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Böcker av Lora Dorny

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  • av Lora Dorny

    Allows children to feel successful when learning ABC letters, numbers, shapes, and coloring animals.The DOTS are BIG and perfectly fit the dot markers. This Dot markers activity book has a combination of different artworks including alphabet letters, numbers, shapes and animals. Everything your child needs!Size 8.5" x 11" Single-sided pages so your little one can use markers without the nuisance of bleed-through. Coloring is a great way for kids to relax and express themselves creatively.

  • av Lora Dorny

    Amusement ! Laissez libre cours à la créativité de vos enfants !Ce livre contient 50 pages d'activités amusantes pour Halloween, parfaites pour les garçons et les filles qui souhaitent célébrer la période la plus effrayante de l'année.Votre enfant s'amusera pendant des heures à colorier, à faire des points, à s'exercer au maniement des ciseaux, à faire des labyrinthes, à s'exercer à l'écriture, à trouver la différence, à faire des mots croisés et bien plus encore.LA MEILLEURE IDÉE DE CADEAU POUR HALLOWEEN Commandez votre exemplaire dès aujourd'hui

  • av Lora Dorny

    This book is sure to engage little ones for hours! Is packed with monsters and other fun activities including Monster Alphabet. The Kids will absolutely love it! Keep your little budding artists busy with this fun activity book! Size of the book is 8.5x11 inches.Over 100 coloring pages full of MonstersA perfect gift for any child!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Das Ziel von Sudoku ist es, die leeren Zellen mit jeweils einer Zahl auszufüllen, so dass jede Spalte, Zeile, Region und die beiden Hauptdiagonalen jede Zahl genau einmal enthalten.Ich garantiere, dass jedes Logikrätsel in diesem Sudoku-Buch sorgfältig geprüft wurde, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Rätsel nur eine Lösung hat. Keines der Rätsel in diesem Buch wird in einem der anderen Sudoku-Bücher erscheinen. Details zu diesem Sudoku-Buch:- Das Buch enthält 80 Sudoku der Normalstufe 16 x 16 Rätsel- Größere Schrift als in den meisten Zeitungen und Zeitschriften- Inklusive aller Lösungen- Fachmännisch ausgearbeitet mit genauen Schwierigkeitsgraden- Größe des Buches: 8.5 X 11- Ein großartiges Geschenk für Geburtstage, für alle neuen und ''alten'' Sudoku-Fans! - Holen Sie sich Ihr Sudoku-Buch noch heute!

  • av Lora Dorny
    177 - 387

  • av Lora Dorny

    ¿Set kids up to succeed in school with "My First Workbook" which teaches them letters, shapes, and numbers.¿My First Workbook is an educational activity book that your young student will love. This Workbook includes:Learning the alphabet: each page is about a letter including tracing the letter,maze game,finding the letter, and coloring.Learning the numbers:each page is about one number,where your child will trace,color, and finding that numberLearning about the colors:each page is about a color, where your child will learn about color mixing and finding objects of that specific color.Tracing and learning about shapesExtra sheets practicing line tracing,alphabet letters,numbers, and shapes tracingMatching educational games ¿Get kids ready for school with exercises that teach them colors, letters, shapes, numbers.

  • av Lora Dorny

    Notre livre contient 200 puzzles Sudoku avec une illustration de Dino pour que les enfants s'amusent davantage en résolvant les puzzles et un espace conçu pour remplir le temps passé à le résoudre. Les caractéristiques de notre livre : Les réponses de chaque puzzle Sudoku sont incluses.Les énigmes sont en gros caractères, une par page.Notre livre a un grand format 8,5 x 11, 240 pages.Impression haute resolution Ce livre est le cadeau idéal pour les amateurs de sudoku ! Achetez notre livre aujourd'hui et gardez votre enfant amusé !

