week is over, the reader will have a new andrefreshed understanding of their Lord and Savior.' ~ C. William Pollard,Chairman, Fairwyn Investment Company';Taking his point of departure from Jesus' seven ';Follow me!'statements in Matthew's Gospel, Josh Moody beckons you to follow him on a7-day journey to revitalize your life a time to reflect, refocus, andbe refreshed spiritually. Highly recommended!' ~ Andreas Kostenberger,Author of Excellence, Founder of Biblical Foundations (www.biblicalfoundations.org), and Ministry Council Member of The God-Centered Life';Pastor Josh Moody creatively weaves together themes from several keyNT texts to exhort and encourage Christians to pursue a God-honoring,Christ-exalting lifestyle.' ~ Douglas J. Moo, Wessner Chair of BiblicalStudies, Wheaton College; Chair, Committee on Bible Translation';We forget so easily who we are as Christians and what we are calledto do. Moody reminds us afresh what it means to be a follower of Jesus. In a profound and yet simple way we are addressed anew by Jesus Christhimself as Moody unpacks the call to discipleship.' ~ Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New TestamentInterpretation, Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist TheologicalSeminary';I love the idea of a seven-day personal revival and recommitment ofwhat it means to truly follow Jesus! Josh Moody is going against thetide of endless technology and communication by challenging us to turnoff our phones and TVs at home and to ponder God's Word, grow in graceand truth, and walk in the footsteps of our Savior.' ~ Trevin Wax, Bibleand Reference Publisher for LifeWay Christian Resources, author of ThisIs Our Time, Gospel-Centered Teaching, and Counterfeit Gospels';Josh Moody offers the church a great gift in this engaging andtimely call to radical Christian discipleship. Filled with biblicalinsight and pastoral wisdom, 7 Days to Change Your Life provides a clearand Christ-centered roadmap to the abundant life. If we desire tofollow Jesus in the midst of our current cultural pressures, we cannotafford to ignore his appeal.' ~ David Setran, Price-Lebar Chair ofChristian Formation and Ministry, Wheaton College';Josh Moody provides a unique look at what it means to follow Jesus,using thoughtful illustrations from a wide historical and culturalspectrum. In Seven Days to Change Your Life, new believers will acquire adeeper understanding of true discipleship, and seasoned saints willfind fresh zeal to persevere.' ~ Lydia Brownback, author, Finding God in My Loneliness and A Woman's Wisdom';A mine of biblical wisdom interwoven with pastoral experience andtheological insightfulness to refocus our journey on a God-centeredlife.' ~ Leonardo De Chirico, Pastor and theologian, Rome (Italy),director of the Reformanda Initiative';This wonderful Bible-centred book is a fabulous example of how tofollow Jesus as God's Word shows us, showing how its clear teachingtransforms our lives in a profoundly practical and entirelylife-changing way.' ~ Christopher Catherwood, Historian, Writer, andAuthor of Martyn Lloyd-Jones: His Life and Relevance for the 21stCentury ';7 Days to Change Your Life by Josh Moody is a rich devotional bookwritten by a theologian pastor who is gospel-centered, culturally-savvyand discipleship-driven. This devotional book is not a surfacelight-read for the casual fan of Jesus, but a thorough exposition of thecall to follow Jesus. Read this book and be informed, enriched andtransformed.' ~ Jim Tomberlin, Author, Founder of MultiSite Solutions"e;Dr. Josh Moody provides a much-needed devotional guide in this dayand age for a world which desperately craves and needs spiritualguidance but may not know it. Beautifully written like a parable, thishelpful book, structured around the number 7 (the 7 days of Creation,Jesus's 7 signs, his 7 'follow me' and 'I Am' statements, the 7 Churchesof Revelation)...refocuses the attention on what is most important.' ~Allen Yeh, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies &Missiology, Biola';There is a lot of confusion in the evangelical church about what ittruly means to follow Jesus. Many Christians talk about the call todiscipleship, but in the midst of our busy lives many of us fail toconsider what the Bible says about this call. So turn away fromdistractions and let Josh Moody help you see anew what John's Gospel andRevelation teach us about this simple call and lifelong challenge. Youwill benefit tremendously from this renewed vision of what it means tobe a disciple of Jesus.' ~ Chris Bruno, author, The Whole Message of the Bible in 16 Words; The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses';Josh Moody is a pastor, a scholar, and, above all, one who wants tolove and follow Jesus Christ. With this book, he guides us on a journeythat stirs, refreshes, and challenges. I believe you will find this bookto be thoughtful, encouraging, insightful, and penetrating. No matterwhere you are on the path of knowing Jesus Christ, this will be abeneficial tool.' ~ Curtis Cook, Pastor of Hope Fellowship Church,Cambridge, MA