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Böcker av Joshua King

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  • - What is the Money Difference?
    av Joshua King

    We go to the stock market for various reasons, including generating income, creating a tax shelter via capital gains, and building wealth.Dividend stocks typically fall under the category of dividend growth investing. DGI aims to build a long-term portfolio of stocks that continually increase their dividend payments.Income stocks usually fall under the category of income investing. The goal of income investing is current income. You purchase a stock and want it to pay you immediately.Income investing will assist you through life today, while DGI is excellent for building wealth for tomorrow.I love income investing because it can help solve my money issues now. My DGI portfolio can help me when I get much older. The key to financial success is understanding how to leverage both strategies in your favor. Good Luck!

  • - #120 Learn how to create passive income through real estate, investments, and royalties
    av Joshua King

    Begin or continue your Financial Independence journey via retirement planning, stock market investing, real estate, and business.In this month's magazine, we take a look at: 01 Saving & Investing 103: What is Your Investment Philosophy?02 Minimalism is Now a Necessity03 Dividend Investing 101: What Are Dividends?04 My Five-Year Plan for My Book Business05 Dividend Investing 102: Picking the Right Dividend Stocks06 The Magic of High-Yield Index Fund Reinvestment07 Dividend Investing 103: Picking Your Platform08 Cursed Retirement? What is Sequence of Returns Risk?Join us inside! Freedom of Time, Freedom for Family, Freedom to Travel, Freedom equals Peace, Be Free!

  • - #119 Learn how to create passive income through real estate, investments, and royalties
    av Joshua King

    Begin or continue your Financial Independence journey via retirement planning, stock market investing, real estate, and business.In this month's magazine, we take a look at: 01 Personal Loans vs. Credit Cards02 How to Use a Daily Budget03 Rents Go Up: Which Side Are You On?04 Saving & Investing with $1,000 Per Month05 Saving & Investing 101: What is Your Risk Tolerance?06 The Metaverse 117: Return to the Metaverse07 Saving & Investing 102: What is Your Relationship with Money?08 Saving is Defense; Investing is OffenseJoin us inside! Freedom of Time, Freedom for Family, Freedom to Travel, Freedom equals Peace, Be Free!

  • - How to Lead a Successful Retired Life
    av Joshua King

    The workforce is a dangerous place to be in 2024. Wouldn't leaving it all behind as soon as possible be nice?Luckily, you can leave the workforce much sooner than you think with the right mindset. The key is finding your household budget and living below your income.The lower your expenses, the sooner you can retire. Most people believe their income and budget are the same numbers. Negative.If you earn $10,000/month, you should live on $8,000/month. By saving and investing the difference (called cash flow), you'll generate more income and retire much faster.It's all part of building a Happy Cash Flow Retirement. Good Luck!

  • - It Means I'm Becoming Wealthier
    av Joshua King

    When did we become a nation that can't sit still? Whenever I turn on Facebook, I see someone traveling somewhere exotic or buying something fancy.What happened to the magic of being bored? Why can't we seem to sit in the house and enjoy each other's company?The magic of boredom is learning about ourselves WHILE letting our resources compound and grow.The world is becoming more expensive, and we have two weapons to take on this new challenge.First, we can live together longer, and second, we can focus on saving money and doing things as a family unit. That's how we defeat capitalism. Good Luck!

  • - Let's Juice Our Returns
    av Joshua King

    There are many goals to investing our money in the stock market. Three of the most important are beating inflation, creating a paycheck, and building generational wealth.I love being an income investor and aiming for 8-10% returns from my portfolio, paid for in cash with dividends.However, I can sprinkle a few options trading to increase my annual returns by over 30%.This extra income ensures I can ultimately withstand any inflation that comes my way. Plus, options trading adds a little excitement to days when I don't receive dividends.Together, I get a consistent paycheck (dividends) and amazing bonuses (options). Life is good.

  • - The Power of Choice
    av Joshua King

    Intelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions. As we progress on our journey to financial freedom, we must learn about various financial products.These products exist in different regions of the financial sector, but we can use them in tandem to protect our assets and build wealth.Investing for interest is different than investing for dividends. These distinctions will help us understand the purpose of using high-yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit, treasury bills, and money market funds.We don't use these products to make us rich; we use them to protect our principal while earning some income along the way. Good luck!

  • - The Magic of Money Market Funds
    av Joshua King

    As we transition from savers to inventors, we must use the tools that investors use.One of those tools is a money market fund. Money market funds aim to keep their net asset value at $1.I think of them as checking accounts inside your brokerage account. They are great "holding pens" for your money as you transition between investments.As investors, we must keep our investment dollars close to the stock market. Therefore, money market funds allow us to maintain a pile of cash (sometimes called dry powder) near the market for a quick move.You also earn interest on your cash while it sits in a money market fund. Are money market funds right for you?Look inside to see if you can leverage money market funds in your investment portfolio. Investors love money market funds, so you may as well. Good Luck!

