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Böcker av Matthew J. Pallamary

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  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *Award Winning Finalist in the Thriller/Adventure category of the International Book Awards*Ashley Butler, a prize winning journalist at the San Diego Times receives an email from a man who claims to have discovered immortality by turning off the aging gene in a 15 year old boy with an aging disorder. The email has pictures showing a reversal of the aging process and the names of a scientist and a company to investigate. Thinking it a hoax, she forwards the email to friends. Though skeptical, she calls to investigate and gets a no longer in service message. When she leaves her office she overhears a news story about the death of the scientist mentioned in the email. Ashley checks out the company mentioned in the email and discovers a gutted building. At the deceased scientist's address she has a confrontation with an unfriendly federal investigator. Returning to her office she finds him, subpoena in hand, confiscating her computer. He tells her that the scientist who sent the email is a killer that they need help catching. When her own investigators do more checking, none of them return. The forwarded email becomes the basis for an online church built around the boy, calling him the CyberChrist. The church claims that the Internet is the physical manifestation of the group mind of humanity and the boy is the second coming of Christ online. The federal government tries to shut down the church, but its website replicates faster than they can stop it. While church and state battle over religious freedom online, the media and the state battle over freedom of speech. Ashley battles to stay alive.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *Award Winning Finalist in the Visionary Fiction category of the International Book Awards*Erik Simpson is a brilliant young zoologist who has no memory of his life before the age of sixteen. Trained by his aging foster father, a world renowned zoologist, Erik astounds his colleagues with his insights into animal behavior. As his thirtieth birthday approaches, Erik has a recurring dream of stumbling through the Amazon jungle, hunted by a black jaguar. One night he dreams of the hunt, first as an observer, then as the jaguar itself on the prowl in California's High Sierras where he comes upon campers and mauls them in a savage frenzy. The next day he receives a call from the National Park Service asking for assistance investigating a bizarre animal attack. When he goes to the camp site, he recognizes it from his dream and tells the authorities that it was a jaguar, and shows them precisely how it happened. His quest for the truth leads him into a murky world of magical plants and ancient shamanic rituals that ultimately bring him face to face with the enigmatic mystery of his past.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    Fueled by breakthroughs in technology and neuroscience, the terminally ill, while in an induced slumber, in a pain-free, medically supervised environment, can literally dream their lives away in preprogrammed situations of their choosing, controlled by a super computer. The well-meaning creators of computer generated dreaming plan to conquer the stigma of death by making its wonders available to all, so people can die in vivid, pre-programmed dream surroundings, reliving blissful moments from their past. All goes according to plan until the dream of DreamLand is shattered by the profit-seeking backer of the project who plans to make the miracle of programmed dreaming into the ultimate theme park. For the price of admission, anyone can participate in great moments from sports or history, or enjoy recreated fantasies of their choosing. Children can become a part of their favorite fairy tale.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    PICAFLOR is the sequel to SPIRIT MATTERS, a San Diego Book Award winner and an Award-Winning Finalist in the National Best Book Awards.PICAFLOR chronicles the two decades since of Matthew (Mateo) J. Pallamary's adventures in SPIRIT MATTERS through the mountains, deserts, and jungles of North, Central, and South America pursuing his studies of shamanism and visionary experience working with plant medicines and shamanic plant diets, among them Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro cactus, and many more.PICAFLOR is also a road map of Mateo's lifelong search for truth, healing, and transformation that further explores the way Spirit touches us in every moment of our existence, and of how most of us are caught up in the dramas that we have created in our lives that blind us to a reality far greater than anything we can imagine with our rational minds, and how this is all simply a matter of awareness.Awareness through mindfulness is presence, which means being fully present, in the present, right here, right now, in this moment, standing in the light of truth, which is the greatest present anyone can receive in the form of inner peace, nonattachment, and ultimately freedom.We often feel lost and abandoned in a cold and uncaring world, but in truth we live in an illusion of our own self-created exile, away from the Source of our being which has never stopped loving us -- unconditionally. Now more than ever the time has come to awaken and pass through the darkness of our fear induced slumber to embrace the light of truth and find our way back to the infinite light of love that comes to us from the Source of all creation.Matthew Pallamary is an incarnation of a reasonable-Castaneda explorer of the barely effable on our horizons of perception!David Brin - Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning author of The Postman

