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Böcker av Mariana Stjerna

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  • - Jordens Inre Varld
    av Mariana Stjerna

    En dag knackade en ung man, Timothy Brooke, på Mariana Stjernas inre dörr och Agartha-romanen föddes. Som beskrivs i boken räddades Timothy av personer från Agartha efter att ha förlist utanför Kanadas kust i mitten av 1900-talet. Han lever nu i högönsklig välmåga i Agartha, Jordens inre värld eller Inre Världen om du så vill. I boken beskrivs Agartha eller den Inre Världen. Den är bebod av en avancerad ras som planerar att mycket snart komma upp till oss på ytan och hjälpa mänskligheten. I boken ger Timothy sin berättelse och beskriver livet i detta inre femdimensionella paradis som mycket troligt kommer att bli vårt framtida hem. Några höjdpunkter från boken: • Agartha - ett paradis inuti Jorden • En rundtur i Telos och dess omgivningar • Möte med Saint Germain • Shamballa - ett paradis inuti Jorden • Kärleksförbundet • Trons tempel och ett möte med Melchisedek • Festligheter i Agartha • Hur Jorden kommer att förändras.

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    276 - 380,-

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 380,-

  • - El Mundo Interno de la Tierra
    av Mariana Stjerna
    276 - 386,-

  • - Commencant a Agartha
    av Mariana Stjerna

  • - In the Magical World of Nature
    av Mariana Stjerna

  • - In der magischen Welt der Natur
    av Mariana Stjerna

  • - In der magischen Welt der Natur
    av Mariana Stjerna

  • - I Naturens Magiska Varld
    av Mariana Stjerna
    276 - 390,-

  • - Jesus och Maria Magdalena ur ett nytt perspektiv
    av Mariana Stjerna
    276 - 366,-

  • - Med Start i Agartha
    av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 380,-

  • - Verdenen i Jordens indre
    av Mariana Stjerna
    286 - 420,-

  • - In the Magical World of Nature
    av Mariana Stjerna
    340 - 396,-

    In this fascinating novel you find that invisible beings, Nature spirits, of the most various kinds exist in Nature, and that every one of them has a special task. Unfortunately, most of us don't know this, and moreover, we only believe in things which we can see with our physical eyes. Fortunately, there are those who are able to see behind the veils we generally have in front of our eyes. Mariana Stjerna has, ever since her childhood, had a deep feeling for Nature and the elementals, both of which she has experienced and communicated with and still does. The time is now ripe to tell about this magical but so far invisible world, which exists right next to us. In this novel, The Invisible People, the writer's spiritual inspirer, Jan, together with a spiritual historian and two elves, will make peep-holes into different ages - from about 20 million years ago and forward - in the greatest, most magical, and secretive of all worlds: Nature. The mission is to inform humans about the magic of Nature and also to investigate when, where, and how humans, elves, and Nature spirits cooperated in good spirit. The time journeys are always started from Mother Earth's beautiful green cave in the innermost of the Earth. At the end of the book are included a number of channeled messages from Pan, the uncrowned ruler and King of Nature. This is the fourth book inspired by Jan Fridegrd.

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 366,-

    Mariana's well-received book, Agartha - The Earth's Inner World, had just been released (2010) when she had a visitation from her cosmic friend and source of inspiration, Jan Fridegard, who told her that he, too, had been to Agartha. He gave an account of his experiences there in the company of his dear friend and companion Lydia, whom we've met in a couple of previous books. They had also been on exciting adventures out in Space to the Pleiades, Sirius B, and Andromeda. Did Mariana wish to be his writing medium again? Of course! In Agartha, they visit Porthologos, which houses a most extraordinary, gigantic library (with no books) that is several miles in length, wherein all human knowledge is contained. All one has to do is choose what one wishes to learn about, and in an instant, seemingly live holographic images appear, presenting the subject in question in a lifelike manner. In Agartha they meet the enigmatic Pilgrim, who imparts much of his immense wisdom to them and acts as their guide on several of their journeys. Among many other wonderfully fascinating places, they visit an intriguing research center, the Fortress, where notable inventions and discoveries evolve, and to which many eminent researchers from the surface world have been transferred, such as Darwin and Tesla. On the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters, containing many advanced Galactic Societies) no large cities exist, only very small communities in which virtually everyone knows one another and enjoys being in each other's company. Interesting accounts are given regarding the Pleiadean Parliament, their school system, and general way of living. Janne and Lydia also learn about its wildlife and sea people. Truly - this isn't a misprint - mermaids really do exist On Sirius B they make the acquaintance of a dolphin community, besides the amphibians - who have fish-suits. They further are privileged to experience a wondrously stupendous Evensong in the Ivory Cave. The journey ends in Andromeda, where all individuals are part of a higher consciousness, and life seems easy to live. They are shown healing houses, and even manage to visit a reptilian planet.

