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  • av Lily Harper Hart

    The big day has arrived. Hali Waverly is finally getting the surgery she so desperately needs. Her boyfriend Gray Hunter is determined to be by her side for it. She thinks she's ready for it. Is she, though?The surgery itself goes off without a hitch. Hali's recovery is another story. Ceding control of her beloved tiki bar to her brother and her boyfriend's brother only amps up her anxiety. Things get worse when a storm hits, and it's of the magical variety instead of the natural. When a body is found in the aftermath, things are bad.Things get worse when the body is identified as belonging to a local pack member, and the last person seen with the woman is Gray's mother. Helene, of course, denies being up to anything nefarious. Unfortunately for her, Hali is in on her big secret, and it's time to share it.Hali thought the hardest thing in the world would be the surgery. She was wrong. Now she has to tell the man she loves about his mother's betrayal and keep him from cutting his parents out of his life forever because of it.It's not just the pack closing in, though. The dark merrow are also making their move. Hali's small sliver of beach is about to become very crowded.Even though this is the exact worst time for a war, Hali finds herself embroiled in one. One side will fall forever. Hali wants to be on the winning team because if she's not, they'll all die.The big battle is here.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    The final battle is here.Hannah Hickok had high hopes for her wedding and honeymoon, but everything changes when a local politician stops by to casually drop some disturbing news. It seems Casper Creek is going to be seized by eminent domain...and there's nothing she can do about it.Cooper Wyatt knows that the land can't just be taken from Hannah willy-nilly, but stopping what's about to happen is going to take more than the sheriff on their side. They're also going to need some magical help.That means it's time for Hannah's ultimate decision on the nexus magic. She knows she can't risk anybody getting their hands on it, especially local witch Astra Bishop, who wants to use it for evil. That means there's no choice but to absorb it now. Is she ready, though?Hannah wants her happily ever after. She has to take out Astra-and those she has working for her-to make it to the other side. It's a tall order, but she's determined to make it happen.Casper Creek is a place of magic and love. Hannah is willing to fight to the death to keep it that way.Will she get her wish, or will she lose everything? You're about to find out. The end is here.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Life in the French Quarter is about to calm down for the off-season, so of course things in Ofelia Archer's life are about to heat up.With Halloween right around the corner, all Ofelia wants to worry about is what couple's costume she and her boyfriend Zach Sully are going to wear to the big reunion party being hosted for her former high school. Then the unthinkable happens and she senses Sully is in danger when he's out on a case.Ofelia swoops in, the mightiest witch in the French Quarter, and finds herself saving the love of her life shoulder-to-shoulder with his father.Zeke Sully is all charm and secrets. He wants to win Ofelia over, but there are shadows chasing him...and dropping bodies all over the Quarter.Sully doesn't want anything to do with whatever his father is involved in. Ofelia doesn't feel she can abandon her future father-in-law. That leads to some strife.Some business deals can't be undone, and Ofelia is about to get a glimpse of the seedy business underbelly in New Orleans. The question is, can she fix what's been broken, or is it already too late?