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    Erik Simpson is a brilliant young zoologist who has no memory of his life before the age of sixteen. Trained by his aging foster father, a world renowned zoologist, Erik astounds his colleagues with his insights into animal behavior. As his thirtieth birthday approaches, Erik has a recurring dream of stumbling through the Amazon jungle, hunted by a black jaguar. One night he dreams of the hunt, first as an observer, then as the jaguar itself on the prowl in California's High Sierras where he comes upon campers and mauls them in a savage frenzy. The next day he receives a call from the National Park Service asking for assistance investigating a bizarre animal attack. When he goes to the camp site, he recognizes it from his dream and tells the authorities that it was a jaguar, and shows them precisely how it happened. His quest for the truth leads him into a murky world of magical plants and ancient shamanic rituals that ultimately bring him face to face with the enigmatic mystery of his past.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    Matthew (Mateo) J. Pallamary's magical, otherworldly, intimate connection with the spirit of Picaflor comes from two decades of visionary journeys experienced within the context of shamanic plant diets in the Peruvian Amazon where he says it was first gifted to him by the spirit of Condor. Pallamary relates to the Spanish name of Picaflor which means to bite or sting flower which is the common reference used by the Shipibo Indians, mestizos, and other groups he has worked with in Peru.In his visionary journeys he has been blessed to experience reality filtered through a shamanic world view where everything is energy, and from this magical point of view the word spirit and energy mean the same thing. He says that if you see the world amplified through the lens of this timeless supernatural perspective, you will gain insight into the profound ways that plants, animals, and insects communicate with us and each other.According to the lore of the jungle, by sharing in the vibratory field of the animal's spirit energy, in a state of surrender on that entity's terms, that animal learns from the human by seeing things through human eyes while the human learns other modes of perception from seeing things through the animal's eyes.Pallamary says that he flew first as a Condor, then as a Hummingbird into sublime and exquisite high frequency realities exploding with neon luminescent pastel manifestations that defy description.Manifesting as air wrapped in light, every aspect of the physical and essence energetic of Picaflor is high frequency, not only in their external displays of high frequency color, song, high speed wing hum, and feather trills from their tails, but internally in how they see, hear, metabolize, and burn energy at high frequencies.Other than their bigger hearts, huge lungs, and brains, they are mostly made from air, the elemental defined as and representative of spirit, and they are masters of air. If they existed and manifested at frequencies higher than what they do, they would disappear into invisibility beyond our perception, truly becoming pure spirit.Is it any wonder that they are considered to be the nerve endings of God?Picaflores also contains a treasure trove of pre-Columbian myths about hummingbirds and an in-depth collection of amazing facts and figures about these magical creatures. Although the content of the book's formats are identical, the stunning preternatural beauty of hummingbirds can best be seen in the full color print edition, while the e-book edition contains active links to video listed in the printed editions, and the audiobook version has the added sounds of hummingbird hums, chirps, and buzzes.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    WARNING! YOU COULD DIE READING THIS BOOK! When's the last time you had an intimate heart to heart chat with your death? Have you ever? Now is your chance. Hi, I am your Death and I am here for you. No wait, don't go! Aside from the fact that you can't get away, I'm not here for you in that way, at least not now, although to be honest with you we do have a date and I am always with you whether you acknowledge me or not. If you want to know the truth I'm not your death, but you are mine. Now don't freak out on me. It's only a visit. I want to spend some quality time with you before the "big event" and seeing as you took the time to stop by and I have you as a captive audience I thought it would be nice to have a little visit and get acquainted.I have friends in more places than you can imagine and my eyes and ears are everywhere including all knowledge in every cell of your neurons, dendrites, mitochondria, organs, and anything else you can imagine.I'm here to tell you stories and share some science, history, and myths, all of which are your creations that I want to share to help you understand me more. You have seen me as Satan, Anubis, Mot, Thanatos, God, the Devil, loving, punitive, dark, light - the list goes on and on! It is my sincerest hope that our friendly reintroduction here will change the way you think of me, and maybe in some small way reflect the depth of the love I have for you.