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 420,-

  • av Mariana Stjerna

    Tidsresa till ursprunget och framtiden är en fristående fortsättning till Mariana Stjernas bok På änglavingar. Om den sistnämnda boken handlar om vad som händer oss efter döden, så handlar den här boken om varifrån människan kommer och vad som ska hända med jorden och mänskligheten när vi gått igenom den Stora Portalen, blivit klokare och fått ett högre medvetande.På sitt eget speciella sätt fortsätter Jan Fridegård via sitt skrivarmedium Mariana Stjerna att berätta om sina uppdrag och äventyr på andra sidan.Den här gången får han göra en tidsresa långt utanför vårt eget universum: "Det är dags för dig att inte bara besöka främmande planeter eller delar av vårt oändliga vara. Du ska få resa in i vad man skulle kunna kalla för framtiden...Det blir en mystisk resa över alla gränser - då menar jag tekniskt utförbara gränser sett ur mänsklig synpunkt. Nu får du kasta av dig alla fördomar och ta på dig en skimrande klädnad, som för dig in i något du i dina vildaste drömmar aldrig kunnat föreställa dig", sa Mästaren Melchisedek när han informerade om uppdraget. "Den här resan är en lärdom om vad kosmos egentligen är", fortsatte han, "eller den ursprungliga kosmologin, om du tycker det låter bättre."Vi får bland annat följa med till ett av de sju Superuniversa som roterar runt ett statiskt Centralt Universum och göra besök hos bl.a. följande ursprungsfolk: mayaindianerna, maorierna, inkafolket, aztekerna, sumererna, inuiterna, zuluerna, etruskerna och baskerna, som alla har funnits eller fortfarande finns representerade på jorden.Boken avslutar med ett besök hos Centrala Rasen och Vingmakers, som lever i ett paradis... utan våld, kvinnomisshandel, maktbegär och girighet.

  • av Mariana Stjerna

  • - Ausgehend Von Agartha
    av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 406,-

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 406,-

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 406,-

  • - Jesus and Mary Magdalene From Another Perspective
    av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 410,-

    The Bible Bluff tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation in the Bible removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have, and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of the crucified Jesus in it? Where is the Grail now, and what mission will it have for humanity in the future? Who was the real Mary Magdalene - a whore or a saint? Was she perhaps the mother of the women's liberation movement?You will find the answers to these questions and much more in this lovely and easily accessible novel. Here is a new version of the life of Jesus and what happened in biblical times. The author's spiritual contact has visited these times and has amazing things to tell. It is time for the Truth to be revealed the way it has been told to those who listen. But it is up to the reader to listen to their inner Truth, which is hidden in their heart.

  • av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 396,-

    Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the independent sequel to Mariana Stjerna's well received novel On Angels' Wings. While the former book is about what happens to us after our physical death, this book discloses the origin of man and what will happen to Earth and humanity when we have passed through the Grand Portal, become wiser, and achieved a higher consciousness. In his own special way Jan Fridegrd continues, through his writing medium Mariana Stjerna, to tell about his missions and adventures on the other side. This time he gets to make a time journey far beyond our own universe. "e;It's time for you to not only visit unknown planets or parts of our infinite beingness. You will travel into what one might call the future. It will be a mystical journey across all boundaries - I mean technically feasible boundaries, seen from a human perspective. Now you have to throw off all your prejudices and put on a shimmering garment, which brings you into something that you in your wildest dreams could never have imagined,"e; said Master Melchizedek when he informed us about the mission. "e;This journey is a lesson about what the cosmos really is,"e; he continued, "e;or the original cosmology, if you think that sounds better."e;We may, among other things, come along to one of the seven Super Universes, which revolve around a static Central Universe, and make visits to the following cultures of origin: the Mayas, the Maoris, the Incas, the Aztecs, the Sumerians, the Inuits, the Zulus, the Etruscans, the Basques, etc., all of which have been or still are represented on Earth. The book concludes with a visit to the Central Race and the WingMakers, who are living in a paradise without violence, female maltreatment, lust for power, or greed.

  • - The Earth's Inner World
    av Mariana Stjerna
    300 - 406,-

    One day a young man, Timothy Brooke, knocked at Mariana Stjerna's inner door and the Agartha novel was born. As described in the book, he was saved by Agarthans from a shipwreck off the coast of Canada in the mid-20th century, and is now alive and well in Agartha, the Hollow Earth or the Inner World, if you wish. In Agartha, the Earth's Inner World is described. It is inhabited by an advanced race that is planning to come to the aid of people on the surface very soon. In the book, Timothy recounts his story and describes life in this fifth-dimensional paradise, which very likely will be your future home. Some highlights from the book: Agartha - A Paradise Inside the Earth A Tour of Telos and Its Vicinity Meeting Saint Germain Shamballa - A Paradise Inside the Earth The Love Union The Temple of Belief and a Meeting with Melchizedek Festivities in Agartha How the Earth Will Change

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