  • av Lora Dorny

    From perfect pets and furry baby animals to woodland creatures and jungle beasts, right through to brilliant birds, fun and beautiful nature scenes, this book definitely contains a rich variety of awesome coloring pictures, which are sure to delight and thrill any animal-loving kid with hours-and-hours of coloring fun. In our book you will find:· Woodland Animals· Jungle Animals· Ocean Animals· Farm Animals Coloring Book Details:100 hand-drawn images exclusively designed to stimulate your artistic ambitionSeparately printed sheets to prevent bleed-through and allow you to easily remove and frame your favorites!Suitable for markers, gel pens, colored pencils, fine-liners, and watercolorsAn assortment of simple and intricate designs to accommodate every skill levelAnd hours upon hours of coloring enjoyment and meditative relaxation If you are looking for a seriously fun and totally cool coloring book, packed with amazing animals for a kid who loves to color, then buy our book today!Incredibly Fun and Relaxing

  • av Lora Dorny

    80 completely unique unicorn coloring pages for kids ages 4-8! Little ones will love this coloring book full of happy, smiling and beautiful unicorns. For anyone who loves unicorns, this book makes a perfect gift for kids ages 4 to 8 years. About this cute unicorn coloring book:Contains 80 completely unique coloring pages. There are NO duplicate images in this book. ¿ The pages are single-sided to prevent bleed-through. ¿ We have carefully designed each page to be entertaining and suitable for children in the 4 to 8 year-old age range. We have avoided overly-intricate designs as well as overly simplistic ones. We believe children of this age love coloring fun scenes that fire up their imaginations, not a book full of simple shapes. ¿ The pages are a nice, large 8.5x11 size.

  • av Lora Dorny

    Nuestro libro contiene 200 rompecabezas de Sudoku con ilustración de Dino para que los niños se diviertan más en la resolución de los rompecabezas y un espacio diseñado para rellenar el tiempo dedicado a resolverlo.Las características de nuestro libro: Se incluyen las respuestas de cada SudokuLos rompecabezas están en un formato de impresión grande, uno por páginaNuestro libro tiene un bonito formato grande 8.5x11, 240 páginasImpresión de alta resoluciónEste libro es el regalo perfecto para los amantes de los Sudokus. ¡Consiga nuestro libro hoy y mantenga a su hijo entretenido!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Fun! Fun! Fun! Let your kids creativity run wild!There are 50 fun Halloween activity pages in this book - perfect for boys and girls to celebrate the spookiest time of year.Your child will have hours of fun completing the coloring, dot to dot, scissor practice, mazes, handwriting practice, find the difference, crosswords and much more.BEST GIFT IDEA FOR HALLOWEEN Order your copy today!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Princess coloring book60 totally unique princess coloring pages for kids ages 3-9!Your little princess will enjoy hours coloring this magical world of royal adventures with bright colors. Share the magic of princesses with a special child! Each beautifully designed illustration is ready to color and provides captivating creative fun! It makes a perfect gift! About this princess coloring book:- Contains 60 unique coloring pages.- The pages are single-sided to prevent show-through and to allow pages to be removed and displayed without losing a picture on the back.- We have carefully designed each page to be entertaining and suitable for children ages 3 to 9. We avoided both overly complicated and overly simple designs. - The pages have a nice, large size of 8,5x11. The perfect gift idea for girls aged 3 to 9!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Incredibly Fun and Relaxing.This Fashion Coloring Book is perfect for anyone Adults and Kids with a sense of style and a love of clothing who wants to explore their creativity. You will absolutely love it! Book features:Our coloring book is a fantastic value at over 100 pages long and the pages are a large 8.5 x 11 premium white paper to give you plenty of room to color.Printed on just one side of the page (making them safe for markers)Filled with multiple beautiful pictures on each page to create and color . Is the perfect gift for any girl with a passion for fashion

