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Böcker av Lancelot Schaubert

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  • av Lancelot Schaubert

    A cowboy separated from his wife visits an ambassador's gala above an active volcano. Magical terrorists attack. Separated from his clothes and family, he must wield a lightning wand against an invading army in hopes to set the fantastic world's diplomats free.Will he make it out clothed, reunited, and unsinged?Conceived as a genre-bending - even Nabokovian - satire of Die Hard, one Canadian bookseller believes this fantasy novella will start a new genre named Die Bard:___"This is an author indulging in some pretty amazing tongue-and-cheek metatextual analysis - in one short text, they've recognized that Die Hard is a Western, that Westerns have solid story beats that can be abstracted into any genre, and then kneaded those story beats into a fantasy narrative that has more to say about family, growth, and excitement than any of the original material. This feels like Moorcock's Second Ether series, or even Jasper Fforde's stuff. Either way, I feel like this is really more genre-bending fiction than fantasy, but will excite fiction enthusiasts who need a familiar story to finally understand the appeal in the fantasy genre. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"One of the best atmospheric elements in the text is the clear reverence the author has for the inspirational material. The addition of a family-life, loving daughter, personal history and internal monologue for our Jack Dawes/Mclean/jackdaw character adds a lot of depth to the frame of the plot. I would love to see more action movies chopped and remixed in this manner, I think it could be a whole new genre: Die Bard."I'm going to handsell this, but not as fantasy, and suggest customers ignore cover summaries."- a bookseller from Canada, ¿¿¿¿¿ (5/5)_____"[Schaubert's work] is a hoot."- Publisher's Weekly"Lancelot Schaubert is an entertaining and intelligent writer with a flair for world-building. His work is full of good surprises."- Juliet Marillier, Aurelius award winning author of the Blackthorn & Grim and Warrior Bards series"Schaubert is a powerful fantasist, a multi-layered thinker and a pure craftsperson with words. This is a writer who will make waves, break boundaries and be heard."- Kaaron Warren, Aurelius + Stoker award-winning author and Guest of Honor at the World Fantasy Convention"Schaubert's complex stories weave together sly humor, subtle satire, and heightened language to push fantasy into unexpected places: sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes perplexing, but always intriguing."-LJ Cohen, author of Derelict"I f***ing love this entire synopsis. I didn't read the book, but the synopsis is b*tchin'."- Alin, editor of The Dread Machine"Schaubert's words have an immediacy, a potency, an intimacy that grab the reader by the collar and say, 'Listen, this is important!' Probing the bones and gristle of humanity, Lancelot's subjects challenge, but also offer insights into redemption if only we will stop and pay attention."- Erika Robuck, national bestselling author of Hemingway's Girl

  • av Lancelot Schaubert

    Harry woke at night: in his doorway stood THE DANGER. Harry learns first to face and follow Danger, then to court Danger. Harry takes the Danger out for chocolate cake, for jumping over mountains, for leaping over pits of snakes. Then he wields Danger to save lives, homes, and worlds from a world ending fire. A children's book written in the wake of the historic Joplin tornado, HARRY RIDES THE DANGER teaches the abstract concept of courage in a fun way. It will quickly become an early reader classic.

  • av Lancelot Schaubert

    It unsettles me that Jesus never specified on the second time he said it. The verse fills us with dread in general: where have we overlooked the hungry, the sick, the undocumented refugee or person experiencing homelessness, the naked, the prisoner? When have we neglected to quench, feed, heal, host, and visit? And when - specifically - have we done so to Jesus himself?The dread grows.For Jesus, the second time - in the judgment passage, says the least of these. These what?These prisoners. These naked. These hungry. These thirsty. These migrants or homeless. It seems to me there are all kinds of ways to come in last place. And not just the most hungry, most thirsty, most naked, most unhomed, most imprisoned. It's least socially. Least financially. Least in terms of quality of thought or emotional stability. Most lost spiritually. Least attractive. Most obscure. The one who brings the clearest shame. Poorest, most uninfluential, of lowest repute. It means the one who deserves it the least in every single category.That. Is wild.Some of the hungry did it to themselves. Some are dehydrating themselves and poisoning the water holes of their community. Some are naked cause they're nudists or in the BDSM voyeur crowd or because they're selling their clothes for drugs. Some are undocumented migrants because they're escaping crimes they committed, because they're running from their calling like Jonah, because they're running drugs, or homeless because they love the adventure of sleeping rough. Some are in prison because they're guilty. They're the least. They deserved it.Jesus says that's him. What have you done for him through those you have every right to hate, shame, mistrust, avoid, or resent?That should bother you.

  • av Lancelot Schaubert

    The Greenwood Poet spent two years spelunking the archive, grounds, and barrows of Greenwood Cemetery - America's oldest and greatest rural cemetery. While there, he uncovered stories of love and loss, stories of shipwreck and tragedy. And he met several Fae creatures who had something to say about New York city. Written mostly in heroic meter with a couple breaks for spoken word and Renaissance meters, The Greenwood Poet calls us to return to the Arcadia in our own neighborhood.

