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Böcker av Laura Smith

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  • - so Bleiben sie fit
    av Laura Smith

    Ein umfassender Leitfaden für nachhaltiges Wohlbefinden" ist Ihr unverzichtbarer Begleiter auf dem Weg zum Erreichen und Aufrechterhalten optimaler Fitness. In diesem kraftvollen Buch entdecken Sie einen ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsansatz, der über bloßes Training hinausgeht. Von Ernährung und achtsamem Leben bis hin zu effektiver Dieser Leitfaden bietet neben Übungsroutinen eine umfassende Perspektive, wie Sie fit bleiben. Verabschieden Sie sich von Modediäten und nicht nachhaltigen Fitnesstrends. "Dieses Buch" ist ein Leuchtfeuer evidenzbasierter Weisheit, das Sie zu dauerhafter Gesundheit und Vitalität führt. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Gewichtskontrolle oder Muskelaufbau anstreben oder einfach nur einen gesünderen Lebensstil anstreben, dieses Buch ist Ihr umfassender Leitfaden, um fit und fit zu bleiben Gedeihen Sie in jedem Aspekt Ihres Lebens. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine transformative Reise zu einem stärkeren, gesünderen und dynamischeren Selbst.

  • - how to stay fit
    av Laura Smith

    A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Well-being" is your essential companion on the journey to achieving and maintaining optimal fitness. In this empowering book, you'll discover a holistic approach to health that goes beyond mere workouts. From nutrition and mindful living to effective exercise routines, this guide offers a well-rounded perspective on staying fit. Say goodbye to fad diets and unsustainable fitness trends. "This book" is a beacon of evidence-backed wisdom, guiding you towards lasting health and vitality. Whether you're striving for weight management, muscle gain, or simply seeking a healthier lifestyle, this book is your comprehensive roadmap to staying fit and thriving in every aspect of your life. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant you.

  • - The learning corner
    av Laura Smith

    Mandala Animal coloring book.Good for relaxation, learning, coloring, Decompressing, artistic challengeColoring Mandala animalsFun activity and a great way to rela

  • - Overcoming the habit of loitering salient duty
    av Laura Smith

    He who awaits much can expect little." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez-PROCRASTINATION AS A DEMON Procrastination is one of those time burglars that has eaten profound into our souls. A demon presence keeps on remaining close by and grins as you often lose potential open doors intended to rise above you to more noteworthy levels.One significant explanation why we procrastinate more frequently is on the grounds that we don't want to leave our comfort zone.Simply Imagine what is happening, you were given a vital task by your manager at work that you must finish in an hour but since the notifications of web-based entertainment applications on your cellphone, you chose to defer the turn out only for the prompt joy and charm of presumably your Instagram feed realizing completely well that such an activity could cost you your work. This occurs in pretty much every part of our lives - a standard that sets the way for disappointment.Nonetheless, what we neglect to perceive is that activities and habits compound extra time which consequently yields brings about extent to the idea of our habits. So on the off chance that you are the sort that delay at each seemingly insignificant detail, you will continuously become ineffective and this damages a ton. Apprehension about disappointment, muddled objectives, disruption is by all accounts the normal reasons that cause us to stall without any problem. "Procrastination is a grave where all opportunities are buried".

  • av Laura Smith

    ""What does being a hopeless romantic mean to you? To some, hopeless romantics are naïve people who shamelessly wear rose-tinted goggles and believe in an idealised version of romance, despite all evidence and experience to the contrary. To others, hopeless romantics are sentimental, sensitive folk who care deeply and love with passion and gusto.It certainly seems like the art of sentimentalism is becoming lost to the world. We are drowning in oceans of instant gratification and commercialism. Take a break from our reality for a little while and enjoy some short poems that relish what it means to be alive through the enjoyable and unpleasant.""

  • av Laura Smith

    In October 2020, a friend convinced Laura to sign up for a Half Ironman-even though the sum of her knowledge of the event consisted of only knowing it was a swim, a bike, and a run. When she started, Laura had only seven months to go from 0 to 70.3 with a huge learning curve. This book follows Laura's journey from complete triathlon novice to completing her first Half Ironman and beyond, with all the mental and physical bumps and bruises along the way-and some truly hilarious moments.Laura wrote this book for anyone who thinks they can't achieve their loftiest goals. It is not for the elite athlete who has it all figured out. It is for the person who is unsure; who needs to believe in themselves and might finish with minutes to spare.

  • av Laura Smith

  • - How to Promote Your Business, Manage SEO, and Maintain a Lifelong Store: Steps made easy that will help you gain a competitive edge
    av Laura Smith

  • - A Rewilding of American Letters
    av Laura Smith
    1 480,-

    This book presents a critical history of the intersections between American environmental literature and ecological restoration policy and practice.

  • - Study Guide
    av Laura Smith & Lauren Stone

    Awaken to Life in the Holy SpiritIn the Western church, our experience with the Holy Spirit ranges from untethered emotionalism to impersonal intellectualism-but He is neither untethered nor impersonal. The Holy Spirit is the trustworthy third person of the Trinity, and His power is essential to all life transformation and ministry fruitfulness. In Spirit Walk (Special Edition), Steve Smith lays out a biblical framework for understanding the Holy Spirit's work, knowing Him intimately, and being filled with His power to accomplish His purposes. The extraordinary power we see at work in Acts is still available to every believer today, whether you need a movement of God in your personal life or in your ministry. We need only believe what the word of God says and put it into practice!Spirit Walk: Study Guide is designed for either individual or small group use. In eight sessions of five days each, it guides you through the process of digesting biblical paradigms, surrendering to the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and cultivating an authentic relationship with Him. Along the way you will learn practices and rhythms for long-term spiritual growth. Become a doer of the Word as you engage in this study, and join believers who have gone before you to discover the biblical path of the Spirit Walk.

  • av Laura Smith

  • av Laura Smith

    Based on a true story, Princess Lilicakes and Her Seven Hens is about a young girl anxiously awaiting her flock of hens to lay some egg-cellent eggs. As time passes, Lilicakes must ask each hen if they have an egg for her. With her, you will discover each hen''s unique personality and you will be just as surprised as Lilicakes to find out which hen produces the first egg.Laura Smith is a former public school teacher, and is presently teaching her daughter, Lilia, at home. She lives in Minnetonka, Minnesota with her daughter and husband, David. This book was inspired by memories of their first brood of hens and how exciting it was to have pet chickens in their backyard.Marianne Pedersen lives in New Brighton, Minnesota. She enjoys painting pictures using the Lord''s creation for inspiration. Her works have been displayed from time to time in galleries, coffee shops and gift shops. Marianne has also given private art lessons to children for eleven years. Laura Smith is a former public school teacher, and is presently teaching her daughter, Lilia, at home. She lives in Minnetonka, Minnesota with her daughter and husband, David. This book was inspired by memories of their first brood of hens and how exciting it was to have pet chickens in their backyard.Marianne Pedersen lives in New Brighton, Minnesota. She enjoys painting pictures using the Lord''s creation for inspiration. Her works have been displayed from time to time in galleries, coffee shops and gift shops. Marianne has also given private art lessons to children for eleven years. 

  • - Gary Hume and Sol Calero Explore the Hiscox Collection
    av Laura Smith & Whitney Hintz

  • - Laura's Story the Pedophile's Wife
    av Laura Smith
    276 - 356,-

  • - A Friendship So Knarley
    av Laura Smith

  • - The Health and Safety Organizer
    av Brian Smith & Laura Smith

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