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Böcker av Maximillien De Lafayette

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  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    THE AFTERLIFE. Voices And Screams From Hell And Heaven. How the Dead Talked To Us And Described Life After Death. 425 Pages + 62 photos and drawings. A publication of TIMES SQUARE PRESS¿. This book is the result of the authorÕs 50 years of investigation, study, observation, findings and rapports with the occult, mediumistic sZances, materialized spirits, and the worldÕs most honest and authentic mediums and channelers.Unquestionable, it is the most powerful, the most documented, the most convincing book ever written about life after death, the afterlife, spirits, and mediumistic sZances. It will without any doubt change forever your perception and understanding of the afterlife, and convince you that there is a life after death. Every single aspect and stage of the afterlife is described and explained.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    STARS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Premiere Issue. December 2013 (200 Pages). Commercial/economy edition. AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE. Other edition: Deluxe Edition in full colors, printed on glossy heavy stock paper. Published monthly by Times Square Press, New York. Editor-in-Chief: Maximillien de Lafayette. Website: http: // On the Cover: Diva Dominique Hourani, and Alexandra Sokollof, Natasha Blasick, Patrice Cole, Patti Negri, Kristen Dalton. Also available in economy edition. The magazine of international superstars, artists, screen goddesses, filmmakers, actors/actresses, music, dance, theater, cinema, performing arts, fashion, authors, glamour, beauty, style and elegance. Contact Carla C. at

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Site do autor: Email: Esta história relata algumas passagens da minha vida e os anos que passei com meus professores Anunnaki Ulemás no Oriente Médio, Ásia e Europa, assim como as ações extraordinárias (Milagres, para algumas pessoas) dos meus professores que não eram propriamente seres humanos. Muitos acham que é uma história fictícia cheia de fatos inventados ou fabricados. Não me importo. Minha vida mudou totalmente depois de ter recebido meu treinamento Anunnaki Ulema e dos muitos anos que passei fora do que nós chamamos os limites normais de uma sociedade civilizada, constituída de advogados, médicos, seres humanos normais, carros de luxo, contas bancárias e as rotinas diárias de nossas vidas. Todos os eventos de que lhes falei aconteceram. Depois de eu ter passado muitos anos com os meus Mestres Anunnaki Ulemás em partes distantes do mundo, livre do ciúme, ódio, violência e injustiça social, voltei para Paris um homem mudado.

  • - Ceramics, Tiles, Pottery, Coinage, Janyag and Metal Work
    av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. Everything you needed to know about the majestic Armenian art of Ceramics, Tiles, Pottery, Coinage, Janyag and Metal Work of Urartu, Cilicia and Greater Armenia from the dawn of history to the present day. A magnificent display of photos and illustrations of artifacts accompanied by captivating narrative history of the great arts, culture and civilization of Armenia.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    ¡Que circulo de viciosos pervertidos, putos e infieles! Sinopsis de la vida estrafalario, tragedias, escándalos de las estrellas y celebridades y famosas personalidades de Hollywood. ¡No hay otro libro como este! ¡Exhaustivo, ilustrado, documentado, explosivo! Héroes de estrellas de cine, y modelos de conducta de buen ejemplo son la escoria de la Tierra. Sus nombres (Hombres y Mujeres, pasado y presente): Los ninfómanas, homosexuales, lesbianas, yonquis, drogadictos, violadores, suicídales, felones, y asesinos. Nombres de las mujeres y de las estrellas con quien Kennedy se acostó. Los repulsivos magnates, productores, y directores de Hollywood. Los escándalos mas grandes en la historia de Hollywood, pasado y presente. La locura de las estrellas, fiestas salvajes de sexo, orgías, y la obsesión con dinero, avaricia, fama, poder y ¿Quiénes son? ¿Cómo lo hicieron, cuando, como, y con quien?

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    JETZT VERÖFFENTLICHT! Und wie eine einzige außerirdische Frau in den militärischen Stützpunkt eindrang und ihn zerstörte. Es ist auch als Buch in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch und Türkisch unter und weltweit erhältlich. Das Buch ist vom UFOs & Supernatural Magazine veröffentlicht worden. DIES IST DIE ORIGINAL Edition, von der das Skript/Drehbuch für die Bildschirme konzipiert und erstellt wurde. Es sollte auch in Kürze als Hollywood Film produziert werden. Als das Buch 1999 das erste Mal veröffentlicht wurde, erzeugte es Skandale, eine Wut in der Regierung und in anderen höheren Orten. Das Buch wurde vom Markt genommen, weil es aus explosivem Material war. Zwölf Jahre später wurde das Buch erneut gedruckt, in seinem originalen Format und mit UNZENSIERTEM Inhalt.

