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Böcker av Juan Rodulfo

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  • - 88 Motivational Tips made of Fortune Cookies, Vol I
    av Juan Rodulfo

    Welcome to Volume I of "Fortune Cookie Coaching: 88 Motivational Tips Made of Real Fortune Cookies". This book is a culmination of a 13-year journey, part of three volumes, a collection of wisdom tucked inside those delightful little cookies we often receive at the end of a meal in Chinese restaurants.As I sifted through my collection, I couldn't help but notice the recurring themes of luck, fortune, and positive energy-themes deeply rooted in Chinese culture.But this book is more than just a collection of fortune cookie messages. It is a testament to the power of motivation and inspiration in shaping our lives and our world. I passionately believe that when we are motivated and inspired, we can achieve remarkable things. We can overcome challenges, we can reach our goals, and we can make a positive impact on the world. More importantly, motivation and inspiration can help to reduce evil in humanity by encouraging positive actions and promoting understanding and empathy.This book was written in part using Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has been a valuable tool in organizing and presenting the material in a meaningful and engaging way. But more than that, AI represents the positive evolution of humanity. It is a testament to our ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding. With the help of AI, we can solve complex problems, make informed decisions, and create a better future for all.Before you dive in, be aware that the book is also a YouTube Channel and a Podcast, available in most of Podcast players and its website:

  • av Juan Rodulfo

    One of the first books I published was "Asylum Seekers", based on the premise that "humans is the only specie on the planet that hunts, tortures and kills their equals for pleasure".In that research, I covered the concepts of Asylum, its history, facts, how does it work in Europe, Africa, Oceania, Asia (gave special attention to the aggression against the Rohingyas) and America (By that time the Migrants Caravans were a thing), a assigned on full chapter to cover the Venezuelan phenomena, and ended browsing about the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights and the Bureaucracy, involved in an asylum petition.By that moment "The Caravans" were groups of seven thousand souls, including men, women and kids, seeking their Human Rights to be protected. According to Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico president, 10.000 migrants go to the US border a day, most of this humans are apprehended by ICE, stripped of all their belongings, sometimes violating their Human Rights, sent to Detention Centers and held in these centers, for days or months, to be released most of them with orders to appear in Immigration Courts, some of them are released with ankle monitors, some of them are released with a cellphone in both cases to be monitored 24/7.After they are released, sometimes they are bused to the states, they claim to have relatives, sometimes they are picked by Republican Politicians and bused against their will to "blue states".Once in US soil, released of custody, begins a ten or more years predicament with the hope in the government of someday, recover their citizen condition in equal proportion like the other immigrants that made it first into the United States of America.Remain Silent means for me, the only right we immigrants have, since we had to abruptly leave the places where we were born to save our lives and the ones of our families leaving behind the few rights or privileges, remained in our birthplace to move here hoping to recover all or at least part of those sometime gained and enjoyed.Well, all mountains look blue from far, told me once a friend, 9 years living in the US, I'm still only allowed to live secure, send my daughter to school, have access to an abusively expensive healthcare system, rent and own a house, work and other privileges granted for all in this country, I have no way to renew my Venezuelan passport, to travel abroad I need to pay and request permission to the Immigration Office, I have not seen my parents since 2014 and they cannot travel here, because they need a VISA or must be vetted by submitting a I134 form, which I already submitted for the daughter of a friend, back in November 2022, and today October 2023, I've not received an answer, my sister was assassinated and I could not attend her funeral, I'm grateful for all the guaranteed rights already mentioned, but what about the right to vote or to be recognized as citizen, which are primordial to move upward on the Maslow Pyramid of Needs.In this research I try to shed light on the reasons why, us "the immigrants", in the US the "legal aliens", live in this "legal limbo".

  • av Juan Rodulfo

  • av Juan Rodulfo & Rodulfo Gonzalez
    316 - 366,-

  • av Juan Rodulfo

    El partidismo de la Fuerza Armada ha sido refrendado desde el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia por la Sentencia 651 del 11 de junio de 2014, la cual valida la intervención de sus integrantes en actos políticos del PSUV: "la participación de los integrantes de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana en actos con fines políticos no constituye un menoscabo a su profesionalidad, sino un baluarte de participación democrática y protagónica".La participación política de los militares en el régimen chavista ha sido central, y por ello el papel protagónico de los militares en cargos relevantes del Gobierno, de la administración pública, en programas insignes y en el manejo de recursos estratégicos. Las dos razones que sostienen la mayor participación de los militares en el Gobierno y en las diferentes ramas del poder público partidista son la imagen de los militares como buenos administradores y la necesidad de garantizar una seguridad ampliada -económica, política y social- para preservar la revolución con la presencia militar en todos los ámbitos de la vida de la nación.Desde el inicio del régimen chavista se comenzó a generar una presencia masiva de militares ocupando cargos en la administración pública, como ministerios, viceministerios, despachos de la Presidencia, gobernaciones, empresas estatales y, en un conjunto, de instituciones que eran usualmente lideradas por civiles (Buttó, 2010). Esta mayor presencia llegó a proporciones nunca vistas durante el periodo de la democracia representativa, constituyéndose en expresión propia del pretorianismo y, por lo tanto, de un retroceso democrático (Irwin y Langue, 2004; Irwin, 2010; Irwin, Langue y Castillo, 2007; 2009; Irwin, Buttó y Langue, 2006; Buttó, 2010; Buttó y Olivares, 2016).Los gabinetes presidenciales desde Chávez han tenido una alta presencia de ministros de origen militar, lo que se ha acentuado con Maduro y particularmente con la crisis, hasta llegar a 38% en julio 2017, donde aproximadamente un 40% del gabinete de gobierno es de origen militar.Los militares, activos o en retiro, se encargan de la orientación y la toma de decisiones de carteras estratégicas para el proyecto político como el despacho de la Presidencia o ministerios como los de Relaciones Interiores, Justicia y Paz, el de Alimentación, de Producción Agrícola y Tierras, el de Vivienda y el de Hábitat y de Energía, entre otros, además de los tradicionales como los de Defensa y de Fronteras.El Ejército que conocí, por supuesto el del Siglo XX, con sus deficiencias y fortalezas, contaba con Instituciones Académicas de Alto Nivel, como las Academias de Formación de Oficiales, el IUPFAN, la Escuela de Idiomas del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea, las Escuelas de Estado Mayor y el IAEDEN, donde el personal se podía desarrollar en la carrera militar. Adicionalmente existía la oportunidad de intercambiar con Escuelas Militares de Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y Europa.No era perfecto, debido a la proliferación de grupos de poder antagónicos, la corrupción y la falta de interés de sus líderes y los gobiernos de turno, en mantener la calidad y el profesionalismo dentro de la Institución, razón entre otras por las que pedí mi pase a retiro, con apenas 7 años de servicio y luego de haber alcanzado el grado de Teniente.No era perfecto, repito, pero tampoco era la burla de la sociedad y las naciones del mundo.

  • av Juan Rodulfo

  • av Juan Rodulfo

  • - Como usar su Teoria para permanecer en el Poder para siempre
    av Juan Rodulfo

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