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Hali Waverly is gearing up for a big change. The hip surgery she's been dreading is only two weeks out, and that means it's time to get things in order before she's down for the count to recuperate. She has a plan....and then the unthinkable happens.When leaving the doctor after scheduling surgery, a bank robbery suspect crosses Hali's path. When his mask is removed, her boyfriend Gray Hunter recognizes him as a fellow shifter, and the questions only grow from there.It seems there are a lot of strange shifters hanging around St. Pete Beach, and they don't belong to the same faction. The one spot they agree to meet is Hali's tiki bar...and sparks-and fur-are about to fly.Hali doesn't want to get involved in pack politics, but she might not have a choice. For Gray, who turned his back on the pack years ago, the appearance of warring factions on his turf means bad things are about to happen. He has no choice but to stand up and fight, however.Hali knows what she wants for her future. Unfortunately for her, she's going to have to go to war to get it. This fight-so many claws and teeth to contend with-might be out of her reach.That won't stop her from fighting...even to the death.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Maddie Graves-Winters is looking forward to a week of relaxation with her best friends. She had no idea a camping trip would be so stressful, however. She might have been picturing s'mores and ghost stories around the campfire, but the world has other plans.Having her best friends Ivy Morgan-Harker, Harper Harlow-Monroe, and Rowan Gray-Davenport-as well as their husbands and children-around for a full week is her idea of bliss. There's just one little problem.Maddie doesn't consider herself a suspicious person by nature, but when one of the college-aged girls at a nearby campsite goes missing-and nobody seems to care-she's intrigued. Then, when a mother at a different campsite also appears to have disappeared in the middle of the night, she's officially on the case.Maddie and her friends can't seem to help themselves from investigating. Their husbands are another story. They're convinced the women are making things up in their heads.Who will turn out to be right? And if it's the women, what happens when they draw a potential killer's attention to their campsite?The group is strongest when they're together. But this trip might be the death of one of them.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Hannah Hickok has a lot on her mind.She's engaged, with a wedding around the corner.She and her husband-to-be Cooper Wyatt are building a house near the cosplay western town she inherited from her late grandmother.And she's gearing up for a fight with the witch who wants to steal her magic and kill her.All of that falls by the wayside when Hannah realizes that people are starting to develop magical crushes...and the outcome is ugly when the fighting begins.First up is local Sheriff James Boone's teenage daughter. She's overwhelmed by a spell when her latest crush's attention is on the line.Then the women at the bakery, all sisters, start fighting over the same man.Then Cooper decides to come to blows for Hannah's honor and it almost results in someone's death.Hannah is understandably confused. The only thing she knows without question is that there's witchy magic afoot. Where is it coming from, though?Hannah's life is leading toward a specific fight. This fight, however, needs to be won before she can look to the future. Unfortunately for Hannah, the odds of winning are long.There's no evading the fight. So, here it comes.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Vampires are taking over the French Quarter.Ofelia Archer was hoping for a break, a stretch of quiet time to enjoy the opening of her brother's new bar, but the sight of vampires walking the rooftops one evening, tracking her, makes her wary. Then, the next morning, when a body is dropped in front of a famous vampire house, things in the Quarter take a turn.Ofelia's dealt with vampires before, but there's something different about this fang gang. She's confused enough to wonder: Are they really dealing with vampires, or something else entirely?Zach Sully, Ofelia's fiancé and a local police detective, starts digging. It seems there's more than one dead body afoot...and possibly a conspiracy to hide multiple deaths.Ofelia's team is prepared to figure out the truth, even if it means putting themselves in danger to do it. When the new enemy focuses on her father Oscar, however, Ofelia goes on the offensive.The French Quarter is a place where things frequently go bump in the night. This fight is about to get bloody, however.In more ways than one.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Spring has hit Casper Creek. That means construction on Hannah Hickok's future home with her fiancé Cooper Wyatt is finally commencing, and work on the new restaurant in town is getting close to completion. Everything should be perfect in her world.There's just one little problem.A ghost from the past has decided to haunt the present...and he's not a normal ghost. He's riding a ghost horse. And, oh yeah, he's firing a gun. Ghost bullets shouldn't be a threat, and yet these bullets are killing people.A scarf left at one of the scenes leads Hannah to look at the area's bootlegger past. It seems there's a cabin not far from Casper Creek, and their ghost might have originated from there. Where has he been for the past century, though? And, more importantly, why is he back?As the bodies begin to stack up, Hannah begins to suspect they've got more than a murderous ghost on her hands. The human element of the equation is impossible to uncover, however.Hannah is determined to find answers. She just needs a place to start looking.It's a fight to the finish, and ghost bullets aren't the only thing Hannah and her friends need to worry about. There's a new evil afoot...and this time, the gang might not be up to the challenge.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    The day Ofelia Archer has feared her entire adult life is here. Despite the happiness she's been feeling since her engagement to Zach Sully, when the inevitable happens and her father has a breakdown on Bourbon Street, her life turns upside down.Oscar Archer has been fighting a losing battle with mental illness for years, but when he finally hits a wall and is taken to the hospital against his will, he blames Ofelia. Despondent, she's not paying attention, and when a shadow attacks and leaves her for dead, a new mystery is afoot...and it makes for an opportune distraction so Ofelia's mind isn't constantly drifting to her father. Unfortunately, the shadow leads to the one person Ofelia never wants to see again.Sebastian Gendry is facing serious charges for the beating of Ofelia's brother. When he slips his tether and disappears, Ofelia realizes he and the shadow are linked ... and their paths lead right to the LaLaurie Mansion.New Orleans has many sordid stories, but none are quite as bad as Delphine LaLaurie's tale. When Ofelia starts digging, she realizes Sebastian has ties to the family ... and they're the sort that can never be broken.A shattered heart won't stop Ofelia. She promised Sebastian he would pay for what he did to her family, and she meant it.Dark magic is loose in the French Quarter, and it's going to take Ofelia's entire motley crew to overcome it. Even then, heartbreak is imminent. Can Ofelia make it through the darkness to find the light on the other side?