  • - It's the Best Way to Build Generational Wealth
    av Joshua King

    How can our kids build an empire in 60 to 70 years? Knowing what we know now, how can we assist them in building wealth and maintaining a solid family structure?The most important thing we can do is ensure they don't pay rent to anyone outside our household.When our kids go to college and start renting apartments, they are helping fund someone else's lifestyle.The best thing we can do is keep them in our homes until they can purchase a home themselves. Homeownership is the first key to building generational wealth.If we do it right, our kids will be well on their way to creating an extraordinary life full of free time and family, as opposed to stress and anxiety. Good Luck!

  • - From a Financial Perspective
    av Joshua King

    Men, what are we doing to ourselves? Why do we seek women with equal or more financial resources than us?The truth is that women should marry to level themselves (and their lives) up. Therefore, they are looking to be much better off once they match.If a woman already has an education, a great career, and a house, why does she need you? She wants someone who can level her up even more-and she has every right to seek such a life.The average man cannot afford to provide this "leveled-up" lifestyle. However, there is no reason to worry. There are millions of women to fit into your lifestyle.Men, you are looking in the wrong areas. Find women who need a little assistance with education, housing, or support. It's okay; we are providers.Providers ensure everyone under their umbrella is thriving. Instead of trying to find a woman with an umbrella (herself), find someone who would love to join your program.My wife and I are a great example of this. We both grew up poor and wanted to change our circumstances. We built everything together, from our first mattress to buying our third house.We were able to build because my wife liked my program. She helped me add children to my plan and gave me the emotional support I needed to continue in the Marines for 24 years.There are so many beautiful women in this world working 2-3 jobs trying to survive. She would love someone like you to provide an umbrella for her. She will get on your program and make it even better. Good Luck!

  • - #118 Learn how to create passive income through real estate, investments, and royalties
    av Joshua King

    Begin or continue your Financial Independence journey via retirement planning, stock market investing, real estate, and business.In this month's magazine, we take a look at: 01 Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Couples02 Start Your Season of Savings: Let's Save $100,00003 Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families04 Every Day You Create is Great05 Inflation Ate My Paycheck 112: Inflation for Longer06 Income Investing vs. Inflation 207 Create Money, Spend Money, Grow Money08 Become Middle-Class PLUSJoin us inside! Freedom of Time, Freedom for Family, Freedom to Travel, Freedom equals Peace, Be Free!

  • - #117 Learn how to create passive income through real estate, investments, and royalties
    av Joshua King

    Begin or continue your Financial Independence journey via retirement planning, stock market investing, real estate, and business.In this month's magazine, we take a look at: 01 Scarcity vs. Abundance: The Difference Between Rich & Poor02 The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing 203 I'm High on Life with Royalties04 Your Income Should Increase Every Year 205 Life is a Math Game06 What I Learned From Having Tenants for 10 Years07 Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles08 How to Channel the Velocity of MoneyJoin us inside! Freedom of Time, Freedom for Family, Freedom to Travel, Freedom equals Peace, Be Free!

  • - Take You Income to New Heights
    av Joshua King

    Your income; your way. This is the mantra for all income investors. The stock market presents us with many options to create our own paycheck.We must understand how to leverage each income product to help us achieve our dream of financial freedom.Preferred shares tell us precisely what we are getting and at what price. There are no surprises. We determine the value when we make a purchase.Mortgage REITs can give us high yields but at higher risk. mRIETs are highly sensitive to interest rates; therefore, we must follow rates to understand our risk at the time of purchase.Together, these two securities can help provide us with high-yielding paychecks so we can achieve financial freedom before reaching full retirement age. That should be our dream. Good Luck!

  • - Build Passive Income as a Family
    av Joshua King

    From the outside, it looks like America sold us a dream and quickly ripped off the bandaid. However, in reality, the capitalists sold us a costly goal.The American dream is alive and kicking. The true American dream is the ability to bring your family from poverty to wealth in one generation.The capitalists converted this dream into expensive houses, dream vacations, and luxury cars. Then, they put these things out of reach for the average person.The good news is that we can bypass hustle culture when we work together as a family. Building a life as a family was always the American dream. Let's bring it back. Good Luck!

