av Lee Lee
Yes, faith is that precious treasure which our beloved God and Lord has blessed us His children with. He uses this treasure to enlighten our hearts and our minds, and at the same time to lighten our path, and assist us in all our endeavors. By it, He illuminates His Word to guide us in the path of righteousness. Faith guides us to choose to honor our beloved God and Lord in all our beliefs, desires, thoughts, choices, words, actions, etc., as well as to keep us united in Him and with Him. Because, in all that we do, faith allows us to be certain, and therefore to be conscious of the presence of our God and Lord. In other words - GOD IS. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Heb. 11:1 Faith also gives us access, and keeps us in the presence of our Father and Lord, and makes Him continue to be real and accessible to us wherever we are, and whenever we want. It enables us to enjoy the reality of the knowledge of the Word of the Lord Jesus, and His ever-present presence with us because He lives in us by His Spirit, and at times His continuous presence overflows and envelops the whole man. "THE CREATION WAITS IN EAGER EXPECTATION FOR THE SONS OF GOD TO BE REVEALED." ROMANS 8:19 Lee Lee - the servant of the Living God - was called separated and sent by the Lord Jesus to the desert region of Chihuahua, Mexico for over 36 years, where he remained totally hidden and his purpose unknown, except to those few the Lord Jesus placed him with. He began writing the first in a series of 14 Books in 2001, and completed the writings in June 2012. The Lord Jesus took Lee Lee home in August 2012. In February, 2018 the Lord Jesus gave the order that His time had now come to begin the release of these Books to His Church.