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Life is going well for Hali Waverly. She owns her own tiki bar at one of St. Pete Beach's premiere resorts and her life is settled for the first time in...well, a really long time. On top of that, a local private investigator she keeps crossing paths has decided it's time to date, something that both thrills and terrifies her.All of that changes when a body turns up on one of the resort's balconies and the owner of the resort is passed out inside with no recollection of what happened. Police think Franklin Craven could've killed her. The only problem is the marks on her body could also be attributed to an animal...and maybe one of a supernatural variety.Worried about his freedom, Franklin hires Gray to solve the case. That means Hali and Gray are going to be investigating together...again.St. Pete is full of paranormals, but Gray and Hali are looking for one specific one, a murderer who has a clear goal, even if it's one they can't quite ascertain.Sparks are about to fly, in more ways than one, and death is on the cocktail menu. Hali and Gray want a chance at a future. They have to get through the present to make it happen.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Harper Harlow-Monroe has everything she's ever wanted. She has a husband she loves, a best friend who is only irritating fifty percent of the time, and a daughter who refuses to be "normal." So, basically, she has it all.Then the unthinkable happens. During an afternoon picnic with her husband and daughter, Harper's yard is flooded with ghosts ... right as five bodies float by on the river. Harper's daughter Poe is finally in the thick of things because she's the only one who can communicate with the ghostly newcomers.Worried, Harper calls in her friends Rowan, Maddie, and Ivy. Together, the foursome is going to figure out what's haunting Poe ... one way or another.There's not much to be found regarding the victims. They were adventurers, making a name for themselves finding treasure at the bottoms of oceans and lakes. They were hired by a local billionaire, but nobody can figure out why and the man in question is being cagey.Harper always knew her daughter would turn out gifted. The reality is different from the fantasy, however. Poe's magic is already strong, and when she gets a little encouragement from her friends, things begin to spiral.It's an all-hands-on-deck situation for this battle, and only the strong will survive.

