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  • av K B Napier

    The Book of Leviticus is widely misunderstood, and is often ridiculed or dismissed by both ignorant Christians and atheists. A major obstacle is to think that all of Leviticus only applies to the Israelites. In reality there are two categories of text in the book - 'Local' Laws which applied only to the Jews, and 'Universal' Laws that apply to all people of all backgrounds until the end of time. Those who laugh at Leviticus simply have no idea how to read the text! Most of the laws were given to make the people unique, so they did not copy the pagan nations around them. From the way the men grew their beards, to the way they sacrificed animals, to how they dealt with diseases and home hygiene. And the positions of High Priest and priest were far more serious than any pastor experiences today. Even with Israelite-only laws, there is a vast range of divine and spiritual principles that can teach modern Christians a great deal.

  • av K B Napier

    Most people THINK they think! But, very few analyse and examine what happens around them. For Christians, this means they accept whatever is given to them as 'correct'. This is because they trust people who give them information. Sadly, this is not always wise, and Christians are led a merry dance down the wrong rose-strewn path! There is a great need today for Christians to learn how to think properly. Though the author set out to write in academic prose, God changed his mind and now the book is shorter, and a chatting style has been used, with anecdotes, making it more reader-friendly! Think beyond the norm and let your mind resonate with truth. The text is introductory.

  • av K B Napier

    This Commentary is one of a series of Commentaries. The author is Dr K B Napier, a pastor of over 40 years, and author of about 40 books. His commentaries are designed to be read easily, and combine theology, interpretation of texts, devotional material and application to modern life. There is no influence by denominations or any other external sources, so the text is entirely about what the Bible actually says.

  • av K B Napier

    This Bible Commentary on the Book of Luke is one of a series of ongoing Commentaries on the Bible. Based on Sunday studies taken by the author, combining theology, Bible study interpretation, devotional material and application for today.

  • av K B Napier

    One of a series of Bible Commentaries, Mark Bible Commentary shows a fast-paced description of the life of Christ to His death. Written to be understandable and precise, containing the whole Bible texts

  • av K B Napier

  • av K B Napier

    Most men who are 'pastors' have never been called to the office of pastor by God and so are not given relevant gifts. These are fake pastors even though some of them are genuinely saved and perhaps know their Bibles. Today, as hatred grows for churches and God, and as countless fake pastors ruin the Church of Jesus Christ, men are being called to open house churches (NOT charismatic versions). It might even be that the West will soon be overrun by fake religions that want to do Christians harm... in which case house churches might be the only way to meet and be taught. This book is for those men (not women, who are barred from the pastorate) who KNOW God is calling them to this important office. Do not be put off by jibes from traditional pastors and churches, for they are fake anyway! This is only an introduction to the role of pastor.

  • av K B Napier

  • - (the facts)
    av K B Napier

    'Christmas' is a marketing ploy originally devised by the Roman Catholic church. It revolves around the blasphemous three Masses said for Christ over the 24th-25th December time period. Sadly, even reformed and evangelical Christians copy the format in special services held on those dates. This book examines the actual biblical texts to show that the reality of Christ's birth is radically different from the 'warm and fuzzy' one depicted around the world. The book separates the birth narrative from the visit by the Magi, which took place about two years after Christ's birth. It also poses a suggestion that perhaps the shepherds were either Levites or possibly priests.

  • - A Commentary
    av K B Napier

    The Book of Ruth in the Old Testament is much valued by Jews. It is about a Moabite young woman who elected to join her mother-in-law, who moved back to Bethlehem after ten years in Moab. Ruth promised to follow Naomi's God, and to love Him. Both the women were widows - Naomi was now too old to have children, so held out no hope of finding an husband, Ruth was much younger, so able to bear children. A prince of Israel, a kinsman of Naomi's dead husband, named Boaz, heard about Ruth and her decision to be a full proselyte, and eventually married her, saving her (and Naomi) from a lifetime of menial work in the fields. Thus a former pagan was chosen by God to become great-grandmother to David, and part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.

  • av K B Napier

    Ask any Christian and he or she will agree that Luther's 95 Theses lit the match that became a worldwide fire. Yet, almost none have actually read the Theses! This short book gives all 95 Theses in list form, a chapter on what each Thesis said with a critical analysis, plus an after-word about their impact on the world. If you think Luther condemned Indulgences - read this book! If you think he condemned the popes - think again! If you think he pinned his Theses to the church door as an act of defiance or as a rebel - this book will dissuade you! In short, at the time he wrote the Theses, he merely wanted fellow academics to join a discussion - he had no intention of lighting a fire that rocked the medieval world! See for yourself what the 95 Theses REALLY were - you might be very surprised. The author has reduced the number of Theses to about 15 - whereas the original German version reduced them to 20. You will see why.

  • av K B Napier

    The little town of Lewes was ordinary, but it had the dubious distinction of hosting 'the biggest bonfire in England' by burning ten Protestants at once outside the Star Inn in High Street. False martyrdom is looked at, and genuine martyrdom is defined - it has nothing to do with psyching yourself up with glazed eyes, or personal determination! True martyrdom is something only God can allow. Christians must be alert, for Christians are martyred every day in Islamic countries, and Indian Hinduism is following the same pattern. Will Christian Martyrs be found in the West, one day soon?

