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Böcker av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

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  • - Spiritual gifts are a taste of the powers of the age to come
    av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    Believers that are filled with the Holy Spirit, can expect through the use of spiritual gifts, to operate by measure, in the miraculous powers that will be freely available to us in the age to come. The Lord Jesus has given us these gifts so that we can minister His supernatural power to His church, thus edifying His church. This book teaches us how to operate in spiritual gifts.

  • - Every human being born into this world, is a spirit being
    av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    We are spirit beings, and unless we walk in the reality of that fact, we will never experience the fullness in this life, of that which our Lord Jesus has for us. As believers, we are instructed by the Lord to walk in the spirit. This book will help the believer to more fully understand what their spirit is, and how to develop their spirit.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    Hebrews 11:16 "But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them." The New Jerusalem is the city of God. God Himself has both designed it and He has built it. And so, as God is perfect, so the city that He has built is also perfect. In the above passage of scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that from its foundations to its pinnacle, the builder and maker of the heavenly city, is God Himself. That same passage says that God has (past tense) prepared the city for us. In other words, even though the new heavens and the new earth have not yet been created, nevertheless God has already completed the city of the New Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem is currently being reserved in heaven, for the saints. This book examines what the bible teaches us about the events that will take place after the Millennial reign of Christ.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    James 5:15 "And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven."In this passage of scripture, the Holy Spirit speaks about the prayer of faith. And He speaks about the certainty of the outcome of this type of prayer. For in this passage, the Holy Spirit tells us categorically, that the prayer of faith will (not might) heal the sick (the word translated "save" more correctly means "heal") and even if sin in the life of the believer was the cause of their sickness, God would forgive their sin. And so, we see from this passage of scripture, that the prayer of faith, when applied correctly, will always produce the desired outcome.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    All of us will be caught up together to meet our Lord Jesus in the air. We will at that point, leave this world and step into eternity. When we leave this planet to be with the Lord, it will take the world completely by surprise. This book looks at the two resurrections, as taught in scripture. It also looks at the chronological sequence of events leading up to both resurrections, thus enabling the saints to be aware of the times that they live in. This book also looks at the subject of physical death, and what awaits the saints when they die.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    Believers that are filled with the Holy Spirit, can expect through the use of spiritual gifts, to operate by measure, in the miraculous powers that will be freely available to us in the age to come. The Lord Jesus has given us these gifts so that we can minister His supernatural power to His church, thus edifying His church. This book teaches us how to operate in spiritual gifts.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    When every person leaves this planet we all go to one of two places. We either go to heaven or we go to hell. Those who have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour go to heaven and those who have not accepted Jesus as Lord go to hell. There is more to it than that though. For there is an eternal judgement that all have to still incur. The believers have to stand before Jesus Christ to give an account for their lives and the unbelievers have to stand before the saints to give an account for their lives. Both judgement's are eternal. This book reveals what the word of God teaches us regarding both of these judgments.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    There is a degree of controversy in the church today, about suffering. There are those, who teach that the church is not meant to suffer at all, but rather, that we are meant to live victoriously in this life. Some even teach, that the church is meant to take dominion in the earth and deliver the kingdoms of the world to the Lord, when He returns. And then there are those, who teach that we are to accept all forms of adversity in this life, as part of our suffering for the Lord, including poverty and sickness for example. Each side tends to accuse the other, of teaching error. But as with most doctrines in the bible, where there are two opposing views taught, invariably the truth of God's word, is found somewhere in the middle. This book examines just what God's word says, on the subject of Christian suffering.