av Linda Sloan & Merry Taylor
How many of you have ever asked, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Probably Eve was asking the same thing! Many women, since the time of Eve, have looked for joy in all the wrong places. They put pressure on themselves trying to be all things to all people. Have you ever felt put down, overwhelmed, empty or misunderstood?After listening to women in their workshops across the country, Merry and Linda share-with hilarity and realism-what they discovered to be the five best ways for women to recapture joy, purpose and grounding in their lives: ΓÇóCultivate positive attitudesΓÇóDelight in laughter and humorΓÇóFind self-esteem and purposeΓÇóDecode male-female communication stylesΓÇóGrow and live in faithThey invite you to smile, laugh out loud, and maybe even shed a tear at stories from real people included in each chapter.Merry Taylor, M.A.T., and Linda Sloan, M.Ed., are wives, mothers, grandmothers and professional trainers and speakers with Taylor and Associates. Based in Lexington, South Carolina, they provide seminars and keynotes for businesses, organizations, women''s conferences and Christian groups nationwide. They specialize in helping people effectively manage stress, develop better interpersonal communication skills and motivate themselves to recognize and reach their potential.Their Christian programs are inspirational and scripture-based. They abound with humor, practical help, and real-life experiences of people who, with the help of God, have risen above their circumstances and changed their lives. Comments about Linda and Merry...ΓÇó"Enthusiastic, energetic, knowledgeable"ΓÇó"This is the most fun I have had, ever, at a workshop!"ΓÇó"You taught me something new. You touched my emotions."ΓÇó"This is the first time I have ever stayed awake for an entire program!"ΓÇó"You taught me responsibility and accountability to God, myself and others."