  • - A Cosmic Anthology
    av Howard Andrew Jones, Kaaron Warren & Lancelot Schaubert

    PRAISE FOR THE AUTHORS :: "The entertainment value, and the hints of even greater revelations about the past of the iconic characters, and the world, make me very interested in how Howard Andrew Jones continues the story." - TOR"Kaaron Warren proves that horror fiction can do more than just deliver dis­turbing imagery and violence. It can also compel us to confront our own assumptions and moral principles, to look outside the ordinary." - LOCUS"Lancelot Schaubert's words have an immediacy, a potency, an intimacy that grab the reader by the collar and say, 'Listen, this is important!' Probing the bones and gristle of humanity, Lancelot's subjects challenge, but also offer insights into redemption if only we will stop and pay attention." - Erika Robuck, bestselling author of Hemingway's Girl ABOUT OGAG 2 :: Once more, my friends and colleagues and I have banded together to compose literature connecting astronomy and mythology: to write Of Gods & Globes II. Each one of us chose a name that connected astronomy (science fiction) and mythology (fantasy) such as "Janus" and wrote forth.But why on Earth - or off Earth - would we do such a thing?Well for starters, in his introduction to Bernard Silvestrus's Cosmographia, Winthrop Wetherbee III (which, let's be honest, is a doozy of a name but PERFECT for anyone destined to study and teach Latin) said that the thinkers of the classical and middle ages offered up: The idea the events of earthly life were governed and predetermined by the orderly disposition and activity of the heavenly bodies and could, in part, be foreknown through the careful analysis of celestial phenomena… Adelhard of Bath, in the De eodem et diverso, extols the power of the Arts to guide the soul in its earthly journey; they teach her to recognize her special relation to the rest of creation, to know the nature and intuit the divine pattern of the universe. For the soul's basic affinity is with the divine rationes of things…Man, like the universe, lives and moves through the interplay of rational and irrational forces… which evokes preoccupation with the archetypal implications of myth and the themes of classic literature. We had such a successful launch last time that we decided to come together and write even more stories around this theme. We have continuations on a couple of new universes, hilarious new additions, heartbreaking horror stories, and flirtatious little romps.In the spirit of drawing on themes of myth and classic literature and of the tidal influence of the constellations, I rounded up sci-fi and fantasy writers to write about cosmic influence. The fantasy writers took a more mythological approach, speaking of the symbolic (or perhaps godly) Mercury and Mars and Neptune. The sci-fi writers tell you what it's like to live on Jupiter and Uranus. All of them, though, speak of the influence of what one writer called "the music of the spheres." These are stories Of Gods and Globes. They're quite the ride: I enjoy each of these stories differently. They made me laugh and cry and chilled me to the bone with terror and one of them made me long for a home that… well for a home I don't think I've ever been to before.Come fly with us. Let's fly. Let's fly away.Or, if you prefer, to appeal from Sinatra to Sinatra:Fly me to the moonLet me play among the stars.Let me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and Mars…Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreLancelot Schaubert Brooklyn, New York 2020

  • - The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois
    av Lancelot Schaubert

    PRANKS. OIL. PROTEST. JOKES BETWEEN NEWLYWEDS.AND ONE HILARIOUS SIEGE OF A MAJOR CORPORATION.Remmy grows up with Beth in Bellhammer, Illinois as oil and coal companies rob the land of everything that made it paradise. Under his Grandad, he learns how to properly prank his neighbors, friends, and foes. Beth tries to fix Remmy by taking him to church. Under his Daddy, Remmy starts the Bell Hammer Construction Company, which depends on contracts from Texarco Oil. And Beth argues with him about how to build a better business. Together, Remmy and Beth start to build a great neighborhood of "merry men" carpenters: a paradise of s'mores, porch furniture, newborn babies, and summer trips to Branson where their boys pop the tops of off the neighborhood's two hundred soda bottles. Their witty banter builds a kind of castle among a growing nostalgia.Then one of Jim Johnstone's faulty Texarco oil derricks falls down on their house and poisons their neighborhood's well.Poisoned wells escalate to torched dog houses. Torched dog houses escalate to stolen carpentry tools and cancelled contracts. Cancelled contracts escalate to eminent domain. Sick of the attacks from Texaco Oil on his neighborhood, Remmy assembles his merry men:"We need the world's greatest prank. One grand glorious jest that'll bloody the nose of that tyrant. Besides, pranks and jokes don't got no consequences, right?"

  • av Lancelot Schaubert

    Jackson was tossing lame old walnuts out in back when he saw the yellow elevator box. The elevator takes him out - out of the world, out of the universe, out into nothing. When a little kid like Jackson is confronted with Nothing, what can he do?How do you beat Nothing?Praise for Lancelot :"Schaubert's words have an immediacy, a potency, an intimacy that grab the reader by the collar and say 'Listen, this is important!' Probing the bones and gristle of humanity, Lancelot's subjects challenge, but also offer insights into redemption if only we will stop and pay attention."- Erika Robuck, National Bestselling Author of Hemingway's Girl"Loved this story because Lancelot wrote about people who don't get written about enough and he did it with humor, compassion, and heart."- Brian Slatterly, author of Lost Everything and editor of The New Haven Review"I'm such a fan of Lancelot Schaubert's work. His unique view of things and his life-wisdom enriches all he does. We're lucky to count him among our contributors."- Therese Walsh, author of The Moon Sisters and Editorial Director of Writer Unboxed"Lancelot Schaubert writes with conviction but without the cliché and bluster of the propaganda that is so common in this age of blogs and tweets. Here is a real practitioner of the craft who has the patience to pay attention. May his tribe increase!"- Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove, author of Common Prayer and The Awakening of Hope"Lancelot was the kind of student every writing teacher hopes to have in her class: attentive, thoughtful, a bit quirky, and innovative. Since his time in my classroom, he has continued to impress me. He 'sees,' and his essays, poetry, and fiction are full of details that enable his audience to see. Bravo, Lance."- Jackina Stark, author of Things Worth Remembering and Tender Grace"Schaubert's narratives are emotionally stirring with both a vulnerable sensibility and rawness to them. They take you on a journey full of open wounds, intimate successes and personal delights. Lancelot's words have a calmness, a natural ease but the meaning is always commanding and dynamic."- Natalie Gee, Brooklyn Film Festival

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