  • - Die Zusammenarbeit Der USA-Außerirdische Erschaffen Neue Waffen
    av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Ein explosives Buch über geheime Projekte und schwarze Operationen durch die Außerirdischen, die Grauen Aliens, die auf unserem Planeten und der USA, in geheimen amerikanischen Militärstützpunkten, leben. Detaillierte Listen über jedes Projekt und Erklärungen über den Einfluss auf die Menschen. Ja! Außerirdische und amerikanische Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aus dem Militär haben schon an vielen gemeinsamen Projekten gearbeitet und tun das immer noch. Zu diesen Projekten zählen das Weltall, Technologien über Zeitreisen und apokalyptische Waffensysteme, um eine komplett neue Welt zu erschaffen. Leider wurden über diese Themen von Ufologisten und einigen Führern der "Alten Alientheorie" viele Lügengeschichten erzählt. Website des Autors:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press, New York. Berlin. From the Table of Contents: Creation of the Armenian Mesropian Alphabet. History and development of Armenian iconography. Iconography as a teaching tool of the Armenian Church. Medieval icons in Illuminated Manuscripts, before Roslin's time. Icons in the Illuminated Manuscripts from the 4 th century- 7th centuries; the classical period. Icons from the 9th-11th centuries. the Bagratid period. Styles and genres of the early Armenian icons and religious manuscripts painting. Revisiting the early times of Armenian art. The Cilician style: Origin, source, and development. The influence of Byzantine, Persian, Russian and European styles. Why do we see pagan signs, bestial symbols and animals in Armenian religious iconography? The Katchkars. Art, Metaphysics and the Healing Power of Armenian religious art. Ancient Armenian Obelisk Author's website E-mail

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Hollywood Photos & Official Portraits of Stars & Legends in the Twenties & Thirties.Volume 2. A superb photos album of Hollywood's legends, icons, divas, superstars and motion pictures greatest names (The famous, the immortal and forgotten), in the twenties and thirties, taken directly from the vaults and archives of Hollywood's studios and legendary photographers of the era. Hundreds upon hundreds of rare, vintage photos signed by the stars, and rare portraits of the legends that would enrich any treasured collection!! A true gem of the golden era of the silver screen. See the superstars as they REALLY looked when they started their careers, and their glamorous headshots as publicized by Hollywood's studios. A MASSIVE set of 2 volumes.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 2. History and Anthology of French Song and Cabaret From 1780 to the Present Day: Origin, History, Music, Acts, Songwriters, Composers, Entertainers, Biggest Stars, and Human Drama!!The world's first book of its kind. Comprehensive and illustrated history and story of the French music, song, cabaret, composers, singers, entertainers, dancers, songwriters, producers from 1760 to the present day. It contains information, and photos (Rare, vintage) not readily available in books written in English. A massive and fun set of 3 volumes, illustrating all the aspects of the French showbiz-cabaret-cafes, the drama, ups and downs, and the lives of the most colorful and provocative stars, celebrities, and legends of the era. Hundreds of rare and vintage photos. Editors: Germaine Poitiers and Carol Lexter. Senior Researcher: Melinda Pomerleau.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    This is volume 2 from a set of 4 volumes. The set contains approximately 1,000 photographs of a rare beauty; vintage, rare, and of an extreme historical importance. Abundance of rare, vintage and never seen before photos of all the bona fide femmes fatales of cinema; very informative texts on their private lives, affairs, ambitions, and how they reach the top. Who are these glamorous and deadly women? You will know when you read this book. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos (Full stretch-Full size page) of the women who mesmerized cinemagoers, and drove crazy all those who met them. Enter their world, their donjons, their private quarters and witness the damned, the risqué, the glamour and some sort of a world you fantasized about, but you would or could never enter. A most fabulous book of a huge size, format, 8".50 by 11". This is the Bible of the Femmes Fatales of Hollywood, and ladies of the film noir.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Hollywood Photos & Official Portraits of Stars & Legends in the Twenties & Thirties. A superb photos album of Hollywood's legends, icons, divas, superstars and motion pictures greatest names (The famous, the immortal and forgotten), in the twenties and thirties, taken directly from the vaults and archives of Hollywood's studios and legendary photographers of the era. Hundreds upon hundreds of rare, vintage photos signed by the stars, and rare portraits of the legends that would enrich any treasured collection!! A true gem of the golden era of the silver screen. See the superstars as they REALLY looked when they started their careers, and their glamorous headshots as publicized by Hollywood's studios. A MASSIVE set of 2 volumes.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    THE SAD LIFE OF THE CHILDREN OF GREYS-ALIENS AND HUMAN HYBRIDS IN AMERICA: Their Habitat, How They Live And How They Grow Up. Published by Times Square Press, New York.Korashag "Khur-Sha" is an Anunnaki/Ulemite word for a hybrids' habitat. The hybrid-human race is very different from hybrid extraterrestrial race living on other planets. The hybrid-humans look exactly like human beings, but are much shorter, and have different facial structure.These hybrid children live in two different ways. a- Human environment:The first is the human environment. This happens when a hybrid child had been adopted by a human family, usually, by a high ranking United States military man working with aliens in secret military underground bases. b- Underground/underwater communities:The second kind of habitat is a large communal living in underground and/ or underwater dormitories, or sometimes in above ground level dormitories, but always on Earth, etc...