  • - A Maddie Graves and Hannah Hickok Mystery
    av Lily Harper Hart

    Maddie Graves-Winters has settled into married life with her husband, Nick, and is looking toward the future. When an invitation to a special retreat, strictly for psychics, lands in her lap, she decides it's time for a leap of faith.As the owner of Casper Creek, a cosplay Western town in Kentucky, Hannah Hickok is in a precarious position. A recent incident involving the death of a tourist - and a member of her own coven - has Hannah struggling. That's why she agrees to host a bunch of psychics in her town.Maddie and Hannah are both magic in their own way, although they approach life from different directions. Their worlds are about to collide, though.When the most famous psychic in attendance - a woman who was both prickly and full of herself - is murdered in broad daylight, they're going to have to work together to solve a terrible crime.What do you do when your victim was hated by everybody, to the point where she kept a list of her enemies? Dig deep. That's what. Even then, though, it's going to be a bumpy ride ... and the ending might not be happy for everybody.Note: This is a crossover book featuring Maddie Graves and Hannah Hickok. It's set after the conclusion of the Maddie Graves series and after The Monstrous Seven in the Hannah Hickok series.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    The weather in Casper Creek has yet to turn and Hannah Hickok is determined to take advantage of her downtime to engage in a bit of romance with her fiancé Cooper Wyatt. Unfortunately for her, the world has other plans.An eerie howl draws Hannah and Cooper to Main Street during a snowstorm, and what they find confuses them. There's some sort of monster stalking the downtown area, and a woman has appeared out of nowhere in the creature's wake only to collapse in front of them.Before Hannah can call for help, the woman disappears, leaving a mystery and a monster hunt on the menu.Casper Creek's history is long and storied. This time, however, the trouble can be traced back to Hannah's own family. It seems the woman who disappeared has ties to her grandmother...and Abigail doesn't want to share the details with anybody, including her own family.Frustrated, Hannah keeps digging, but what she finds is a mystery for the ages. It seems the stories she always heard, the ones about her late grandfather being a saint, might've been more fiction than reality. The truth of his past is about to collide with Hannah's future.And nobody will ever be the same again.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Vanity is the one thing Hali Waverly has never understood. That's about to become a weakness.Life at the Salty Cauldron is going well...right up until a body washes onto the beach. The dead woman, who is forty years younger than her husband, had a run-in with Hali in her tiki bar the previous day. Authorities assume it was an accidental drowning, but a mark on the dead woman's neck gives Hali pause.Grayson Hunter finds himself in a pickle when the identity of the body becomes public. Seems he was the one hired by the victim's husband to investigate her extra-curricular activities. Surprisingly enough, it turns out she wasn't having an affair. That doesn't mean she wasn't up to something nefarious.Crossing paths has Hali and Gray partnering up for a second time, and as tense as things are between them, things are worse when they enter the world of Selfie Planet, the victim's place of business.Vanity goes by many names, has many faces. The one Gray and Hali find themselves facing off with is dark and menacing. There's more going on than selfies and rampant narcissism, however. There's also a mirror monster and several soulless individuals walking around making things worse.Separately, Hali and Gray are forces to be reckoned with. Together, they can handle almost anything...except maybe this.Worlds are about to collide, and nothing will ever be the same again.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    When it comes to magic, Rowan Gray-Davenport has always been grateful to be part of the club. She never wanted to be the leader of it, though.All of that is about to change.When Rowan's friends Sally and Demarcus arrive on their new purchase, a vintage steamboat they want to refurbish so they can turn it into a floating restaurant and casino, Rowan and her husband Quinn are thrilled to reunite with them. That only lasts until their daughter Lana asks about the invisible children on the boat. It seems there are a lot of them, and they just might be dead.It appears the new boat is haunted, and the ghosts are looking for vengeance. They seem to have their sights set on Lana as a form of protection. She just doesn't know it yet.Lana is a little girl who wants to be seen as special. Unfortunately, she can't see the danger that's directly in front of her. Rowan can, however, and it doesn't take long for her to call on her friends Ivy, Harper, and Maddie to get her through this ordeal.The children might have been innocent when they died, but they're out for blood now. It's going to take the whole gang working together to see this through to the other side.Lana's life is hanging in the balance, and this time the magic that's required to save her will stem from her mother's love. Rowan had better be up to the challenge, because otherwise her family will be lost.Her moment is here. She has no choice but to embrace it.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Hannah Hickok is looking forward to her first Christmas in Casper Creek. She has plans for cookies, cuddles with her fiancé Cooper Wyatt, and a visit from Chris Kringle. Instead, the man who visits isn't the one Hannah was inspecting. No, it's her former fiancé Michael...and he's arrived with an agenda.Michael has more attitude than brains and he's ready to make life difficult for Hannah...right up to the point where his new fiancée is killed and her body goes missing from the morgue. When Michael is also attacked, Hannah has to use her magic to save him...and it doesn't go as planned.Cooper hated Michael when he was just a concept. Now that the man is staying at Casper Creek, Cooper downright loathes him. That's not his biggest concern though. It seems there's a new paranormal threat on the horizon...and Michael is a target.Hannah wants to leave her past behind but she's going to have to risk her life to save Michael before she can do it. This enemy knows her every weakness, and it's going to be a fight to the finish to embrace the holiday season and make it to the new year.Strap in, because it's going to be a holiday catastrophe.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    One of the biggest trivia competitions in the world is coming to Paradise Lodge, and Hali Waverly is expecting an influx of guests. What she's not prepared for is murder.When a body drops on the resort's beach, however, she finds herself knee-deep in the investigation along with her new boyfriend Gray Hunter. Unfortunately for her, there are a few too many suspects for her comfort level.Between the other contestants-a flamboyant group of individuals whom Hali has trouble relating to-and the workers, there's no limit to the pool of potential killers. Finding the right one isn't going to be easy.When you add in the dark merrow, who continue to make their presence known, Hali has her hands full.All she wants is a little rest and to have a good time. That might not be in the cards though. When it becomes apparent that someone is trying to control the outcome of the competition, all bets are off.Beaches, bodies, and Bloody Marys? Yup, things are about to get hairy for St. Pete's favorite witch and shifter.Oh, yeah, there will be some shark shifters too.Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Ofelia Archer's life is looking up. Her father is in the hospital getting the help he needs, her mother is seemingly distracted with some new walking group, and her brother is finally opening his own bar. Things couldn't be better ... until a body is found.Shawn Dawson was just out to have a good time. He drank late into the night and somehow ended up dead in an alley. It wasn't a normal death either. He was drained of everything fluid he possessed, which points to something paranormal.There's a succubus on the loose in the French Quarter, and even though she's newly turned, she has ties to the area. When Ofelia interrupts her feeding schedule, she becomes the creature's enemy ... and the new target is Zach Sully, Ofelia's fiancé.Ofelia would do anything to protect the man who stole her heart, but her options seem limited. That means a fight ... and it's going to have to be between the women alone, because the succubus has a special power over the men.Ofelia might have sympathy for the succubus's plight, but that won't stop her from doing what she has to do to protect those she loves.It's a fight to the finish, and only one woman will come out victorious.

