av Megha Karnani
Questions are basically prepared to develop critical thinking skills & asses the understanding of students. To score high in exams, students must be well-versed with each chapter of NCERT books. Grab the updated edition of "NCERT QUESTIONS-ANSWERS- ENGLISH CORE", which has been cautiously designed for class 12 students. Dividing the syllabus into 3 sections, this book provides all the answers of textbook-based questions of "Flamingo & Vistas" in a well-detailed manner. Along with the Questions-Answers, the Story Retold at the start of each prose chapter & Stanzawise Explanation at the start of each poem provides a deep understanding of each chapter. Intext Questions have also been included to enhance the ability of students. Practicing with this book will support students to answer all possible Question types. This book offers: A comprehensive tool for NCERT English Core questionsSyllabus is divided into 3 Major SectionsProvides all the answers of textbook-based QuestionsStory Retold is included at the start of each prose chapterStanzawise Explanation is included at the start of each poemIntext Questions will enhance the critical ability of the studentsTABLE OF CONTENT:Flamingo-Prose (The Last Lesson, Lost Spring, Deep Water, The Rattrap, Indigo, Poets and Pancakes, The Interview -Part 1, Part 2, Going Places), Flamingo-Poetry (My Mother at Sixty-Six, An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum, Keeping Quiet, A Thing of Beauty, A Roadside Stand, Aunt Jennifer's Tigers), Vistas-Supplementary (The Third Level, The Tiger King, Journey to the End of the Earth, The Enemy, Should Wizard Hit Mommy, On the Face of It, Evans Tries an O-Level, Memories of Childhood- Part 1, Part 2)