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    n0thing is titled after Jordan (n0thing) Gilbert, a top tier international eSports champion.n0thing pushes through the boundaries of story, genre, and reality itself while redefining literary tradition by putting real life celebrities into a fictional story. The other real life co-star in this tale is renowned psychologist Dr. Stanley Krippner.Based in the near future, n0thing is the long awaited sequel to DreamLand, written by Pallamary and the late legendary DJ Ken Reeth. In DreamLand, the creators of computer generated dreaming hoped to conquer the stigma of death so people could die in vivid, pre-programmed dreams until the dream of DreamLand was shattered by the profit-seeking backer who made the miracle of programmed dreaming into the ultimate theme park. When a mysterious force took the dreams in unexpected directions, the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined became permeable.In the aftermath of the tragedy, the members of its surviving brain trust are coerced by the United States government to create a new dreaming platform based on the battle scenarios of traumatized veterans as a tool to help heal them of their PTSD, and as a revolutionary new gaming platform intended to recruit gamers and monetize the technology to fund the wounded veteran's project.After winning what amounts to the Super Bowl of eSports, n0thing and his winning Seal Team Zero teammates, Renegade, Sureshot, Killjoy, and Striker are recruited as a literal "dream team" whose mission is to go into the nightmares of battle scarred veterans and rescue them from their traumatic memories while becoming ambassadors for a gaming platform that exceeds virtual reality with an experience that pushes the boundaries of reality itself.Science, technology, psychology, neurochemistry, and cutting edge brain research combine with shamanism, mythology, visionary experience, and the paranormal in this once and future archetypal tale.Pallamary says, "n0thing stands on its own as a story, but there are deeper story levels that readers of DreamLand will get as an added incentive for knowing the back story of n0thing.Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert is a professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who is one of three players to win nine ESEA Championships.Dr. Stanley Krippner is a psychologist, parapsychologist, and executive faculty member and Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University in Oakland, California and was the director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory for ten years.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARD * *AWARD WINNING FINALIST*Based on a lifetime of research into shamanism, visionary states, the evolution of written communication and the roots of storytelling, award-winning author, editor, and shamanic explorer Matthew J. Pallamary takes those with open minds courageous enough to question the illusions that most of us think of as real on an expansive journey that pierces the veil of reality itself. Pallamary's in-depth analysis of human perception, shamanism, visionary states, cognitive neuroscience, plant and animal consciousness, and sacred geometry, as well as the prehistoric roots of our deepest cultural myths not only lay bare the illusory roots of what we have built our failing society on, it provides a detailed map that points the way through the non-sense hall of mirrors that we currently find ourselves trapped in. The Center Of The Universe Is Right Between Your Eyes, But Home Is Where the Heart Is, is Pallamary's thirteenth book, and in it he weaves a convincing tapestry that alternates threads of ancient philosophies and preserved indigenous wisdom with recent discoveries in quantum physics, psychology, and the timeless, persistent archetypes of our subconscious.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *WINNER in the Writing/Publishing category of the International Book Awards*Matthew J. Pallamary's popular Phantastic Fiction Workshop has been a staple of the Santa Barbara Writers Conference and the Southern California Writer's Conference for over twenty five years. He has also lectured at numerous other venues and led his own weekend intensive workshops. Matt has spent extended time in the jungles, mountains, and deserts of North, Central, and South America pursuing his studies of shamanism and ancient cultures. Through his research into both the written word and the ancient beliefs of shamanism, he has uncovered the heart of what a story really is and integrated it into core dramatic concepts that also have their basis in shamanism. His memoir Spirit Matters, which details his journeys to Peru, working with shamanic plant medicines took first place in the San Diego Book Awards Spiritual Book Category, and was an Award-Winning Finalist in the National Best Book Awards. Spirit Matters is available as an audio book. His historical novel of first contact between shamans and Jesuits in 18th century South America, titled, Land Without Evil, was published by Charles Publishing and received rave reviews along with a San Diego Book Award. It was also adapted into a full-length stage and sky show, co-written by Agent Red with Matt Pallamary, directed by Agent Red, and performed by Sky Candy, an Austin Texas aerial group. The making of the show was the subject of a PBS series, Arts in Context episode, which garnered an EMMY nomination.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    "Bravo! More!" from Ray Bradbury for Matthew J. Pallamary's short stories. A Short Walk to the Other Side is a second short story collection of supernatural, metaphysical, science fiction, and horror stories following "The Small Dark Room of the Soul" by multiple award winning author Matthew J. Pallamary, which examines the shadow side of human nature. *Award Winning Finalist - San Diego Book Awards* *Award Winning Finalist - International Book Awards*Who are we really? What or where are the boundaries between what we believe to be real and what we imagine? Ancient tribal cultures gave equal credence to dreams, visions, and their waking worlds, treating them all as different degrees of one and the same all-encompassing reality. Do we in fact know ourselves or our true nature? How many times have we reacted impulsively, only to regret our actions later, often with the apology, "I'm sorry, I'm not myself today," or "I don't know what got into me." In these moments of intense feeling, if we are not ourselves, then who or what are we? Where do we really live? The fact that the question arises makes the "other" implicit within ourselves. What is this "other"? Duality? Plurality? Divided self? Are we possessed by something other than ourselves or are we in denial of our other selves