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    Acts 2:17 "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh."There can be no doubt that as we draw closer to the end of the age, that there has been a dramatic increase in the outpouring of God's Spirit in the earth. The evidence is clear, for whereas Spirit filled believers throughout the earth at the start of the twentieth century, could be numbered in their thousands, Spirit filled believers in the earth at the start of the twenty first century, can now be numbered in their millions. This book is written to provide a biblical framework for believers regarding our encounters with the Holy Spirit. The reason we teach on this subject, is because if saints are ignorant about what the word of God teaches about these encounters, our adversary the devil can use that ignorance to lead them into error. To have an encounter with the Holy Spirit is to have an encounter with the supernatural. And so, because most believers have never been exposed to the supernatural before they come into the kingdom of God, if they are not taught correctly, they can be vulnerable to having encounters with the wrong spirit and can thus be misled.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    The nine gifts of the Spirit can be consolidated into three different categories. The reason that they can be consolidated into these categories, is because each of the gifts categorized, do something similar. The third of the three categories, are what we call the speaking gifts. The reason we call them the speaking gifts, is because each one of these gifts, say something. The gifts that fall into this category are; prophecy, different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. This book looks at how each of these gifts operate.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    Colossians 1:19-20 "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, (20) and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross."The work of salvation that God the Father accomplished through the sacrifice of His Son Christ Jesus is far more extensive than that which is commonly taught or understood in the church. This book is written to explain just one aspect of the work of the cross, i.e. the cleansing power of the blood of Christ that cleanses mankind from all their sin. In the above passage of scripture, the apostle Paul teaches us that God the Father has reconciled us to Himself through the blood of Christ that was shed for us on the cross. Sadly, many ministers of the gospel do not have a clear understanding of the work of salvation that Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. They also do not have a clear understanding as to why Jesus is the only one in all of God's creation that was uniquely qualified to reconcile mankind to God. And so, because of their limited understanding of the biblical truth of salvation through Jesus Christ, these same ministers preach a watered down gospel message. Sadly when an incomplete gospel of salvation is preached, it impacts negatively on the Lord's saints because it makes them vulnerable to deceivers in the church who proclaim certain false doctrines regarding salvation, thus leading many astray.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    1 Peter 5:8-9 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (9) Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world."All unbelievers are in Satan's kingdom, and he holds sway over all of them to a greater or lesser degree, and so none of them pose any threat to his reign in the earth. But there is a group of people in the earth today, over which he holds no sway, because they are not in his kingdom, and that is the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is precisely because believers are not subject to the devil, that they are the greatest threat to his reign in the earth. And so, Satan does everything in his power to destroy the church of our Lord Jesus in the earth, which is why the above passage refers to him, as our adversary. In this passage, the Holy Spirit reveals a number of truths to us, about our adversary, how he operates, and how the believer can deal with him. This book examines what God's word says, on the subject of the believer's authority over the devil in the earth.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    1 Timothy 2:1-4 "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, (2) for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (4) who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."In the above quoted passage of scripture the Holy Spirit exhorts the church to pray for heads of state and all those who are in authority. One of the main roles that the church is required to fulfil with the regards to the governments of the nations is to pray for them, for we must not forget that they are God's ministers. And so the answer to the question as to who to vote for lies in the above quoted passage of scripture which teaches us what to pray for regarding a nation's government, for the qualities that we pray for in a government are the same qualities that we should look for in prospective candidates. This passage teaches us that there are two main qualities that the church should always look for in the candidates and political parties that they vote for. Firstly, the church should vote for candidates that stand for honest government and law and order thus allowing the citizens of that nation to live quiet and peaceable lives, for as we have already seen, one of the primary reasons that God raises up those in authority is to act as His ministers in rewarding good and punishing evil (Romans 13:3-4). Secondly, the church should vote for candidates that support freedom of religion thus allowing the church to serve the Lord in all godliness and reverence without any constraints being placed upon the preaching of the gospel.

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

  • av Maher Michael E.B. Maher

    God is God. And as such, ultimately His will prevails. So how do we reconcile the concept of the will of God prevailing in the affairs of mankind, while on the other hand, stating that men have a will of their own? This book reveals how God works all things according to the counsel of His will, while at the same time allowing man to have their own free will. For God does not create robots.

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