  • - The Value of High-Yield Bond Reinvestment
    av Joshua King

    Reinvesting bond payments is an integral part of calculating the total return of your bond investments.But what if we used those payments to build a high-yielding income portfolio? We would have two goals: "safety of principal" and beating inflation.Instead of reinvesting your 4% coupon payments into 4% bonds, you could invest in closed-end funds that pay 10%.We would still protect our nest egg (safely investing in treasuries), but we would have an entirely new portfolio to combat inflation.Inflation comes for all of us, and we are especially vulnerable during retirement. We must earn at least 10% to ensure our money grows faster than inflation. How we do it is up to us. Good Luck!

  • - From Saving to Investing
    av Joshua King

    Most of us love to save; however, investing could be a different story. We fear the unknown, so the stock market can cause us anxiety.A great place to start your investing journey is with index funds. Index funds allow us to capture the stock market's returns over our lifetimes.The stock market slowly rises because businesses ensure profits keep pace with inflation. We need to capture these returns so we keep pace with inflation.I love my high-yield savings accounts, but they serve a different purpose than index funds. To become a great investor, we need to understand the value proposition of both. Good Luck!

  • - How to Define Risk
    av Joshua King

    Many young investors jump into investing without knowing how to define their risk. The first step is to determine what you can get without taking any risk.Investors consider US Treasuries risk-free assets, so we can start our investing journey by understanding these bonds.Once you learn how to find the Federal Funds rate, inflation rate, and current Treasury yields, you can start to determine your risk.For instance, if the government gives you 5% on a 10-year Treasury Note, why would you take a certificate of deposit for 4%?There could be other factors for accepting the CD, but at least you can balance your decisions with the other elements.We all define risk differently; that's why many investment products exist. However, the first step is always seeing what the government will give us for borrowing our cash. Good Luck!

  • - One is Financial; The Other is Spiritual
    av Joshua King

    We should all strive to leave the workforce while we are still healthy; however, some will leave sooner than others.You can determine how fast you can leave the workforce by lowering your standard of living, even for a short period.Retirement is the act of stopping to go to work. Financial freedom affords you the freedom of time, movement, and money.Those who aim for financial freedom understand they can leave the workforce as soon as their passive income exceeds their expenses.Therefore, if they increase their income and reduce expenses, they can enjoy the luxury of early retirement. How soon do you want to leave the workforce? Good Luck!

  • - Avoid the Trap of Independence
    av Joshua King

    Did you know that how much we spend directly predicts how long we work? If we can avoid debt and live below our means, we can retire in our 50s (or earlier).However, the world needs us to spend. We are a consumerist nation that relies on consumption to fuel the economy.As average people, we need to work together. We simply can't afford to be this powerful independent person that the media portrays.Society wants to keep us in debt; this is how they will wrestle control of our lives. As we keep working, they will move on to their next target-our children. Let's stop them before they can overtake our family. Good Luck!

  • - How to Position Your Family to Avoid It
    av Joshua King

    We should all strive to build generational wealth through real estate. However, we cannot expect our kids to purchase a home by themselves.The housing market contains many new players, including institutional investors, foreign investors, and Airbnb operators.All this new traffic increases prices, so our kids won't be able to participate. However, this is a prime time for lenders to introduce 50-year and 100-year mortgages to the general population.If our kids fall prey to these loans, they will become indentured servants for their lifetimes. The best thing we can do is start thinking about housing for them now.By the time our kids get into a position to purchase a home, they may be 50 years old. Therefore, we need to start doing the legwork to assist them early. If not, they will face a bleak future. Good Luck!

  • - The First Step To Building Wealth
    av Joshua King

    Building your emergency fund is a deeply personal affair. You have many options when making your fund, but you need to consider some things.First, how big of an emergency can you expect? If you are a homeowner, it may be an A/C repair or a new roof.How fast would you need the money? If you need the money within a few hours, then a high-yield savings account may be your only option.How much risk can you assume? The more risk, the more reward. US Treasuries may be an option if you can take on a little risk.Whatever you decide, congratulations on thinking of your emergency fund. This puts you ahead of the vast majority of people on this Earth. Good Work!

  • - We Must Achieve a 50% Savings Rate
    av Joshua King

    Do you feel like you're not making progress financially? Welcome to America and the world of capitalism.Inflation is the cost of being alive. We can't sit still for a few seconds without prices increasing somewhere.To get ahead, we must make a drastic change in our lives. This change could be moving to a small city or relocating overseas.There is no use fighting about how unfair the cost of living is in America. It's time to make a serious move to save 50% of our income.If we can save and invest 50% of our income, we have a chance to survive and thrive in America.My family is moving overseas, so we can hit these critical milestones. What will you do to achieve a 50% saving rate?

