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Böcker av Judith Mlanda-Zvikaramba

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  • av Judith Mlanda-Zvikaramba

    Dyskurs w sektorze zrównowäonej gospodarki odpadami zaproponowä wiele rozwi¿zä i ram dotycz¿cych tego, w jaki sposób kraje rozwijaj¿ce si¿ mog¿ z¿agodzi¿ szkodliwy wp¿yw odpadów stäych, a jednym z nich jest zaangäowanie spo¿eczno¿ci w ró¿ne aspekty gospodarki odpadami w ramach hierarchii post¿powania z odpadami. Ksi¿¿ka ta ma na celu zbadanie mo¿liwo¿ci udziäu spo¿eczno¿ci w gospodarce odpadami stäymi oraz roli, jak¿ mo¿e ona odgrywä w zrównowäonej gospodarce odpadami. Dane do tej ksi¿¿ki pochodz¿ z ilo¿ciowego i jako¿ciowego badania przeprowadzonego przez autora na przedmie¿ciach o du¿ej g¿sto¿ci i niskich dochodach w kraju rozwijaj¿cym si¿.

  • av Judith Mlanda-Zvikaramba

    Cities in the developing world are generating an ever increasing volume of waste due to rapid growth and urbanization, and in the same instance a declining in the effectiveness of their solid waste collection and disposal systems.The developing world is reeling under the burden of inefficient, inappropriate and inadequate solid waste management.Discourse in the sustainable waste management sector has proposed numerous solutions and frameworks on how the developing world can mitigate the harmful impacts of solid waste, one of these being the involvement of the community in various aspects of waste management along the waste hierarchy. This book seeks to explore the potential for community participation in solid waste management and the role it can play in sustainable waste management. The data for this book emanates from a quantitative and qualitative research study undertaken by the author in a high density, low income suburb of a developing country.

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