  • av K B Napier

    In Volume 3 we enter into 'heavier' arguments against the Toronto Blessing (TB). There is also a genuine testimony of a couple who were forced out of their church by the TB and the hatred it brought with it. The second chapter compares the 1994 TB with what Evan Roberts said in 1904, showing a stunning similarity. A warning is given to TB leaders from Jeremiah if they don't repent, and two chapters deal with the lamentable lack of discernment in the EA leaders, who personally harassed the author in 1994. Short chapters deal with Wimber, Hinn, the Kansas City Prophets, William Branham, Latter Rain and Pensacola. We show how the TB is exactly the same as hypnotism, and why we opposed the TB then and now, in the form of charismaticism. Be warned against false prophets! Though the TB is dead and buried, it continues its work in charismatic churches today.

  • av K B Napier

    The Toronto Blessing (TB) was planned by charismatic leaders who saw their movement dwindling in numbers. Though planned, it became obvious that Satan took it over and the effects hit the churches worldwide like a runaway truck! It only lasted about two years, but its destructive force is still with us in the now mainstream charismatic movement. Many churches that allowed the TB through its doors thought it would save their existence and save souls, but it did not. Churches hit in the face by the vile movement were ruined, deceived and far from God. Thousands of individual Christians were shattered. The various manifestations were accepted and called as 'from God' though they were so blatantly satanic and wicked. When the storm passed, many churches were shamed into pretending it never happened, but they did not repent or publicly disown the movement. This book and others in the series MUST warn churches of a similar movement if it arises (which it will). Its history MUST be told.

  • av K B Napier

    Peter is often considered to be a 'hot-head', because of his impetuous nature. And so he was. But, these two Epistles prove him to have also been a capable and deep theologian. In this Commentary he 'pressed my button' - and this is reflected in some of the anecdotal notes. Though speaking to saved Jews, what he said applies to every Christian alive today. Though he had a tough argument with Paul at one time, these Epistles are truly godly. Read them!

  • av K B Napier

    For this author, The Toronto Blessing was a huge spiritual scam, whose claims can be opposed quite easily. The trouble is, it led to the worldwide acceptance of charismaticism, which went on to theologise its scam so it sounds legitimate. This volume looks at several basic claims made by 'Blessing' leaders, and which were repeated in a number of similar spiritual 'revivals', which were also false. The purpose of these volumes (more to follow) is to make sure there is an accurate record of what really happened at the time, so that the facts are not swallowed up by charismatic redacting of history. there is an argument that Pentecostalism is not responsible for the wild antics in the 'Blessing' movement (which has changed names many times), but it is hard to distinguish the two, though some Pentecostals deny any involvement.

  • av K B Napier

    John loved Jesus greatly and this shows in his proper regard for God's commandments. He urges believers to show the same love and devotion to God, reminding them it is their solemn duty and love to care for their fellow brethren. Sadly, few modern Christians comply with this biblical model. The first epistle is 'general', while the second and third are private letters to individuals. Nevertheless, the three epistles or letters can be applied to our everyday lives. The book is based on individual Bible studies taught in 2001, and expanded. The author has no time for useless church traditions, so all studies, including the books, are written with readability in mind. Any technical language is explained so concepts can be used in our lives daily. Thus it is not a theological treatise, though its contents are certainly based on theological thought arising from biblical teaching.

  • av K B Napier

    Paul wrote to one of the farthest Christian churches at the time, in Thessalonica, Macedonia. It is obvious from the content of his epistles to them, that they were a sound church... it often happens that those at a distance from the source tend to be the most ardent. He, and his fellow Apostles, commended the church for its faith. Yet, they called upon the Christians there to do even more. It is a tendency amongst modern Christians to leave everything to the pastor and deacons. But, this leads to laziness.A short book has been added to the letter to the Thessalonians - Jude. It wisely tells us to remember our place in God's economy - we are created beings, of lesser power than demons. Even the archangel Michael dared not oppose the mighty Satan in his own power, but deferred to the Lord. A lesson all charismatics should learn, quickly!

  • av K B Napier

    Dealing with the 'Toronto Blessing' (TB) was one of the most traumatic periods of my life. It only lasted a few years, but its vileness still last 25 years later, because though the 'Blessing' left, it morphed into countless other movements and fake 'revivals' which continue even now. True charismaticism is ungodly and unbiblical, and damages thousands of souls a year. Wherever the TB came to town, it brought with it a circus of evil that destroyed huge numbers of churches. So, though this is an archive book, it is highly pertinent. Christians MUST know how the charismatic movement arose and what it did, because it is a fake movement claiming to be of God. It is not! It is a vile deception that ruins lives.