  • - Make Your Money Dreams Come True This Years
    av Joshua King

    If you stopped working today, how much income would you receive monthly? How much "fresh" income would continue to fill up your bank accounts?Whatever still comes in is called passive income. If your answer was "no income," then you depend 100% on the income from your job. This could be very dangerous.Instead, we must aim to supplement our employment income with passive income-at a minimum. Understanding and trusting passive income may take some time.However, 2024 presents a perfect time to leap dividends, business, royalties, rents, and content creation.You may start the year with $0/month in passive income but aim to finish with $100/month. Whatever your goals, let's get started together-today! Good Luck and Happy New Year!

  • - Replace Your Paycheck Today
    av Joshua King

    What do you want for Christmas? How much does it cost? Wouldn't it be nice to have a never-ending stream of income to pay for it?Welcome to the land of Closed-End Funds (CEFs), where we create our own income streams by investing in the stock market.We grew up thinking that working hard for money would set us free. However, ultimately, having our money work hard for us is the true path to financial freedom.Closed-end funds work for us by receiving our money and returning it to us with a high yield. Once we get all of our money back, we continue to receive our dividends. How sweet is that?Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and make all your income dreams come true using CEFs. Good Luck!

  • - The Best Passive Options Trading Techniques
    av Joshua King

    Don't expect to retire until you learn how to make money while you sleep. This process is what we call earning passive income.Trading options can be passive if you set the proper parameters. I find that trading Long Strangles gives me the right amount of income for the work I perform.If you are looking for a way to juice your returns, you have come to the right place. But beware, trading options can be more emotional than getting married.You must control your fear and greed if you are to achieve greatness. But it all begins here-by acquiring the information to set yourself up for success. Good Luck!

  • - Only If They Want To Become Wealthy
    av Joshua King

    Are you ready for the new world order? You will own nothing and be happy. America will become a renter nation with no possibility of building wealth.But we are not there yet. There is still time to amass wealth by collecting assets for you and your family.We must work together to obtain assets. We can live together to split costs and combine resources. Togetherness is the best weapon we have against the capitalist.Are you willing to sacrifice a little "freedom" to build wealth for the future? Most people are not, which does bode well for their future generations.If you want different results than others, you'll need to act and think differently. The world will be your oyster once you start accumulating assets and wealth. Good Luck!

  • - Income for Everyday Needs
    av Joshua King

    Is life kicking your butt all across town? Do you fear looking at your bank accounts? Is there too much month for not enough pay?It sounds like you need to become an income investor. Income investing gives you high amounts of income when you need it most-every day.The first step to investing is creating your long-term vision. Without the proper mindset, you'll give up on your plans.Next, you'll need to execute a hardcore budget for your household. You'll need to account for every penny that comes in and goes away from your home.Now, you have set the stage to become an income investor. You use the extra money you freed up to invest in high-yielding products.My wife and I earn $1,500/month in dividends. We can use this money for anything in the world we want or need. We believe in income. We believe in income investing. Good Luck!

  • - Change Your Life Today
    av Joshua King

    I tried the standard way of getting rich for 20 years. I climbed the corporate ladder, bought used cars, and ate almost exclusively at home.This method still left me and my wife $77,000 in debt. However, once I discovered income investing, my fortunes turned for the better almost instantly.You see, I earn money all day, every day. I receive dividends, which are gifts from heaven. It's the definition of "free money."Income investing allows me to be generous, kind, and caring to my family and friends. I wake up to more money in my accounts-my dream life.You can also experience the magic of income investing and dividends. All it takes is a few dollars to jump in. After some time, and with some investments, you'll have enough income to take your family to restaurants and sporting events.Life is good on this side. Welcome to Income Investing! Good Luck!

  • - And How It Can Make You Rich
    av Joshua King

    We make many financial decisions daily; some we don't even know we are making. However, to build wealth, we must take every decision seriously.Financial awareness is understanding how each decision plays into our past (debt), present (savings), and future (investing).We can only become financially aware once we build a hardcore budget that tracks every penny in and out of our household.Once we do that, we will build financial intelligence by making finer distinctions. The more distinctions (budgets) we create, the more financially intelligent we become.With intelligence, we will begin to become aware. Every choice (from getting Starbucks to selling our old couch) plays into the bigger picture.The more tightly we keep our budgets, the more awareness we build. Then, once we reach the pinnacle of budgeting, we can start building passive income to give us even more options. Life is good on this side. Good Luck!

  • - How to Control Your Fear and Greed
    av Joshua King

    Is options trading risky? There are no risky investments, only risky investors. This statement means that if you can control your fear and greed, you have a shot at winning big with options.The most important rule of trading options is never to rely on the income it produces. Your emotions will affect your decisions as soon as you become dependent on the outcome.It's best to put yourself in a position where your "options money" is optional. I use options to add some "wow factor" to my weekends with my family.I trade long strangles because I can profit whichever direction the stock market chooses. With a bit of patience and the right mindset, you can turn options trading into your own personal lottery. Good Luck!

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