av Mahendra Singh
This book covers various topics related to Information Systems in business. It starts with the fundamentals of information systems & business, and then deals with the advanced topics such as E-Commerce, E-Business, Digital Marketing, Data Management, Data warehouse, Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Ethical Issues related to Information Systems, ERP, SCM, CRM, and then the information system Project Management. To bring the context and connection of the book contents with the real life, chapter opening cases are provided based on the various incidences experienced by an hypothetical character "Airen Smith". This is a concise but dense reference material on Information Systems in business. To experience the logical thinking required for programming and to have some programming hands-on experience, programming with Scratch section is provided at the end of the book with explanations and sample programs. Author is an Associate Professor at Department of Global Management, Chuo University Japan. He is also associated with Globis University, Yokohama National University, and Sophia University in Japan as an Adjunct Faculty. He has a balanced experience both in academics and business management. He has corporate work experience with Amazon Japan, McKinsey & Company Japan, Citibank Japan, and Infosys Ltd. India. He completed his bachelors degree from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, MBA from International University of Japan, and PhD from Yokohama National University.