  • av K B Napier

    Three Bible books in one, to allow the reader to have them all in one publication. The first two books are similar in content, written whilst Paul was a prisoner in Rome. The third book, also written from Rome, is different, for it asks a wronged employer to forgive a slave who stole from him. Even so, this third book contains doctrinal statements. Any 'technical' language is adequately explained, as the overall aim of each of my books is to be readable, and not just suitable for academics. Also note how these 2,000 year old texts are applicable to our modern lives. It is not just study for studies' sake.

  • av K B Napier

    Paul and Timothy acknowledged the faith and grace of the Christians at Philippi and sent them greetings in this epistle. The Philippian Christians appear to be sound and faithful, and Paul thanks God for them, especially when he is in bonds. He cannot visit yet, but hopes to do so soon. He wants them to be filled with the fruits of righteousness', just as he is under house arrest... though he thanks God it is for the best, especially in the royal household. indeed, his trials make other believers stronger! Paul says that his readers should always act in a becoming way, with one spirit, being likeminded and loving each other. Each Christian must work out his own salvation until he is called to be with the Lord. That is - they must show proof of their salvation in everyday life, and not give reason to the world to denigrate them. We must apply this today, right now!

  • av K B Napier

    Rome is a master at placing truth in the middle of lies. indeed, what it says is thousands of times longer than the real, actual information given in the Bible! By using long-winded convoluted arguments Roman theologians manage to make Mary an object of adoration. In reality, Mary was just an ordinary young woman who was given an extraordinary role to play - a role that only lasted for nine months. After she gave birth, her role was over... but not according to Rome! Rome NEEDS the Mary myths to keep control of its flock. So far there are four dogma about her. Soon a fifth will be added. Like the others, it will be a deception based on invented stories. this book outlines the truth. Learn how to decipher Rome's peculiar way of thinking and you won't go far wrong!

  • av K B Napier

    This book is based on my PhD (Theol) dissertation. At the time it was completed computers were not generally available, so all research was done in academic and general libraries. This is why I added Part B (hence this is the Second Edition), which contains more available modern sources. The book looks at the need for a doctrine of disfellowship/excommunication, because few local churches comply with God and scripture on the matter, though it is urgently needed. Most churches are 'mixed' and therefore not legitimate according to God's word. Any church that mixes the ekklesia (saved men and women) and unsaved are bound to have trouble and lower standards of belief. And those who commit serious public sins MUST be dealt with, both to satisfy God's commands, and also to stop such ones infecting the congregation with sinful words and actions. At times this disfellowship must be summarily applied, when the issue is serious enough. In days of darkness and evil, this is vital, as part of general discipline.

  • av K B Napier

    The title is a common question asked by very zealous Christians (often to surprised people on the street and rarely appreciated). They mean well, but it isn't always the best question to ask without at least an introduction! Most believers don't even know what they mean themselves. The book sets out the entire process, from election in eternity to arriving in Heaven. Christians should check their own beliefs to see if they really are saved... and if they are, how to teach what salvation actually is. There may be surprises along the way even though it is all scriptural!

  • av K B Napier

    Ten years ago Greens (aka socialists) warned that unless we all did their bidding and paid excruciating taxes, stopped using gas, oil and electricity, and learned to love wind-farms and 'Green' alternatives like electric cars, the earth would die... in ten years! Well, it is now ten years later and everything is the same! Now, the same socialists/Greens are trying to dupe us all again. Their aim is to tie us to increasing loss of our money via taxes, compliance with their unscientific nonsense, and to accept a One World form of control. This book proves that Greenism is a resurgence of Marxism, Fascism and a deadly mix of the two. As recent anti-Trump violence and lawlessness proves, the West is sinking fast into a socialist nightmare and YOU are a part of its plans for domination. The book gives plenty of proof that socialism is behind all things 'Green'. You either resist it or fall into their Marxist-Fascist trap, never to regain freedom, choice or genuine thinking. It's up to you! Read from history!

  • av K B Napier

    This book could have been ten times longer, but it serves the purpose of introducing Christians to the truth concerning the beginning of the world and the universe. The first three chapters of Genesis describe historical facts, not myths, as the Hebrew texts prove. Most quotes are by scientists. Evolutionists jealously guard their failed hypothesis, because, as they say, they "cannot let God get a foothold in science". In itself this is an admission of anxiety, that truth will one day be shown... and it is NOT found in scientism, which is the fake version of science. There are absolutely NO proofs for evolution. But, how many know this? Evolutionists are so scared of this truth getting out they will resort to legal restraints!! They are so afraid, they enforce evolution-only in schools by intimidation and false science, and denigrate students in universities for daring to question evolutionary orthodoxy. Yet, genuine scientists KNOW evolution is fake! They hate God. That's it!!

  • av K B Napier
    187 - 277

  • av K B Napier

    The counselling business has grown rapidly and many local churches have one or more members trained in counselling. However, this academically-based training is NOT the same as godly counsel, which is given by the Holy Spirit alone on an ad hoc basis, by whomever He chooses to give counsel. Those who ignore this most basic of biblical facts are meddling and so can do more harm than good. This book is from an academic thesis (MA Psychology), but it has a biblical stance taken by the author. Think hard!

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