  • - A Hannah Hickok and Ivy Morgan Witchy Mystery
    av Lily Harper Hart

    The Morgan family is taking their first family vacation, and since they let their youngest member pick the place, that means Mammoth Cave National Park is on the menu. Ivy Morgan-Harker and her husband Jack aren't exactly excited about exploring caves, but they're committed to making sure the vacation is a success.The first stop on their trip is Casper Creek, a cosplay western town perched atop a mountain. There Hannah Hickok, a witch like Ivy, runs things. The Casper Creek workers have their hands full. It seems local kids are going missing - three in only a few weeks - and the cause of their disappearances might be supernatural in nature.Ivy's nephew JJ is the one who uncovers the biggest clue when he inadvertently stumbles over one of the missing kids. Unfortunately, the child who returned isn't the one who disappeared. There's something off about him, although nobody can ascertain exactly what.Hannah and Ivy recognize each other for what they are on first meeting, and it's a good thing, because they're going to have to work together to solve a huge mystery ... and keep JJ safe in the process.There are more than witches and demons haunting the hills surrounding Casper Creek. Ivy and Hannah are going to find out exactly what sort of horrors are being hidden in one small community.They're determined to make things right. They just have to survive to do it.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Hali Waverly thought she'd seen the worst the world had to offer. Then her boyfriend Gray Hunter's parents arrived on her beach. Now the horror truly begins.Hali has a big problem...and that's not including the skeletons that are taking over the beach thanks to an errant spell.Nobody knows who cast the spell, or more importantly why, but Hali is determined to find out. When she's not dodging visits from the people Gray wants to see least in his life that is.Hali is a fixer, which means she can't stay out of the situation. Will she make matters better or worse, though?Gray knows exactly how he sees his future going. His parents aren't part of it. Despite that, part of him doesn't want to shut the door forever. If he lets them in, though, will he lose everything he's been working toward?Gray and Hali are a team. Dark forces are moving in on them from every direction, however. It's going to take both of them working together to come out on the other side.Even then, it might not be enough.Death is coming for St. Pete Beach, and it's not taking any prisoners.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

    Ofelia Archer is working toward a goal, both personally and professionally, and she's making great strides on both. Her attention is diverted, however, when a steamboat washes ashore next to the riverwalk...and it's a boat that is more than a hundred years overdue.The Adelaide was supposedly lost on the river back in the day, all souls onboard believed lost, and yet it's in New Orleans...and it might not be empty.Ofelia and her boyfriend Zach Sully are part of the first team to visit the boat, and almost immediately Ofelia is struck by the reality they're not alone. Unfortunately for her, she can't pin down a source for the feeling. When ghosts start haunting her home and dreams, however, the story begins to take shape.The Adelaide was besieged by darkness before the end came. Now that darkness is pointed at New Orleans. It's up to Ofelia and Sully to put an end to it all...even when the darkness decides Ofelia is the new target.Some bonds last a lifetime. Some last beyond. The bonds from the Adelaide are something more, and not even death can tear them asunder. It can take aim at Ofelia, however, which means she could be joining the dead before it's all said and done.

  • - A Return to Magic Cozy Mystery
    av Lily Harper Hart

    Four women. Four great loves. One great partnership.It's been years since Ivy Morgan, Harper Harlow, Maddie Graves, and Rowan Gray married the loves of their lives and decided to settle down. Since that time, they've joined together to form a fearsome magical quartet. The plan was to stand with one another. Now that plan is being put to the test.While out morel hunting with her brother, daughter, and nephews, Ivy stumbles across a body, a ritual dagger causing her to fear they're dealing with something more dangerous than a normal human. Right away, she calls for reinforcements from her magical friends...and they come running.Ivy's magic has grown, and she's much stronger than she used to be. That doesn't mean she's ready for what's coming, especially when it becomes apparent that her daughter might be following in her mother's footsteps, and being drawn into a dangerous world she doesn't understand.A local real estate developer is dead, his wife is missing, and there's a random ghost hanging around stirring up trouble. Ivy has her hands full, and things are about to get worse.Magic is might, and this particular foursome is ready. What if they're not strong enough to fight off a new threat, however? What will it mean for them as a group?They're about to find out, and the answer might be more than they can bear.

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

  • av Lily Harper Hart

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