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    STARS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Premiere Issue. International Commercial Edition. December 2013 (200 Pages). Economy edition. AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE. Other edition: Deluxe Edition in full colors, printed on glossy heavy stock paper. Published monthly by Times Square Press, New York. Editor-in-Chief: Maximillien de Lafayette. Website: On the Cover: Superstar Natasha Blasick. The magazine of international superstars, artists, screen goddesses, filmmakers, actors/actresses, music, dance, theater, cinema, performing arts, fashion, authors, glamour, beauty, style and elegance. Contact Carla C. at

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette
    1 091

    DE LAFAYETTE DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT AND MODERN ASSYRIAN SYRIAC MANDAIC NAZORENE ARAMAIC. Vol.1: A-P. Published by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. Volume 1 (A-P) from 2 volume-set of 1006 pages. The set includes the 5 volumes previously published separately. This dictionary also serves as Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Old and Neo Assyrian, Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    DE LAFAYETTE OLD ASSYRIAN-NEO ASSYRIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Vol.2 (R-Z). Published by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. Volume 2 from a set of 2 volumes of 1006 pages. The set includes the 5 volumes previously published separately. This dictionary also serves as Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Old and Neo Assyrian, Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette
    1 147

    COLLEGE EDITION. ANCIENT AND MODERN ARAMAIC ASSYRIAN SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.Published by Times Square Press, New York. Vol. 1 (A-S) from a massive dictionary set of 2 volumes which include the 5 previously published volumes separately. Especially designed to meet the needs of librarians, linguists and students, and allowing a direct and easy access to thousands of words, definitions and entries.This is a Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    COLLEGE EDITION. ANCIENT AND MODERN ARAMAIC ASSYRIAN SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Vol. 2 (S-Z)Published by Times Square Press, New York. Vol. 2 (S-Z) from a massive dictionary set of 2 volumes which include the 5 previously published volumes separately. Especially designed to meet the needs of librarians, linguists and students, and allowing a direct and easy access to thousands of words, definitions and entries.This is a Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac.Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press. New York. Berlin. Volume 5 (Final Volume). DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY, ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIAN.Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Assyrian, Aramaic Arabic, Syriac, Akkadian Hebrew, Sumerian, Ugaritic, Phoenician. Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    ANCIENT AND MODERN ARAMAIC ASSYRIAN SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Vol. 5 (Final volume).DE LAFAYETTE DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT AND MODERN ASSYRIAN SYRIAC MANDAIC NAZORENE ARAMAIC. Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. Series: Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac (O-Z). Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    ANCIENT AND MODERN ARAMAIC ASSYRIAN SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Vol. 4. DE LAFAYETTE DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT AND MODERN ASSYRIAN SYRIAC MANDAIC NAZORENE ARAMAIC. Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. Series: Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac (K-N). Volume 4 From A Set Of 5 Volumes (Approximately 1,100 Pages). Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 4.DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY, ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIAN Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. Series: Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Assyrian, Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac (K-N). Volume 4 From A Set Of 5 Volumes (Approximately 1,100 Pages). Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    ANCIENT AND MODERN ARAMAIC ASSYRIAN SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Vol. 3DE LAFAYETTE DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT AND MODERN ASSYRIAN SYRIAC MANDAIC NAZORENE ARAMAIC. Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. Series: Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac (G-J). Volume 3 From A Set Of 4 Volumes (Approximately 1,100 Pages). Author's

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 3.DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY, ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIANPublished by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. Series: Comparative Encyclopedic Thesaurus-Lexicon of Assyrian, Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Hebrew, Sumerian, Syriac (G-J). Volume 3 From A Set Of 4 Volumes (Approximately 1,100 Pages). Author's

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    MAXIMILLIEN DE LAFAYETTE'S NEO CUBISM IN THE '60s: THE BEST OF HIS Paintings, Posters & Lithographs Progressive Neo Cubism (1963-1979). Published by Salon de L'Art Moderne. Paris, New York"De Lafayette was the last hurrah of the greatest Neo Cubism Pioneer of our generation..."-Dr. John Chen, Laureate of the United Nations/UNESCO.Former Member of The White House Presidential Committee-Convention on Information Service and Library Sciences. Washington, DC., USA, 1980.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. Volume 1 from a set of 3 volumes. Who's Who of La Crème de La Crème in Art, Entertainment, Cinema, Music, Leadership, Beauty, Power, Glamour, Intellect, Politic, Business, Position, Influence. Author's bibliography website: Contact:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    8th Edition. Synopsis: The Rise and Fall of La Goulue, Queen of the French Can Can.Published by Times Square Press. New York, Paris. Louise Weber nicknamed La Goulue, was the creator of the French Can Can. And during the golden era of Montmartre, La Goulue was the undisputed queen of Parisian cabarets. Unfortunately she could not handle fame. She was blinded by fame and restless ambition. But she was genuine, generous to a fault, and larger than life. She left Montmartre's Cabarets when she was on the top of the world, believing that she can do better if she starts her own cabaret; this was a fatal mistake that ruined her life. Once upon a time she threw money right and left. Tragically she ended her life homeless and died toothless and forgotten in the streets of Paris. This is the story of her rise and fall. Author's website

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