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Böcker av Linda Gouissem

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  • av Linda Gouissem

    This work examines how often overlooked factors such as temperature, concentrations and mixing techniques play a crucial role in scientific advances, bridging the gap between theory and practice. It first looks at the thermal behavior of sodium bicarbonate, citric acid and their mixtures, used in the foam industry, using TGA-DSC. It then explores the creation of blends with low-density polyethylene at different concentrations, aiming to determine the optimum combinations to produce new blends and to study their physico-chemical properties. The results indicate that sodium bicarbonate releases more gas, increasing the diameter by up to 60% with 2pcr and up to 30% with 1pcr citric acid. Mixtures based on optimal concentrations, such as 60/40 and 50/50, showed significant synergy, leading to denser, finer and more regular cells.

  • av Linda Gouissem

    V dannoj rabote rassmatriwaetsq, kak chasto upuskaemye iz widu faktory, takie kak temperatura, koncentraciq i metody smeshiwaniq, igraüt reshaüschuü rol' w nauchnyh dostizheniqh, preodolewaq razryw mezhdu teoriej i praktikoj. Snachala s pomosch'ü TGA-DSK rassmatriwaetsq termicheskoe powedenie bikarbonata natriq, limonnoj kisloty i ih smesej, ispol'zuemyh w proizwodstwe penoplasta. Zatem issleduetsq sozdanie smesej s poliätilenom nizkoj plotnosti w razlichnyh koncentraciqh s cel'ü opredeleniq optimal'nyh kombinacij dlq polucheniq nowyh smesej i izucheniq ih fiziko-himicheskih swojstw. Rezul'taty pokazywaüt, chto bikarbonat natriq wydelqet bol'she gaza, uwelichiwaq diametr do 60 % pri koncentracii 2 p.k. i do 30 % pri koncentracii 1 p.k. limonnoj kisloty. Smesi, osnowannye na optimal'nyh koncentraciqh, takih kak 60/40 i 50/50, pokazali znachitel'nyj sinergeticheskij äffekt, chto priwelo k obrazowaniü bolee plotnyh, tonkih i prawil'nyh qcheek.

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