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Böcker av Mario Valdes

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  • - The Literary Truth-claim and the Interpretation of Texts
    av Mario Valdes

    Drawing on the works of a wide range of authors, including Proust, Tolstoy, Woolf, Lorca, Solzhenitsyn, and Fowles, Vald�s explores the phenomenon of truth-claims from two perspectives: textual semantics and hermeneutics.

  • av Mario Valdes

    This book brings together, in the spirit of dialogue, the arguments on both sides of the most important issue in literary criticism today. It will be of interest to all concerned with textual theory, regardless of which literature are considered.

  • av Mario Valdes

    Die Acción Nacional war eine kleine chilenische nationalistische politische Gruppierung, die aus der gescheiterten Präsidentschaftskandidatur von Jorge Prat Echaurren im Jahr 1964 hervorging. Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 1965, bei denen die Rechten nur eine magere parlamentarische Vertretung errangen, unterbreitete sie den Vorschlag, Konservative, Liberale, Nationalisten und nichtmarxistische Unabhängige in einer einzigen politischen Gruppierung zusammenzufassen. Dies ist eine Annäherung an ihre kurze, aber bedeutende Existenz.

  • av Mario Valdes

    Acción Nacional was a small Chilean nationalist political grouping that emerged as a result of the frustrated presidential candidacy of Jorge Prat Echaurren in 1964. After the parliamentary elections of 1965, in which the right-wing won a meagre parliamentary representation, it launched a proposal to regroup conservatives, liberals, nationalists and non-Marxist independents into a single political grouping. This is an approximation of its brief but significant existence.

  • av Mario Valdes

    A Ação Nacional foi um pequeno agrupamento político nacionalista chileno que surgiu na sequência da candidatura presidencial frustrada de Jorge Prat Echaurren em 1964. Após as eleições parlamentares de 1965, em que a direita obteve uma escassa representação parlamentar, lançou uma proposta para reagrupar conservadores, liberais, nacionalistas e independentes não marxistas num único agrupamento político. Esta é uma aproximação da sua breve mas significativa existência.

  • av Mario Valdes

    Acción Nacional était une petite formation politique nationaliste chilienne née de la candidature frustrée de Jorge Prat Echaurren à l'élection présidentielle de 1964. Après les élections législatives de 1965, au cours desquelles la droite n'a obtenu qu'une maigre représentation parlementaire, elle a lancé une proposition visant à regrouper les conservateurs, les libéraux, les nationalistes et les indépendants non marxistes au sein d'une seule formation politique. C'est une approximation de son existence brève mais significative.

  • av Mario Valdes

    Acción Nacional è stato un piccolo raggruppamento politico nazionalista cileno, sorto in seguito alla frustrata candidatura presidenziale di Jorge Prat Echaurren nel 1964. Dopo le elezioni parlamentari del 1965, in cui la destra ottenne una misera rappresentanza parlamentare, lanciò la proposta di raggruppare conservatori, liberali, nazionalisti e indipendenti non marxisti in un unico raggruppamento politico. Questa è un'approssimazione della sua breve ma significativa esistenza.

  • av Mario Valdes

  • av Mario Valdes

    This source book provides answers to many diverse questions about Unamuno and his works, for example: Which newspapers did Unamuno write in? How interested was he in literature from the United States? Did he read Kierkegaard in Spanish? What about Kant? Did he read Catalan?

  • - Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur
    av Mario Valdes

    In Cultural Hermeneutics, Mario J. Valdes offers a synthesis of the hermeneutic philosophies of Miguel de Unamuno and Paul Ricoeur.

  • av Mario Valdes

    Vald s gives his views of literature, cinema, and art to unravel what he calls, 'the imaginative configuration of the world, the cultural phenomenon of making sense, poetic sense, of life.'

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