because we find their behavior unacceptable? Do we possess them or do they possess us? This quandary became the theme of an old time radio show that started with: "Who knows what lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows." How well do we know our shadows as individuals and collectively? Better still, how well do our shadows know us? Regardless of who is "running the show" at any point in space and time, every choice we make can change our life forever, along with the lives and destinies of others. A momentary lapse of attention while driving can cripple, maim, or bring swift and sudden death. One moment of careless passion can leave you responsible for another life or bring the imminent end of your own from any number of ghastly diseases. A brief moment of passionate anger can land you in prison for the rest of your time on this earthly plane. What doors do we pass through when we choose and what are the consequences of our actions? Better still, where do they leave us? Coincidences, synergistic moments, timing, attitude, emotion, and attention can all change in the span of a single breath. What really goes on in the human heart and mind? We cringe when we hear of, or witness heinous behavior and inhuman cruelty, yet human beings murder each other with endless and ingenious weapons of death, often in the name of a higher power. Such disregard for life is difficult to comprehend, yet humans kill each other more than any other species. We are all human, so all of us are capable of making that one life altering choice that brings us someplace alien and unexpected. Most people stay deeply entrenched in the cultural mainstream. Feeling safe and sane in their routines, they avoid those living on the fringes, believing that they could never sink so low and never think or act in such odd and terrifying ways, but we are all human, living within the same realm of possibilities. We all have our shadow selves. How much does it take to send us over the edge? The truth is that it is a lot shorter walk to the other side than we like to think.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *Winner - International Book Award**Award Winning Finalist - San Diego Book Award*Award-winning author Matthew J Pallamary and sports coach Paul Mayberry Deliver Life-Transforming Book on The Infinity Zone Phenomenon of Mastering Your Energy to Master Your Life The life-transforming revelations of The Infinity Zone have been discovered in nature, animals, birds, insects, music, physics, martial arts, astronomy, dance, fitness, physical therapy, sports, throughout history and in ancient cultures. Recently found to improve mental abilities, including autism and depression, The Infinity Zone principles are all around us and hidden within us, because they are the secret architecture for all life - the DNA molecule. Once you read this book, you may never look at the world the same again. Based on the proven philosophical studies of Einstein, Steiner and other brilliant minds, and packed with photos, illustrations, diagrams, formulas and e-book active links, The Infinity Zone is an easy, fun, contemporary approach to mastering your mental and physical abilities on all levels. In this book, you'll learn how to use The Infinity Zone to achieve peak performance with your body, mind and spirit. Be calmer, focused, physically more powerful, fit, balanced, confident, happier, increase your awareness and mental abilities - learn to master your life. Mayberry says, "You'll learn how to tap into your hidden energy and power through easy tools and movements that align a grounded center point, create balance, focus, mental clarity, coordination, as they pull energy from the legs, through the core out to the arms, delivering maximum power efficiently." Pallamary concludes, "The Infinity Zone supports Einstein's observation that we are all connected through this architecture of a grand physical and energetic design. If you master your energy, you master your life. The Infinity Zone proves that."

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    What really happens when someone drinks alcohol to the point of blacking out? What forces are at work when someone loses their self control, acts out of character, and wakes up the next day with no memory of their actions?AfterLife: The Adventures of a Lost Soul, is inspired by real life events, William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist, and the dynamics of demonic possession. In this supernatural occult thriller, Steve Hanson confronts satanic worshipers who contribute to his death in a grisly motorcycle accident. When he wakes up outside his body in spirit form he is met by other spirits, among them his deceased girlfriend who teach him how to "borrow" the bodies of mortals so he can re-experience physical sensations to learn how to reincarnate into the physical world to complete his karma.Freed from the three dimensional limitations of space and time, Steve travels through the ethereal worlds of spirit, dreaming, and other fluid states of consciousness to discover that things are never what they appear to be on the surface.