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  • av Lincoln Harley

    "Il manuale di Istruzione Finanziaria" è un libro fondamentale per chiunque voglia migliorare la propria conoscenza finanziaria. Scritto da un esperto del settore, questo manuale offre informazioni accurate e accessibili su una vasta gamma di argomenti finanziari, dal risparmio al budgeting, dagli investimenti alla pianificazione pensionistica. Attraverso esempi pratici e consigli preziosi, il "Manuale di Istruzione Finanziaria" aiuta il lettore a comprendere le basi di questo settore spesso troppo complesso e di difficile interpretazione. Si tratta di un'opera completa che offre non solo informazioni dettagliate su come gestire il proprio denaro in modo intelligente e ridurre le spese superflue ma anche capire le varie tipologie di investimento per creare una base economica solida per il futuro. Oltre questo è importante sottolineare come l'autore si soffermi spesso sulla mentalità finanziaria, sull'approccio mentale con i soldi e sui paradigmi che troppo spesso bloccano le persone davanti all'idea di ricchezza. Il libro sottolinea tra le altre cose l'importanza della gestione del rischio nelle decisioni finanziarie, fornendo consigli pratici su come proteggere il proprio patrimonio.

  • av Lincoln Harley

    Have you ever dreamed of working from the comfort of your own home?Do you desire to be in charge of your own schedule and earnings?Are you interested in participating in a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR industry? Imagine starting your own business in the near future. Introducing the new edition "Freight Broker Business Startup" - the ultimate guide for anyone looking to start or scale their own freight brokerage business.This new edition is packed with the latest international developments and strategies to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the freight industry. With the rise of fuel prices, wars and pandemics, it's more important than ever to have a comprehensive guide to help you succeed.You'll learn everything you need to know to start your own freight brokerage business, from understanding the basics of the industry to developing a business plan and finding customers. You'll also learn how to navigate the legal and regulatory requirements, and how to scale your business to reach new heights.With actionable tips and case studies from successful freight brokers, this book is the perfect resource for anyone looking to start or grow their business in this exciting and challenging industry. Inside "Freight Broker Business Startup" you'll discover:A simple guide to starting your own brokerage businessOptions for starting a home-based business or establishing an officeEffective marketing strategies to attract customersThe best software for freight brokerage that boosts efficiencyA daily routine guide for freight brokersCommon problems faced in freight brokerage and how to overcome themCauses of failure in freight brokerage businesses and how to avoid themInsider tips for running a successful freight brokerage businessTax considerations and saving tips for freight brokers...and much more!

  • av Lincoln Harley

    Ti piacerebbe avviare un'attività in proprio ma non sai da dove iniziare?Odi il tuo attuale lavoro oppure stai cercando una soluzione alternativa alla classica posizione da dipendente?Sei stanco di lavorare tutto il giorno per qualcun altro e vuoi diventare imprenditore di te stesso? Se sì, allora continua a leggere! Questo libro "Come avviare un Business" è la traduzione di due libri:Come avviare un'impresaCome scrivere un Business Plan Avviare un'impresa non è semplice. Questa guida per principianti ti condurrà attraverso tutti gli elementi che devi conoscere per avviare un'attività (vendita al dettaglio, online, a domicilio, piccola impresa). Semplifica argomenti complessi e ti indica tutto ciò che devi tenere in considerazione, sia prima di creare un'attività che nella vera fase di startup. Nel primo libro scoprirai:Come farsi venire idee di business redditizie?La realtà odierna del lancio di un'aziendaRicerca di idee imprenditoriali e concorrenza: passi e risorseFasi di pianificazione finanziariaOpzioni di finanziamento per la tua aziendaCome pubblicizzare correttamente la tua azienda?Il secondo libro ti aiuterà a evitare di commettere gli errori più classici che commetti all'inizio e a partire con il piede giusto. Devi conoscere anche l'utilità dello scrivere un buon business plan:Nozioni di base sul business planQuanto è critico un Business plan per la tua azienda?Tipi di piani aziendaliConsigli imprenditoriali per i neofitiInsidie comuni e come evitarleCome identificare ed intercettare il tuo pubblico di riferimentoElementi e chiavi di un business plan efficace Questa lettura ti aiuterà a buttare giù i primi conti, a verificare la sostenibilità economica della tua futura azienda, a comprendere i tempi necessari e il giusto approccio che, come neo imprenditore, devi avere verso un mercato estremamente differente rispetto a quello a cui sei stato abituato.

  • av Lincoln Harley

    Do you want the power, freedom, and control that come with becoming your own boss? If yes, then this book will walk you through the processes of writing a win-win business plan the proper way. Whether you choose to bring your unique ideas to market, securely build your new business upon a firm basis, or become your owner and manage your destiny.A business plan includes a detailed document that explains what the business seems to be all about and how it would make money. This one document has the power to make or shatter your chances of success. General investors and Venture capitalists in a business want to hear a business plan because then they can assess its chances of success. Drafting a business plan doesn't have to be challenging for your existing or planned company.Here is a sneak peek at what you'll learn:Basics of business planHow critical is a Business plan for your business?Kinds of business plansEntrepreneurial Advice for NewbiesCommon pitfalls and how to avoid themHow to identify and develop your target audienceElements and keys of effective business planAnd much more.

  • av Lincoln Harley

    Are you tired of working all day for someone else?Do you hate your current job?Are you looking for an alternative solution to the classic employee job?Do you want to be in charge of your own life?Is there something that you are passionate about and want to turn into a source of income for you?If yes then keep reading!Thinking about launching a company might be difficult. Plenty goes into it that deciding where to begin might be hard. This easy-to-follow guide walks you through all of the elements you'll need to know to set up a business (retail, online, home-based, small business). It simplifies complex topics into easy, practical actions that you can practice right now. You'll discover:How to come up with a lucrative idea?Today's reality of launching a companyResearching business ideas as well as competition: steps & resourcesWhat are the different types of business structures, and how do you know which one is best for you?Financial Planning StepsFinancing options for your companyHow to advertise and brand your company correctly?

  • av Lincoln Harley

    Do you want to Establish your personal profitable business in less time and with a lower initial investment than any other traditional businesses? If yes, then you are in the right place. A freight brokerage company provides for the shipment of goods and monitoring loads. Their major goal is to make customers' lives easier by providing them with effective and high-quality drivers and carriers capable of transporting heavy loads while earning a lot of money. There is a lot of money to be made when it comes to running a freight brokerage firm. While many good trucking firms consistently deliver, a few horrible ones out there make local residents and businesses afraid of trusting such services.This is very advantageous for freight brokerage firms since it allows them to meet the needs of both shippers and carriers. As a result, they are constantly in high demand. In this book, you will get:What is a freight broker?What do they do?Earnings and stream of incomeBenefits of hiring a freight broker5 important steps to understand freight broker business better.Applying for the authority Day to day processNiche selection Marketing tacticsAnd many more!The simplicity of the freight broker business is what makes it so appealing. You may succeed in this industry regardless of your background, education, or experience, and you can build a successful company from scratch. So what are you waiting for? Scroll up and get yourself a copy of this book!

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