  • av Lora Dorny

    Our book is created especially for girls of all ages and makes the perfect gift for any little princess in your life.Full of beautiful unicorn, mermaid and princess coloring pages including: super-cute baby unicorns, a dreaming unicorn, a "mer-unicorn", princess castles, fairy tales, queen and girl princess, little girl mermaids, flying unicorns, dancing unicorns, a mermaid looking for the unicorn, even a fairy godmother granting a wish to a beautiful mermaid and her friend unicorn.Made by a Teacher & Parent: Designed by a teacher (and a Mom of two young girls) - every page is age-appropriate and hand illustrated with lots of thought, creativity, love and time put in to its design to ensure a super-fun, magical and wonderous coloring experience.Great variety so kids never get bored What you will find in this awesome book:-30 individual pages for drawing -Each design is printed on a single page to minimize blending trough from felt tip pens and enable removal for framing if you wish.-8.5x11 which is a nice size for small handsColoring and similar activities can relax your child, assist with pencil grip and help unleash their creativity. If you have a lover of unicorns, mermaids, princesses and more, this coloring book is for you. Order your copy today!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Mandala-Malbuch für ErwachseneÜber 90 wunderschöne, einzigartige Designs zum Ausmalen, darunter erstaunliche Kunstwerke mit der größten Auswahl an Mandala-, Tier-, Blumen- und Paisley-Motiven, die für stundenlange Entspannung, Spaß, Ruhe und Stressabbau sorgen. Ein Schatz für Mandala-Liebhaber.Nicht entschieden, welches Thema Sie färben wollen? Wählen Sie unser Buch heute und Sie werden genau das finden, wonach Sie suchen.Unser Buch bietet:Enthält 90+ einzigartige Seiten mit den meisten niedlichen Mandala-DesignsDie Seiten sind ein schönes großes Format 8,5x11, professionelle Qualität Designs ,200 SeitenJedes Bild wird auf eine einseitige Seite gedruckt, um das Durchbluten zu verhindern. Außerdem sind die einseitigen Seiten mit einem Rahmen versehen, um Ihre Meisterwerke zu präsentieren.Perfekt für jedes FähigkeitsniveauHochauflösender Druck

  • av Lora Dorny

  • av Lora Dorny

  • av Lora Dorny

    Unser Buch enthält 200 Sudoku-Rätsel mit Dino-Illustration, damit die Kinder mehr Spaß beim Lösen der Rätsel haben und die Zeit, die sie zum Lösen benötigen, ausfüllen können. Unser Buch bietet: Die Antworten für jedes Sudoku-Rätsel sind enthaltenDie Rätsel sind in einem großen Druckformat, eines pro SeiteUnser Buch hat ein schönes Großformat 8,5x11, 240 SeitenHochauflösender DruckDieses Buch ist das perfekte Geschenk für Sudoku-Liebhaber! Holen Sie sich unser Buch heute und halten Sie Ihr Kind unterhalten!

  • av Lora Dorny

  • av Lora Dorny

  • av Lora Dorny

    Dieses Buch wird die Kleinen sicher stundenlang beschäftigen! Es ist vollgepackt mit Monstern und anderen lustigen Aktivitäten, einschließlich des Monster-Alphabets. Die Kinder werden es absolut lieben! Beschäftigen Sie Ihre kleinen angehenden Künstler mit diesem lustigen Aktivitätenbuch! Die Größe des Buches ist 8,5x11 Zoll.Über 100 Seiten voller Monster zum AusmalenEin perfektes Geschenk für jedes Kind!

  • av Lora Dorny

    Mermaid coloring book age 4-8Surprise your kids with these unique 40 coloring pages featuring mermaids and their sea friends for kids ages 4-8. We promise they will love it!Stimulate your child's creativity and imagination with this wonderful coloring book full of cute mermaids with their sea animal friends exploring the ocean. For any child, boy or girl, this book makes a great gift for kids ages 4 to 12. We will find playful mermaids talking, swimming and dancing with their friends, collecting shells, finding treasures and resting on the islands. A beautiful mermaid coloring book for your child to explore. Get this perfect gift for your precious child right now!Our Mermaid Coloring Book Features:Contains 40 unique pages of cheerful mermaids.The pages are a nice large size 8.5x11, professional-quality designs ,86 pagesWe have carefully designed each page to entertain your child

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