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    n0thing is titled after Jordan (n0thing) Gilbert, a top tier international eSports champion. n0thing pushes through the boundaries of story, genre, and reality itself while redefining literary tradition by putting real life celebrities into a fictional story. The other real life co-star in this tale is renowned psychologist Dr. Stanley Krippner. Based in the near future, n0thing is the long awaited sequel to DreamLand, written by Pallamary and the late legendary DJ Ken Reeth. In DreamLand, the creators of computer generated dreaming hoped to conquer the stigma of death so people could die in vivid, pre-programmed dreams until the dream of DreamLand was shattered by the profit-seeking backer who made the miracle of programmed dreaming into the ultimate theme park. When a mysterious force took the dreams in unexpected directions, the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined became permeable. In the aftermath of the tragedy, the members of its surviving brain trust are coerced by the United States government to create a new dreaming platform based on the battle scenarios of traumatized veterans as a tool to help heal them of their PTSD, and as a revolutionary new gaming platform intended to recruit gamers and monetize the technology to fund the wounded veteran's project. After winning what amounts to the Super Bowl of eSports, n0thing and his winning Seal Team Zero teammates, Renegade, Sureshot, Killjoy, and Striker are recruited as a literal "dream team" whose mission is to go into the nightmares of battle scarred veterans and rescue them from their traumatic memories while becoming ambassadors for a gaming platform that exceeds virtual reality with an experience that pushes the boundaries of reality itself. Science, technology, psychology, neurochemistry, and cutting edge brain research combine with shamanism, mythology, visionary experience, and the paranormal in this once and future archetypal tale. Pallamary says, "n0thing stands on its own as a story, but there are deeper story levels that readers of DreamLand will get as an added incentive for knowing the back story of n0thing. Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert is a professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who is one of three players to win nine ESEA Championships. Dr. Stanley Krippner is a psychologist, parapsychologist, and executive faculty member and Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University in Oakland, California and was the director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory for ten years.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    If You Find Yourself Fascinated And Terrified By Zombies, Vampires, And Other Denizens Of The Night, You Still May Not Be Prepared For The Horror That Lurks On The Streets Of Boston...Nick Powers climbs into a stolen car without knowing it and gets chased by the cops on a wild ride that ends in a crash that knocks him unconscious. When he comes to he hears whispering voices, but the cops are in hot pursuit so he stumbles out of the car and runs. After escaping he sees a homeless man arguing with himself and realizes that the whispers he hears in his head are the other side of the argument. Perplexed, Nick follows the man to a homeless shelter.Max Broderick is the sole member of the U.S. Justice Department's Occult Crime Unit who the Boston Police have asked assistance from after a number of bodies have been dug up and found decapitated. Working with Lieutenant Colleen O'Grady of the Boston Police, they operate out of Dorchester's District Eleven Station investigating the bizarre aspects of their case until a series of macabre murders points toward a druid cult that appears to be connected to the same homeless shelter that Nick has been led to. While the police are investigating the high profile murders, homeless people are disappearing, but no one seems to care - except Nick. Night Whispers By Author Matthew J. Pallamary - Book Review - THE BOOK DRAGONNight Whispers by Author Matthew Pallamary is an interesting story blending crime and the occult. The main protagonist Nick Powers, hears a whispered voice after he suffers concussion following the crash of a stolen car that he was coerced into. He escapes from the crash but accidentally finds himself on the wrong side of the law, and so he must prove his innocence. But Nick is distracted by the mysterious whisperings that start up soon after, and the more he listens, the more he is convinced that the voice is connected to the sudden disappearances of the homeless, as well as a series of bizarre murders taking place.The story moves at a good pace, with plenty of drama and tension to keep its audience entertained and turning the pages. The characters are credible and the dialogue is relevant. There are no significant issues identified that would distract and pull the reader out of the story. I enjoyed this standalone story from Author Matthew Pallamary and award a solid 4 stars.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary

    *DEATH: (A Love Story) is an Award Winning Finalist in the 2020 International Book Awards.*You might think that Death prefers first place, but truth be told, Death revels in being THE FINALIST!WARNING! YOU COULD DIE READING THIS BOOK! When's the last time you had an intimate heart to heart chat with your death? Have you ever? Now is your chance. Hi, I am your Death and I am here for you. No wait, don't go! Aside from the fact that you can't get away, I'm not here for you in that way, at least not now, although to be honest with you we do have a date and I am always with you whether you acknowledge me or not. If you want to know the truth I'm not your death, but you are mine. Now don't freak out on me. It's only a visit. I want to spend some quality time with you before the "big event" and seeing as you took the time to stop by and I have you as a captive audience I thought it would be nice to have a little visit and get acquainted.I have friends in more places than you can imagine and my eyes and ears are everywhere including all knowledge in every cell of your neurons, dendrites, mitochondria, organs, and anything else you can imagine.I'm here to tell you stories and share some science, history, and myths, all of which are your creations that I want to share to help you understand me more. You have seen me as Satan, Anubis, Mot, Thanatos, God, the Devil, loving, punitive, dark, light - the list goes on and on! It is my sincerest hope that our friendly reintroduction here will change the way you think of me, and maybe in some small way reflect the depth of the love I have for you.

  • av Matthew J. Pallamary
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